OoC: Please excuse my posts constantly changing color. Just trying to find a style that works. Back to the roleplay! "Stand down Ashleigh," Jayce hissed into his mic, "know your god-damn place, you Nighthawk b****." He regretted the words as soon as they'd left his mouth, but he'd have time for apologising later. For now, he had to figure out the next move. Perhaps there was a way to track the Shards. He just needed to come up with something qu- CLANG! Jayce whirled around, scythe pointing towards the intruding noise. At first, he raised an eyebrow. Throda Bronzebeard, son of Throda Bronzebeard, had just tackled Anthem to the floor. It didn't take him long to piece together the puzzle however, from the expressions on his soldiers' faces to the man who'd been pushed to the floor by Ashleigh's servant. Anthem, whether ordered or through his own free will, had just attempted to fire the weapon. It took quite a bit of restraint not to decapitate the man there and then. "Stand down soldier," Jayce hissed to Anthem, helping Throda to his feet, "you might serve Ashleigh, but at the end of the day she is under my command. You will obey my authority and you will listen to my orders, whether you like it or not. I'm letting them go, understand!? We've got the tower under our control, and our reinforcements will be arriving at any minute. Now, I suggest you calm down before we take a look at what's really under that little helmet of yours. You got that?" With his threat delivered, the Demi God noted the varying faces on his troops. Some remained neutral, but others had difficulty hiding their discontent with the situation. He couldn't blame them. They were all sick and tired of the war, and their loyalty could easily wane at any moment. He just needed them to hold together a little while longer... "Sir, we've received word from the Northern sectors," a voice in his ear spoke "The airships are on approach. Do they have permission to land?" "Permission granted," Jayce nodded, "pleasure to have them here." The battle was won, there was no doubting it. The Shards were in retreat. But what had the conflict cost them? Rose was gone, captured by the enemy. They'd lost a great deal of men in the assault, more so than the Shards. As if that wasn't enough, they were now contending with some God Killer magic user and an Ancient God. It was like every time they took a step forward, fate shot them in the knee caps. Kalak was right. They were being outdone by humanity, and it was pretty damn embarrassing. "All units, this is Commander Jayce. The battle has been won, and Sky Tower is under our control. Have The Valiant take off and land at our position. We'll set up a garrison here and then we'll make our way back to HQ." Meanwhile, on board The Valiant... The two soldiers flinched slightly. The thief was waving a broken Xanahammah at them. Supposedly Xanatos' first ever weapon. Pretty badass too. Well, back when it had been whole of course. Right now, it couldn't do jack. That wasn't the problem though. The intruder had gotten his hands on a crystal. The very same crystal Jayce had delivered on his first day on board the ship, with strict orders that anyone who touched it would be cleaning toilets for the rest of their military career. And now the man was threatening them with it? Did he actually have any idea what it did? Cuz the soldiers sure didn't. "How about you put it down?" one of them suggested, "We don't fancy losing our jobs over this. Return that, and the broken Xanahammah, and we'll let you go. No questions asked." The airships engines began to rumble and shake. The Valiant was prepping for take off. In a few moments, they'd be up in the air. "Come on pal, there's no way out of this one."
Jayce was seriously wondering why Throda and Lucien were not getting their tan on. With the flames growing closer, the young Demi God took it upon himself to take care of the attacks. Discarding his gun for his scythe, he channeled another burst of energy through his veins and into the weapon, empowering it with a great and mighty magic. “Demi God Technique - Reaper!” The length of the scythe and blade extended, giving him a weapon which covered half the hallway. Grinning, Jayce stepped forward and used his new blades to cut through the torrent of flames approaching them. Once. Twice. Thrice. The Ancient God’s fiery judgement was dispelled, saving the group from a crispy end. “To the weapon, quickly!” His injury was still bothersome, but it wouldn’t be killing him anytime soon. Pushing the pain to one side, Jayce limped up the hallway, using the wall for leverage and his scythe as a stick, moving as fast as his legs would carry him. A few of his men pushed onwards, executing any remaining Shard forces which littered the hallways. Jayce was struggling to keep the pace, at one point nearly tumbling to the floor. Damn it. He had to catch up. Had to stop Carissa. Had to save Rose. The stupid girl. Why had she leapt into combat like that? He’d given orders to stand back, no? As soon as she was rescued, he’d give her a good, long rant about teamwork or something. That always seemed to work in the movies, right? Holy ****, his chest was burning now. There would be time to debate the use of cliché speeches later. Right now, he had to stop the Shards. Pushing onwards, he found his men had managed to secure the main AA gun. “Almost ready to fire sir,” one of them explained, “we’ve got a lock on their aircraft.” “Preparing to fire. Weapon charge at seventy-five percent and rising…” The weapon itself was magnificent. A giant, radiant crystal, powering a long length of iron that could blast untold quantities of energy at any given target. One shot from this and there’d be nothing left of Carissa and her forces… then again, there’d also be nothing left of Rose. No, he couldn’t allow her to get in the way of all of this. The war was just too important for it. He had to put an end to Carissa now. They were all gathered together. The Huntress. The Ancient God. Her most powerful forces all united in one spot. He could do it. Put an end to this war and it would only cost one more life… The life of his most loyal servant. He sighed. The Order was not what it once was. In the days of his father, the Hammers had commanded fantastic armies and the support of almost all realms. Now, they felt like a group of rebels, banded together to fight against the forces of oppression. They were so few. If they started killing each other off now, they would amount to nothing. No matter how much Jayce wanted to put an end to those disgusting heretics, he couldn't do so by murdering Rose. He couldn't end the war like this. "Hold your fire," Jayce raised his hand, "let them leave." "But, sir, there are so many high ranking mem-" "I said hold your fire damn it! Let them go. We can track them to their headquarters." A lie of course. But one that would keep the support of his men... For now. Meanwhile, a few miles away... The moment the glass case was lifted, an alarm resounded throughout the ship. Red lights blared and a screaming sound filled the poor ears of the souls on The Valiant. The dozens of soldiers left onboard sprung to action, charging down the various corridors and hallways, searching for the intruder who would dare to touch the priceless museum exhibit. A pair of them spotted Ransak emerging from the trophy room, and immediately gave chase.
Haha! A few presses of the trigger and he'd taken out the arrogant little s*** who called himself an Ancient God. Several well placed shots tore through his armour, leaving some sizeable injuries the poor git would be nursing for a few weeks. Grinning to himself, Jayce readjusted his aim, pointing it towards the Ancient God's head. It'd be a tough shot, but with help from his Scatter Shot, he figured he could finish his opponent off and put an end to a very serious th- Wait, what was going on behind his opponent? He'd failed to spot it before, but for some reason Rose had sprang on ahead. Stupid girl! He'd given her an order to wait until she was needed. As he attempted to make sense of what was happening, to his horror he noticed that Rose had been hit... by one of Carissa's special bolts no less. She was limp, motionless, and being hoisted over The Huntress's shoulder. Damn it! If he allowed them to get away, the Order would suffer quite the blow. Rose was essential to his plans. He needed her. "STOP THEM!" Jayce cried out to his troops, attempting to get a clear line of sight on Carissa. No such luck, considering he was using his fleur as a bullet shield. Damn it all to hell. He had to find a way to rescue her, but with three enemies blocking the path and his nasty injury, things weren't going to be easy. And then the Ancient God went and screwed everything up. His flame attack poured down the corridor, coming from all sorts of different directions. If they'd been trapped in an oven before, their foe had plunged them straight into the hottest furnace on the planet and then added boiling water. It wasn't so much about saving a single teammate now, but keeping everyone else alive. "SHIELDS UP!" Jayce ordered, "LUCIEN! THRODA! TIME TO GET YOUR TAN ON!"
Ceiling collapsing. Shards in retreat. Attacks flying in from everywhere. The pure, chilling and downright exciting throes of chaos had fallen upon them, and Jayce was loving every second of it. To Anthem's singing, the Demi God danced. To the left of a falling piece of ceiling. His hand twirled and eviscerated another portion of rock which tried to crush him. A scythe came at him from nowhere, the explosion the weapon produced resulting in a few additional burns to his armour. You'll have to do better tha- GAH! Jayce fumbled backwards, clutching his now bleeding chest. That damned Ancient God. Catching him unawares in the midst of the moment. Impressively cowardly. Shaking off the pain which came with such a strike, he vaguely heard Theodosia's questioning of God Slaying magic, and Throda asking about the status of the tower. "After them," Jayce managed to speak, "if we can make it to the weapon, we can shoot them down and put an end to this mess for good." His surviving soldiers, without forgetting to salute, raced down the corridor to catch the retreating Shards and to take control of the weapon. He signalled for the others to join the chase. "I'll be right behind you," Jayce promised, "just need to take care of this nasty cut." With that said, Jayce flipped out his pistol and fired several shots down the corridor, aiming to gun down the Ancient God and/or Carissa before they got too far away.
Jayce shuddered as he was temporarily removed from the world, reduced to a mere spectator. Like someone without a registered account on a message board. From up high, he watched flames, dark shadows and explosives befall his companions. Miraculously, many of them were spared Death’s kiss. He had to chuckle as Throda took a fireball and a firewall like a pen takes paper. Huh. He had to work on his comparisons. Reappearing into the world, he glumly noted the brave soldiers whose lives had been claimed by Carissa’s explosive bolt. Half of his NPC… I mean, half of his regular soldiers, a good seven of them, blown to bits. The others weren’t looking much better either. Giving them a nod of confidence, Jayce put his world-famous speed to the test and bolted down the hall. “CHARGE! ALL OF YOU!” Jayce ordered, pointing out the giant surge of fire coming towards them from the rear. In a few quick strides, he’d reached the end, face to face with several mean opponents. Carissa the Huntress, a cloaked figure giving off a tremendous wave of power and the ******* who’d thrown a fireball down the hallway. He decided to focus on the last one, who Throda had given a good bashing with his hammer. Aiming to put one of the fighters down, Jayce leaped forward and crushed his foot into Oriwhateverhisnameis’ already wounded leg, aiming to snap the bone. Not content to stop there, he attempted to roll around the man, firing a couple of rounds towards his turned back. “Give up Carissa,” Jayce faced the Huntress, “you’re outnumbered. Surrender and I might just spare your lives.” All except hers.
Like a great tidal wave smashing down upon the sands, Jayce felt it. Power. Power beyond anything he'd experienced in a long time. How hadn't he sensed it before? Had it been hidden from his mind's eye? Lurking in the corner, waiting to strike? Perhaps, perhaps not. Either way, as they'd grown closer to the control room, it had struck Jayce like a mighty blow from Throda's hammer. So much so he'd stalled temporarily in the hallway, attempting to shake his mind of what he'd just experienced. The woosh of Carissa's crossbow bolt brought him back to his senses, and only the timely intervention from Anthem stopped him from receiving a nasty injury. Great. Now he owed his pesky cousin more than he liked. He'd settle up with her later though. Right now, he had trouble in the form of a firestorm heading his way. He missed a glance at the figure who'd launched the attack, but he had no doubt the so-called powerful figure had been the one to launch the assault. Either way, Jayce now had the annoying problem of escaping a crispy death. No matter. He had just the technique for it. "EVERYONE! BEHIND ME!" Jayce yelled, stepping in front of Anthem. Time for the young Demi God to take a hit. Placing his arm forward, Jayce cast his next spell. "Demi God Technique - Arm Shield!" Immediately, a golden shield apparated into existence, after Jayce's body had relinquished the necessary energy. Holding this new defense in front of him, Jayce braced himself for the attack, which struck swiftly against his shield. He was pushed back slightly, and the shield did nothing to repel the heat spilling onto his face and arm. At one point, he feared he wouldn't be able to hold out... But at last, the flames dispelled and the group was safe to move on. Jayce briefly examined the shield, noting it could probably survive one last hit before breaking. A useful technique, but limited in what it could actually do. Still, it would suffice. "Move forward! Let's put an end to these Shard scum once and for all!" The Demi God led the charge onward, the thought of putting a bullet between Carissa's eyes pushing him further and further.
Rolled for Anthem blocking the bolt fired at Jayce. Used a d20, with 18+ resulting in a success. Rolled 19. Anthem blocked Carrisa's crossbow bolt.
Could do with another weakness (just for your Full Moon mode), but otherwise accepted. Accepted. Accepted.
Many things had transpired en route to the blast door. First, his cousin decided to show up from wherever she'd run off to. Whilst she would be bringing some welcome support in the form of her Knighthawks (he still despised that name), he couldn't help but scorn her internally for not arriving sooner. Her spells would have proved to be quite useful during the main assault. "Thank you for sending Anthem, Asleigh," Jayce replied, trying his best to keep the mean out of his tone, "I look forward to meeting with you after the battle." Next, Theodosia, his loyal "aide de camps" who he hadn't even seen following, had suggested challenging Carissa to a duel. He chuckled. As if it would ever come to that. He knew Carissa's type. She'd never take him one on one, even with her reputation. Heck, back in the old days she'd had her own squad to help with her dirty work... Kaia had dragged them down with her. "Do you honestly think the huntress will accept such a proposition?" Jayce shot back at Theodosia. His other allies, Throda and Lucien, voiced their support as well. "Lucien is right," Jayce nodded in regards to his comments in particular, "I can handle Carissa, but I won't be challenging her to a duel. With the five of us here, we can overwhelm anything she has to offer." "I am in. Activating now." Hmm? Clink. The blast doors began to rumble, a deep echo shuddering throughout the entirety of Sky Tower. The old machines and the rusted gears, kept sturdy by spell after spell, began to voice their frustrations, as they raised the blast door separating them from the upper floors. A new hallway was opened to them, revealing the passage that would take them to the summit. "Sir, at the end of the hallway!" His men had spotted it before he had. Three men, fleeing the scene. Rats delivering word to their master no doubt. A swift bullet from Jayce's gun caught one of them through the throat, but the other two were out of sight before he could stop them. Curses. Carissa would know they were coming. "Move out," Jayce told his forces, but before he could continue, an all too welcome voice buzzed in his ear. Nephew. "Jayce, this is Kalak. What was it you needed? I'm nearly inside. Got held up." "Make your way to the upper floors," Jayce replied, "Rose, that goes for you too. My squad will lead the initial attack. You two move in to support us if things go sour." He marched down the corridor, his thoughts momentarily drifting from the battle. If Carissa did truly await them, she would not be leaving Sky Tower alive. He'd consider sparing any single one of her men. Heck, he'd even hold at putting a bullet through Jaden Samarost's skull if he were to surrender... But now her. Never her. When Kaia had died, he felt as if he'd been fired upon with his own gun. He'd carried a wound with him since that day. Paining him. Draining him. When it all became too much, there were days were he couldn't move. Barely think. Shadows overwhelming him and threatening to consume him forevermore... He could fix that that though. Just needed to splatter Carissa's brains first. Yes. End her existence. Maybe then he'd get some damned sleep at night.
Accepted :D
"Stop right there, intruder!" BANG! The Shard soldier was down, a gaping, bleeding hole where his heart used to be. Some fool hiding behind the barrels had decided to come out and play. He hadn't played for long until his bedtime. As Jayce lowered his arm, he heard the unmistakable crash of Throda bashing through the basement door. The dwarf was barring his shining teeth at Jayce and his soldiers. "The art of surprise is for pansies." "Let's hope the noise keeps the heat off of Rose," Jayce patted the dwarf on the back, leading his soldiers up the staircase. They emerged in one of the corridors of the tower. The left would take them to the entrance hall, the way they would have come in if they weren't murdering the inhabitants. It would also take them to the staircase, no doubt still blocked by the blast door. Still, he had his best man (and woman) on the job, so it wouldn't be secure for much longer... Or would it? He had no doubt Rose was currently carving a path to the control room, but what of Kalak? The only response he'd heard back from his nephew was a strange growling sound, followed by the clashing of sword on sword. He was no doubt locked in some conflict, most likely with one of the Shard's upper-tier warriors. He hoped the lad was okay. He didn't want to lose the only family he had left. You still have- "No, I don't," Jayce muttered under his breath, before turning to his troops. "Lieutenant Rin, take half-a-dozen men and assault the armoury. Distract their troops as long as you can, then pull back to the blast doors at the staircase. We need to buy time for my assassin to reach the control room." Rin saluted her commander, dragging her forces along with to the armoury... most likely to certain death. Jayce had no idea how heavily guarded the armoury was, but it wasn't a sure victory without Kalak alongside them. They just needed to give Rose her window of opportunity. "The rest of you, with me! Let's go get the b**** who keeps blowing up our troops!" A round of cheers emerged from his steadfast warriors, as they began the charge to the upper floors.
Just as Jayce plunged into the tower, an explosion lit up the battlefield behind him. He was propelled forward, landing a little ungraciously on his rear end. He jumped to his feet, quickly shooting a glance backwards. Carrisa's bolts had felled at least another five men. Damn it. "Orders sir?" one of the Hammer Captains spoke up. The forces that Throda and Jayce had managed to lead inside numbered twenty seven. It would suffice. "A dozen of you will remain here to keep the entrance protected," said Jayce, "the remainder will accompany me to the upper levels... providing Kalak and Rose can get the door open." The Demi God spoke into his headset, "Kalak, Rose, do you copy? Give me a status update now. How's the blast door looking?"
BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Another four down, and the defenders on the walls were quickly dropping. More than one, Jayce had spotted Carissa among their ranks. He'd tried getting a shot off, but she'd slipped away each time. He needed to end her quickly. His troops were already taking mounting casualties. If they didn't breach the tower soon, the battle would be lost. He fired another shot off, ripping through a poor redshirt's eye socket. And yet still, Carrissa was just too quick to hit. Maybe if he positioned his weapon just right... "Reaver! Our hosts have made the way for us!" The Demi God froze, his attention turning to his dwarven friend. Was that... it was! A breach in Sky Tower! The structure had been weakened somehow. Jayce praised his fellow Gods, slipping closer to the wall. "Keep them occupied!" the leader ordered his troops, who continued firing at those who dared to walk the battlements. Jayce pressed himself against the structure of the tower, nodding to Throda. "We should probably widen it," Jayce grinned. He had just the spell in mind. "Keep back." Holstering his gun for what felt like the 50th time that day, the young Demi God took a deep breath. He pressed his palms together, allowing the sounds of battle and dying men to drift away for a moment. He instead focused on something else. Something far greater than anything any human could hope to muster... "LIGHTNING SPLITTER!" Arcs of electricity tore through his veins and blasted from his fingertips, smashing into the sizeable opening with such ferocity, such brilliance, that even Jayce couldn't look directly at the lightning he had unleashed. Shattered stone reached his ears, filling them with a symphony of coming death for his foes and a dawning victory for his allies. "Order of the Hammer, put an end to these heretics! In the name of my father, Xanatos Reaver. In the name of the Demi Gods. In the name of humanity's future. Fight with me, and help put an end to this scourge!" "CHARGE!"
"GET DOWN!" A short distance from the tower they'd run into trouble. Trouble in the form of an explosive crossbow bolt. Jayce grimaced as five of his men were scattered into the air, their limbs painting the battlefield. There was only one person he knew who used such weaponry. I'll shove one of those crossbow bolts straight up her- "SIR! ON THE BATTLEMENTS!" Joining the huntress was a complement of two dozen or so soldiers, equipped with ranged weaponry. The formation was still reassembling after that first attack. He couldn't allow the Shards to put any more pressure on their forces. Ripping his 9mm out, he unleashed his own personal devastation on the heretics. BANG! BANG! BANG! Three were down in the span of a thought. Jayce didn't stay routed to the spot, rolling to the side whilst continuing to fire. "TROOPS, REGROUP! TAKE OUT THE SOLDIERS ON THE BATTLEMENTS!"
"Oh for BLEEP sake." They'd only just finished repairing that window, and Throda had gone and broken it. Wonderful. Well, there was no point sitting around any longer. The invasion was starting. He nodded to the others, a subtle indication at the action that he was about to take. He followed Throda's lead, leaping out the broken window and taking to the skies. Reckless disregard of safety... though I can't deny it's fun. Upon hitting the ground, Jayce caught sight of something. A twitching. A movement. In his haste to hit things, the dwarf had obviously missed one of the scouts, lying in the wastelands. The Shard member had his hand on the hilt of a blade.. Sighing, the Demi God pulled out his pistol and blasted him in the head. Swiftly holstering his weapon, Jayce wasn't at all surprised when he spotted Throda downing a bottle of booze. "That stuff better help you with your killing," Jayce warned, walking towards the dwarf's side and observing their target. Sky Tower was just ahead. A few minutes of marching and they'd be knocking on the door. Behind him, he could hear the loud grumble of the airship engines down themselves to a soft hum, as The Valiant landed upon the battlefield. "Sir, the airship has safely landed. Permission to deploy troops?" asked the voice in Jayce's head. Hehe, kidding. He's wearing an earpiece. "Permission granted Captain," Jayce affirmed, "Begin deployment. Three quarters of the troops will assault the tower. The remainder will stay here to defend the airship. Keep the engines running and the weapons loaded, in case we need to make a quick getaway. Once the AA gun is under our control, you have permission to bring the airship in to mop up any surviving Shards." "Copy that sir, ramps are being lowered. Good luck." The airship opened up, releasing its payload of two-hundred or so soldiers. Thump thump thump. They marched down the metal ramp, dressed in blue and white, equipped with energy shields and small arm weapons. Without a word, they split into several groups, assembling in the infamous tortoise position. "Order of the Hammer... BEGIN THE ATTACK!" Jayce yelled, tapping Throda on the shoulder and beginning the march towards the tower.
Good to go!
"I'll find this armoury. If it as you say, Uncle, then allow me to secure the ordnance. I'll leave the rest in your capable hands." "Alright then," Jayce nodded, "though I'll need you and whoever you take with you to complete another objective for me. The staircase to the upper floors will be blocked by a heavy blast door. We could destroy it, but that might take too long. Pass through the armoury after you've secured it, and you'll end up in a control room. From there, you can override the door and allow my team to proceed." He turned to Rose, "My loyal warrior, whilst my nephew cuts through their forces, perhaps you can slip around them and hit the control room? The sooner that door is dealt with, the quicker we can take over the tower. I shall take Throda and any other specialists we have, along with a group of our soldiers. We'll launch an initial assault on the upper levels and attempt to take the AA gun." The plan was set in motion now. The decisions had been made, ones Jayce could only hope would result in their victory. Otherwise, he wasn't certain how much his father's order could hold up. A third of their forces had been brought to the field. If they lost... No, they wouldn't. He couldn't think like that. Couldn't slip into that mindset. They WOULD win. The Shards were powerful, but even their very best warrior couldn't hope to match a Demi God on their own. And today, the Order was bringing their very best. Sky Tower would be reclaimed, and humans would learn what it meant to bite the hand that fed them. Speaking of their very best... "Now now fellows, let's not seem so on edge here..." Right on time. "Lucien," Jayce waved at the newcomer, who was currently rattling on about beating people to a pulp, "scrub your knuckles. I need you to beat the crap out of some Shards for me. Maybe even a door."
Accepted. Reitan needs another weakness or two. Eluna however is accepted.
“We might be able to find the son of a ***** who killed mum.” Jayce immediately froze up in his chair. His grip on the sides tightened, and he was forced to lower his gaze as his eyes burned. Kalak’s mother. Joyce’s sister. A shoulder to lean on in the tough times and a friend during the fun times (what few there had been). Intelligent and beautiful, and tragically killed before her time. Kaia... “We can only hope,” Jayce whispered, “and if they are, then Carissa’s hunt ends tonight." He of course knew who would be awaiting them at the tower. Carissa the hunter. Spawned from the lineage of Samarost. The bane of Demi Gods everywhere. She’d dedicated her life to reducing the ranks of his race. He’d kept track of all the kills she’d made, and if he was correct, she’d was second on the high score of Demi God kills. The first spot was still held by his father. "Any other orders? Specific objectives?” The “young” Demi God looked up, noting that Kalak was nodding towards Rose. His own attack dog, not that he’d ever use that term. A fiercely loyal servant. And equally deadly. If Theodosia was his secretary, then Rose was his sword. “Expect heavy resistance and give them no ground. Aim to capture any of their high-ranking members, but otherwise put a bullet between their eyes or a sword through their heart. Furthermore, aim to take control of the armoury. There’s some powerful weapons stored there, and I’d rather we don’t give the Shards any more of an advantage than they already have.” “Sir, we’ve got a situation here!” Damn it. That intercom brought nothing but bad news. Jayce pushed the magic button on his chair. “What is it Captain?” “Sky Tower just fired its weapon!” What? Had he made a mistake with his calculations? Sky Tower couldn’t hit them at this range… could it? Was the mission a failure before it had begun? Damn it all. “All hands, brace for i-“ “Sorry to interrupt sir, but we’re not the target.” … “WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE!?” As a stream of apologies burst through the speakers, Jayce kept his breathing in check and tapped gently on his 9mm. “One of these days…” “Sky Tower’s AA gun fired into, well, the sky. There doesn’t appear to have been a target. It may have been a warning shot.” Jayce doubted that very much. “The Shards wouldn’t warn us. If they could, they would have blasted us straight out of the sky. I’m guessing some moron decided to shoot at some bird. The assault proceeds as planned. Captain, commence landing sequence.” It was time.
At Sky Tower, one of the soldiers was currently eyeing up Carissa's fine a**. So distracted was he by that wonderful beast of a woman, that he leaned on the console and accidentally hit the firing button. The AA canon was immediately fired skywards. "Oops," the soldier stepped away from the console, "ah well. I'm sure it won't hit anything important."