Only own the COM and KHII manga but yeah i like them, mainly cos of the comedy content and those exta things on them. (Exp: the Castle Oblivion's basement is an actual a basement instead of an empty white room)
Xemnas I love his 6 min speach to Kingdom Hearts moon. :P
Yellow - Coldplay
Hello :) Thanks for the add.
Ditto, also oddly the title reminds me of the whole KH unbirth disscusion :/
Not my favorite but yeah I like 'em and I recently keep lisening to Get it up and Evening wear ;P
Jet Pilot - SOAD
Larxene's english laugh, when i first heard it made me laugh along with her :P
Hey welcome to the site! post alot,have fun,follow the rules,ect ect. I also like the FF games and of course KH (wich is why i'm on this site) and if you wanna be friends PM ok? : )
I didn't like Marluxia's voice that much ether, Seems like it's a leaders thing: Xemnas = Superior, Saix = 2nd in-command, Marluxia = Lord of Castle Oblivion. They all have monotone-ish type of voices...
I really wouldn't mind I'll still play the game : ) Kairi and Riku would probably change places tho [Kairi would be Sora's best friend and Riku the crush] i think.. Uh and Axel/Roxas would become oficially cannon : D
Xigbar and Saix were entertaining fights.
Riku: "How am I gonna face everyone" Sora: "Like this" *makes a face* Riku: *LOLS* Riku actually LOLS wich of course made me lol too.
Fisrt got while fighting Demyx in Hollow Bastion.
Cool, I actually liked Zexion's voice in the game and woot Demyx finally appears! with every new update this game looks even cooler. Well he is at the Coliseum after all xD *shot*
Cardcaptor Sakura and the first 3 seasons of Digimon.
Pico to chico and i'm not watching it again.
Hope you don't mind but i love your signature : D I used to draw random pokemons when i was bored. Thanks : ]
Cool, the fact that english VAs are been confirm quickly at this time makes me wonder if there already working on the traduction if so that's an early start : )
Thanks for the info! Can't wait for this to come out! I wanna see the Axel vs Xion fight : D and lol at the moogle with an Org XIII cloak, SE would probably later sell those.