Marluxia's scythe or Xiggy's guns.
Just once in the fight with Xaldin.
I'll give Cloud Fenrir and Follow the wind to Jack sparrow. oh and Sweet Memories for Pooh :P Why? I wanna see Cloud fight with a keyblade that looks like his sword, I don't remember what Jack sparrow used for fighting but he'll look nice with a keyblade and at last Pooh never knows when he'll need it :P (and just for the heck of seeing pooh trying to use it lol)
Sephiroth and Squall/Leon, imo.
The dragoon nobodies.
I'll take Roxas or Marluxias hair ;P Oh and Xigbar's guns.
I Like Lazy afternoons a bit better.
Nobodies! especially the Org XIII.
Simple and clean.
*doesn't feel like rambling* Just what he said besides some of the cursing :q so yeah i hate DiZ/ATW.
Namine since she can actually do something (her power over memories) unlike kairi who got owned by heartless while wielding a keyblade!
None i like them all (yes even Lexeaus who doen't even have much screen time).
Monstro and Atlantica
Bittersweet yes, got watery eyes the first time i saw it...then again i like that stuff even tho i stoped liking the Sokai in and after CoM.
Always choose the sword : ) and i think i got rid of the staff since it looked kinda dull.
Chain of memories was hard and long for me...i hate the cards.
The castle was ok to get around in, what really did bother me was to re-watch dragon-malificent cutscene and the one before fighting riku-ansem more than 6 times! i even memorised the dialog :/
KH2 cos it has the whole Roxas thing going on....and the KH storyline in general gets better IMO.
Hard question since i'll like to know more about everyone of them (cept Axel we know almost enoght about him..) but still i choose my favorite member on the pool ; )
No, Tidus, Wakka, & Selphie look more like his acquaintances...but why didn't he worry about his MOM!? didn't he liked her or something? even if he didn't wouldn't he worry about her? i always wondered that.