That is awesome
in kh2 sora didnt know about the organization and then he started meeting them but he only saw six together he met eight of them but he didnt ask why there called13 i mean id say how come ive only met eight peopel but how many members are ther and micey and riku still rememberd i think sora just dosent think about stuf like that
Have you ever thought maybe axel and roxas where both soras nobody because when axel was near sora or roxas he said he felt like he had a heart
thats going to be awsome when they actualy have good games for it year2012
my favorite moment was the ending when king micyr and riku stayed behind kingdom hearts
im glad there making this game and i am going to get it but all of these problems there running into wouldnt have happing if they just put it on the psp
im currently playing super mario galaxy
whos getting star wars the force unleash yes im going to get it for the wii and i am a star wars fan
i say riku because hes been in the darkside
no i win i win
i hate xaldan and vexen the most
i change my mind i think he should have a hamster
my brother told me about it
stock up on exlilers and keep using limit thats what i did and i was only level 85
i think he should have a pet dog
do you like biscuts and gravy i do i just had some for dinner