bollocks cant watch it on my phone UPDATE: i can view it on my phone just let it render
Put mud in your hair.
Put a bumper sticker on your car misty
Its a pleasure to warn people
VW's arent bad. They are running just fine EDIT: Why didnt you choose for a 5DR instead of a 3DR
Oh and welcome to Be sure that you use our spamzone with caution because it can nasty there
I want a big room with my own kitchen, bathroom, toilet. And in the yard a guillotino.
Welcome back loriah. Why not ask one of our staff members to unban your previos account B.T.W i'm still khgeek
All of its co workers were gone
So whats next? KH-Vids+
Youtube is slowly turning into google+. Soon they wil merge those 2 sites together So... Make an account for kh-vids on dailymotion. They dont look for copyrighted stuff yet
Its official now. Google ruined the comments section. My advice: join dailymotion
yet another one: spambot alert
and dont forget the android platform
Its icelandic
hello, when do you come back
I think i found a spammer: (before amaury reports it)
Yes it is