kh2fm when do you actually fight him in kh2?
ive tried countless times but i just cant beat roxas i usually get to the part where w/ each slash he lets out a laser beam or w/e it is and i die there any tips?
i know ther are a hundred of the same answers and mines the same what game are you talking about
um just keep it ther ill pm u wen the 1st episode happens but right now we dont have enough ppl 4 episode 1 we need at least 1 more
just go to dl skype and make an account my account name is deededee13 on skype and yes kinda all you have to do is act like your sephiroth in your case and we talk basicly like a show just norally how the two characters would react to eachother
ok great ill add you to the list
sure you can and even though i said one per person ill let you have one other because your wont have many fights ill change that in the rules as long as you have a headset(prefered) or a mic and speakers just dl skype when i pm you about our 1st episode same goes for everyone else by the way sephiroth will not be in episode one FYI
wats up you probably dont know me but im making a kh show where i will let you guys be in it i will put all the rules here in this 1st post so here we go 1.the characters will be a 1st come 1st serve basis so if you post for a character 1st ull get it but im axel so hes taken 2.kinda same rules as the forums no swearing,sexual references etc. 3.i post whos who in here i believe if i dont then i will just keep posting updates 4.i prefer u have skype downloaded (but you can do that after you get the part) and have a headset more recommended or just a microphone and speakers idc 5.just post in here saying what charcter you want(other than axel which is me) and you will get it and i will have to add you so i can keep in contact with you and tell you apart and give credit where its deserved 6. have fun we will have some fights in our episodes which i will use my codes to form so i think this'll be great by the way the characters you can be will be listed below i forgot about that because of the fights i can only have certain characters in my show but other than that here they are 7.i will pm you when you are going to be in the show bcuz not everyone will be in one show then we will try to find a good time to do it 8.only one character per person unless your character has few fight as it is mentioned in which case you get 2 CHARACTERS sora: roxas: riku: the fifth element kairi(possibly the only one without fights i will make one tho): heyner(i think i can have him ill update this 2morrow): xemnas: xigbar: saix: axel: deededee13 leon: tifa: yuffie: cloud: sephiroth: heart of darkness jack sparrow(possibly less fights than sephiroth): king mickey: marluxia(will have 1 or 2 fights maybe more if i can use cheats on my kh2fm when i get it): and thats it as these places fill i will be updating it
ive changed the location into the regular role playing thread look there for details and dont post here because i wont read it
umm i kinda would like to be axel but i guess i cant soo ill be xemnas then if i can...i guess ill write the description name:xemnas age:12 grade:7 appearance:black coat (matches everyone elses >.>) anime-ic hair i think white bio: i have kool beam swords if u mess w/ me in my locker(luckly they havnt been confiscated) and i never take my coat off (as far as you know) so i guess pm me about it cuz it sounds kool and by the way i like saying it but im eagerly awaiting my kh2fm+ in the mail