what is this game are you talking about resistance fall of man
kingdom hearts freinds i was wondering if any one has a freind in real life who likes kingdom hearts series i use to but he moved to california
how long have you been a fan of the kingdom hearts series ive been a fan since 2004 when i got the game in august other wise i got chain of memories and kingdom hearts 2 on there release dates
my favorite was hydra
thats awesome
thankyou for saying hye everyone
myn also says remote file i need help what dose that even mean
thats awesome or not whichever one you want im tierd bye go"s to bed
its just awesome allright
that is awesome
khcrazy heres the link
i cant get this picture in my signitare and i requested it from Darkaeroga but when i put the link in and click on save it dosent do any thing please help
welcome welcome to the site glad your here follow the rules and have a good time
can you make me this sig Username:twilight knight4 Render (image Link) : a picture of vens face when mx grabs his head and freezes him What size (default 400x125):400x125 Backround color: blue and black Text: Is this the end Text Placement: at the bottom please and thank you
definently fake nice cover tho
whats up up welcome to the site hope you have a good time
for school any where from 5:30 to 6:00 week days any where form 7:30 to 9:00
maybe who knows if they did it would be stupid if it was only released in japan
thankyou misty for changeing the sections
im not sure if these has been posted but who do you want as the third playable character in bbs heres the list aqua, master xeahnort secret aprentice king mickey