Summer of 2006 when i boght KH2 and i liked it so i boght the rest.
Thought it was a girl with super short hair and mickey mouse shoes... still think he looks better in his KH2 outfit.
Hardest: Demyx 2nd battle. Easiest: Seifer when starting the game as Roxas.
Build god then we'll talk - P!ATD
My friend always talked about the cutscenes on the phone till she made me go to her house and play KH1 with her :P I ended up liking it and by coinsidence there was a sale at gamestop the next day and bought KH2 in which i feal in love with <3
Riku cos I love SE's silver haired bishonens, and Vexen cos he's awsome in my book.
Roxas theme, Lazy afternoons, and Treasured memories.
Hmm I actually like Wonderland so I'm glad it's coming back but I'm a bit dissapointed that we don't have Hollow Bastion and Atlantica (only cos I would have like to see the organization as mermans lol)
Woot! seems wer'e getting closer and closer, they even have an estimated realese date already.
Zexion finally appears! : D I don't find strange that Saix hates Xion, maybe he suspects her of something or know that she'll leave the organization. Anyways thanks for the scans. Still waiting for the game to come out...
Got old after the last 2 years epecially on fanfics whenever Xemnas pops up there's atleast 1 org member that calls him like that...
Eyes on me - Faye wong
Axel's death is definately the most touching IMO, seconded would be Vexen's since he BEG for mercy and Axel didn't care and kill him just like that :/
From the poll I'll say the fat bandits but the ones I really hate are the air soldiers cos they were annoying in KH1 Hollow Bastion.
Criminal - Alexz J.
*GASP* Axel & Roxas isn't on the list! D: Oh well *votes for Sora & Namine* : )
Your sweet six six six - HIM
Yesterdays Feelings - The Used
*Waves Vexen flag* He's my favorite Org XIII memeber! I love the ice power! <3 and also has nice hair i love his voice in english and his random "hrm" moments : D "I don't want to...go yet" *gets evily kill on fire by Axel* T_T so sad and it's worst on the manga..
Thunder and Cure.