that was an epic intro welcome
An executive of Rovio, developer of the mobile game Angry Birds, said the company was worth several billion dollars. Speaking to the magazine Rovio Chief Marketing Officer Peter Vesterbacka said the company valuation of $700 million to $1 billion made by Forbes in July 2011 is way too low. Vesterbacka says his company should easily be worth at least several billion dollars. "We are not selling though -- unless somebody offers enough," Vesterbacka was quoted saying in the interview.
welcome to khv. You found a great community here
that is funny and awkward at the same time.
Happy Birthday Bushy
I'm on a zombie book kick right now. I just finished the three books in the 'Zombie Fallout' series. Now i'm reading 'Rot, Ruin"
Feels great!!!
yeah if there's a line comedians cross, he's so far past it he can't even see it anymore. Very funny stuff
God damn skynet is getting closer every day!
I thought they were going to send a crew of oil drillers? Bruice Willis is gonna be pissed.
holy smokes a third kid has died. A nine-year-old Virginia boy has died after swimming in water infected by a bug known as the "brain-eating amoeba," according to reports. It was the third such death this month.
i ready somewhere at "1" person has died (before now) since the 1970's I wont add fresh water to my list of fears any time soon.
big fan of these guys Smart!
Filed under AWESOME
Sharks always get a bad rap According to the International Shark Attack File (ISAF), a program run by marine biologists at the Florida Museum of Natural History, the number of unprovoked shark attacks has grown at a steady pace over the past century with each decade having more attacks than the previous.
if they do capture it, i somehow doubt they'll be shipping it back to the sewers
EWW A capybara, a species of rodent native to South America, was seen at the Paso Robles Wastewater Treatment Plant. Officials say it weighs up to 120 pounds. capybara's are the largest living rodents in the world!! Adult capybaras may be as long as 130 centimeters (more than four feet) and 50 centimeters (1.6 feet) tall, and weigh more than 100 pounds.
welcome back to KHV
servers are never perfect. You will always see issues like that. It's when they last for more than a few minutes we have problems