has it finished =[ i wanted to be in it no fun
thats clever
did it hurt?
Username:kh_namine_kh Characters:namine Renders (if any):http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj26/Zobby890/soora.jpg Size:a rectangal shape i can use and msot people have Text: memories...lost
can i be namine
can i be sora please
this is bassed on the books darran shan wrote about deomons.. so if you have read the book we all know about deomons and all that. so this is basiclay a thread where you can act out being a deamon or grubbs. charecters-- humonss ____________ grubbs- gret- devrish- bill-E- Bo- (if you have any other charecters you wanna be let me know) deamons ________ lord loss- vein- archery- kh_namine_kh you can make your own deamon by filling out this forum name of deamon: aprence:write this in words played by: other: hope you have fun(killing is aloud but the person has to come back alive or that wont be no fun =p)
can i be hayner please
this is a summer camp. it has a lake , a forest surroding it and some tents wich you sleep in. charecters- sora- roxas kairi- namine-kairi namine- kh_namine_kh zexion- riku- axel- demyx- random angel olette- hayner- pence- yuna-random angel Sasuke Uchiha - Hinata - Naruto - Neji Hyuuga - Haku - cloud- if theres a charecter i havnt includerd and you want to be please post the name. first come first serve
please , can it have a picture of namine on it and in my sig ill put it was made by you. can it also include a picture of namine. thanks
hope you enjoy yourselfs i have to wait till may :ninjacat:
* runs round zapping people with soras memories*
*gets a book and starts to draw in it*
you have to give some poiten to the yellow flower , move the rock then eat the big choclate thing to get small again. then at the end of the forest theres a room what was coverd before called tea party room i think. then you go into the door in there , light the torchers jump through the hatch and walla your done
can i be ollete please
i never noticed , if you type somethig wrong just click edit and change it
can i be namine please
whos wakka?
so.... start teaching me werid thinkgs(ur job)
demyx room would probaly have waterfalls in it