alright this is a sig i want please Text: Dievieouse Betrayer Background: Black and blue Extras: can you put blue flames around the edge Size:Medium heres the link and heres the picture
well alright everyone ill just start posting more
this forums have been boring lately and i still really dont talk to anyone here
nothing i like your lost sig
hey isnt elephant man an old movie
who likes naruto and gos to naruto centrals forums called naruto lounge
can i join Username: twilight knight4 Rank:aweosme guy Number: 45 Personality: nice Reason For Being here:to do something
so why is this called squriel god
kh2 because of the graphics
whats up !
i realy didnt like that game havent playd it in a while so i cant think of one
there where six apprentices xemnas xigabar xaldin vexen lexeaus and zexion then they got seven other members and the 14 one we dont know about
that was awesome wonder why he didnt use it in the fight with mx
i do especially sugar
whas your other favorite game sseries besides kingdom hearts vote on the poll if you put other post the game series you like thats not on the poll
i was just wondering if any of you have a acount on any other kingdom hearts fan sites what i mean is do you post on them like i have one on kingdom hearts and my name is awesome roxas
gosh i didnt have the head phones on so i watched it twice that really sucks
alright every one i change the title are you happy im glad some people actually read the question
i guest i didnt make this clear enough and yeah i do have freinds i was asking if any one has freinds who like kingdom hearts because none of my freinds do and my freind who move to califpornia is the only guy ive met who liked it is this clear enough
it was sort of harder i didnt beat it tho got three fourths through the game got stuck and got tired of trying