Beast's Castle theme and "Lazy afternoons" from TWTW.
Yes, i love those two places especially the oasis, i even stayed there for awhile the first time cos i didn't wanted to leave :P
Larkxa (not real name sorry you just get an internet allias :sweatdrop:)
Yes, one was about that I was Sora and sneak in to the secret place he, Riku, and Kairi hanged out in KH1. The other was an AU (altenative universe) of the Organization...
It wasn't that hard for me ether (spell wrong i know..) yes I died once and king mickey helped me once but really it wasn't that hard maybe cos I leved up alot on every world i went..and had alot of hi-potions equiped.
Err wow didn't knew about that one...haven't play the games since i finished but when I did I leveled up at Hollow bastion and The land of dragons.
Trying to hit/kill that heartless scanner thing in Hollow Bastion, also I used to go to the fountain in Sunsent terrace alot cos I thought I cold fight Shadow-Roxas again..
Meh I won't even bother it's just another hollywood remake wich i'm thro with, i'm sticking with the original this time.
I looked it up :P and yes his face kinda does look like Human!Jafar...he's only missing the beard.
I Like all types of music *coght*exept reggee*coght* sorry there.
Does anyone know them around here? like them if so any fans? or favorite songs by them? : ) and yes the band's name is HIM..
433 songs and i'm ok with it :P
Well they both blonde with kinda the same hairstile, dislike Seifer, and like to fight (struggle on Hayner's place), oh also they get angry easily (chicken woss, lol). So yeah maybe he's based on Zell at least a bit.
Can i take Marluxia and Vexen please? (Btw is really really soft shonen-ai possible? ^^) if not then i still would like to take them : )
Thanks Mike for again another scan! At first I thought it was Larxene till I zoom the picture.. but Luxord seems like the perfect member for this world (makes me wonder what he'll do to the cards there, lol)
Aww not another delay! D: I only hope they keep there Aug 2009 US release date true cos i don't wanna wait ANOTHER year : (
Depends on how the KH mangas are selling, i guess.. If they did they'll probably add a bunch of random scenes on the 358/2 days one :P
Oh yes!! how many times did i mute the tv ._.
Don't hate anyone tho the only one who got close to hating was Axel (for the killings in CoM) but i kinda forgived him in KH2 for kairi i pretty much just ignore her :/ *gasp* How could I miss DiZ! D: I hate him tons :S
KH1 was harder for me the optional bosses were a pain and Sora was slower in fights unlike in KH2 where you could use a drive and breeze thro the field :/