after dark here
it would be good if there was a kingdomhearts for wii
lets see.... 74 here
on kh 1 i can't kill that gargole thing where its feet are stuck together in a crator with red in the middle(the only way i could describe it) it keeps killing me with its fire. help
i agree☻☺☻☺
it tuck me 1 hour to kill him
i was exepticing to meet him later on
i beet him but it took me agers
Who is your favorite organization i know i did the title wrong =s 1.xemas 2. Xigbar 3.Xaldin 4. Vexen 5. lexaeus 6.Zexion-my favorite 7. saix 8.Axel-is winning 9.demyx 10. luxord 11. marluxia 12.larxene 13.roxas
i like roxas when he's n twilight town and he see's sora , i like how he says " sora i guess your lucky , my summer vactioins...over". i love that part
in the first 1 sora dosn't look 14 , he looks younger
i want it to come out on ps2 , but it probaly won't:nono:
on the second one i counterd the steps at twilight town to see if the " wonder of twilight town" was true.. it was 21 up and down.. and on the first one when killing the dragon i hide in the thorns and let donald and goofy take care of it
my godmother brought it me for my birthday
i disliked that Namine was only in the start and ending bit , i think she should of showed up more
i just wonderd because Roxas looks like sora but Namine dosn't look like kairi and most nobodys have a x in there name exept her
Is Namine Kairi's nobody? ( i put heartless in the title) some people say she is and some people say she isnet
lets see my name is Zoe.... Zoex-hmm there a type of shoe Oxez- sounds like ox's Zexo- it looks good but i have no idea how to say it =s
riku is the hottest out of that but i think zexion is the hottest overall