Oh yes, the 'taller = seme' thing :/ Sora and Ariel are girl-friends at singing :P Oh there's XemSai, MarVex, XigDem, LuxDem, XigLux, LexZex,...
Yup, he's too summisive with Roxas to top and besides he has the hips :) Do you ship RiSora or SoRiku? or some other KH ship?
Honestly, Xigbar's and all of Xemnas's Battles were my faves.
Riku, Roxas, and what was left of the Org...But yeah mainly just Riku.
Sephiroth followed by Squall (Leon).
Greetings to you too Seme!Roxas supporter :D *bows*
Hi there and welcome to KHV! I mainly just come here to check on the KH series updates but I hope you have lots of fun here and of course follow the rules :) Oh yes this place needs more Roxas/Axel fans so I welcome you even more ^^ PS: yes youtube is evil :S
Aww, I was actually getting my hopes up for a August release date :/ Oh well that's what I get for beliving GS for once..
Master Xehanort and Master Xehenort's apprentice. Yes and them too, I'll at least like if they showed a small cutscene.
Aqua, she looks like she has potential to actually be a cool female character. Pehaps cos she looks older than the rest (besides probably Larxene).
Roxas Theme.
Older Riku! He's more mature and looks better and cooler (especially with the blindfold), lol
Wow thanks Mike That Axel picture sure is pretty and I don't think the whole 'Axel keeping something away from Roxas' is really a spoiler :P just saying.. Oh and I'm interested what the bundle would be like and if it's coming here too.
Thanks, now I wish I could understand what there talking about especially 9 since it seems like the most interesting one..
Thanks Mike for the scans! Those 2 trickmasters shure look like a challenge I'll preffer to fight them at the same time insted of one at a time :P and does that KH movile have anything to do with Coded cos it look so cartoony.
Disney organization? Oh the villans from KH1, lol. But it is a bit obious that the Organization XIII would win the poll...after all this is in the KH2 section.
I see Xemnas bashing here...:P I've never seen Saix bashing before were did you found it? I like ALL of the XIII members and while Saix may not be on my top 5 i find him quite an interesting character especially while reading a bit of the novel... also i love the hair-flip scene <3 how can someone hate a character who fixes his hair and is bad*** at the same time? sure he 'picked' on Sora and Axel and acts a bit like Xemnas but i don't hate him for that he didn't kill anyone unlike others...The end! PS: i REALLY like you username and siggy : )
Like them alot when i was 14....don't take it as an insult (which is not ment to be one, lol) they just lost my interest but i still carry like 4 songs of them of my MP3 and lisent to those when no ones around, so i guess that's something : ) Favorites being Kill all your friends and This is a fashion statement,maily for the sound i try to ignore the 'negative feelings' lyrics. Ah yes this is one of those bands you eter(bad spelling) Hate or Love.
No I didn't count them the first time (as Roxas) but yeah later (as Sora) i did.
I'll probably have eter the ice or space element and hang out around traverse town.