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  1. sora roxas60
    That's ******ed. I heard about this too on the news. And I must say, people these days are mother****ing stupid. Come on! It's a damn neon sign! You can't do anything in this world anymore! Inignokt and Err are awesome! But no, people are all "I thought it was a bomb!" Yeah, because that's how it ALWAYS happens!
    The soldiers in Iraq are always like, "Watch out for neon signs!!! Especially ones with cartoon characters that are blocky and pixelated!!!!!!" Yeah... We've got someREALLY rational people in the USA...
    Post by: sora roxas60, Feb 11, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  2. sora roxas60
    Every time I play in the Cerberus Paradox Cup, I don't get enough points for Jiminy's Journal!!! I'm supposed to get 1300, but I only get like 1214 or something!!! Help!!!!
    Thread by: sora roxas60, Feb 11, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  3. sora roxas60
    I got it!!!!!!!!!!!
    Snig jiggalaharven!
    Roshkatev hoolaba yerhushmiggen!!!
    Monda mekanai makate pushno!!!!!!!!
    Post by: sora roxas60, Feb 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. sora roxas60
    If all obsessions are bad, then why are you here?
    Some are kind of bad, indeed, but, to a certain extent, are tolerable and not in any way shape or form harmful.
    What's harmful is how an obsession can encompass and eventually swallow your peronal life.
    What's harmful is what the feelings accompanying the obsession can do to you.
    Take my best friend, (name edited for privacy).
    We'll call him...Lindsey.
    Now, Lindsey used to sort of like WoW.
    By week 2, Lindsey hardly came out of his room.
    By the end of month 1, Lindsey was a hermit.
    By the end of month 2, Lindsey's vision had decreased by 50 percent. He needed glasses 1/4 of an inch thick.
    And by the release of Burning Crusade, he was playing WoW while he was camped out. H e had a special router installed to his car just to play WoW for 10 an extra minutes while going to school.
    Now, it is days at a time before I see him outside.
    He was a straight A student, and he sunk to C's.
    My point is, it's not the obsession. It's if you let it get out of hand what it makes YOU do. That's my analysis of it.
    Oh yeah, P.S. his girlfriend dumped him and he put on 30 pounds in 3 months. So, yeah. And I'm a straight A student. The were only four, and now there's two. Because my OTHER friend got involved in ToonTown. But that's a story for later....
    Post by: sora roxas60, Feb 4, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  5. sora roxas60
    Leaving an Xbox 360 on all night with a container of gas on top of it.... next to the stove...which is on....
    Post by: sora roxas60, Feb 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. sora roxas60
    Deep Dive Riku all the way! He looks mysterious yet powerful.
    I love the jumping off of the building by him! Awesome!
    Post by: sora roxas60, Feb 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. sora roxas60
    Riku: Savin' Me (Nickelback)
    Roxas: Speed of Sound (X&Y)
    Fluffer Nutter (Steve Porter)
    Xemnas: Bring The Pain (Mindless Self Indulgence)
    Post by: sora roxas60, Feb 3, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. sora roxas60
    Yeah. You're really cool......
    (thinks to himself)
    "Yeah. You're really cool." Damn it! You sound like a frickin idiot! I hope no one can hear what I'm thinking..... I wish I was a chinchilla.....
    But seriously, you're awesome.
    Post by: sora roxas60, Feb 2, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. sora roxas60
    Oh great.....
    Post by: sora roxas60, Feb 1, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. sora roxas60
    2815 big numbers...
    Post by: sora roxas60, Feb 1, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. sora roxas60
    2814 big numbers...
    Post by: sora roxas60, Feb 1, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. sora roxas60

    Khiii Rp!!!

    :D All right. I feel like making up an RP. It's about the KHIII Keyblade War. Anyone who wants to join should PM me.
    1: No God Modding unless you have the permission of the person you're God Modding.
    2: Please keep it to PG-13.
    3: No romances unless you PM me first.
    4: Absolutely NO DOUBLE POSTING!!!!!!
    Here's how it goes.
    There are two sides to the war.
    One wants to use the Keyblade to bring good and seal evil hearts.
    The other wants to bring evil with it and unlock those hearts.
    You can make up your own characters.
    Or you can use characters from the series.
    Plus, you can make up your own Keyblades.
    With that, let's begin!:D
    Thread by: sora roxas60, Feb 1, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  13. sora roxas60
    Yeah, man. I've been sitting through 4 games and they haven't done that. What's up with that? Plus, I'm pretty sure it's not gonna be in KH2:FM+. That will make 5! And if they ditch Sora for KH3 we'll have never have gotten to see it! OR if they let KH3 (and possibly KH3:FM) go by I'll start to think Sora's a little on the fruity side. So, TETSUYA I'M WAITING!!!!!
    Post by: sora roxas60, Jan 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. sora roxas60
    You can't do that. You must stop her. If you let her it will become a repressed memory that years later will suddenly explode back into your psychi. You could have saved her. It's a memory that will buzz in our mind, haunting you until kingdom come - until trumpets sound and all is lost. It's a thought and a memory that you will take to the grave unless you end it now. But why listen to me? Ultimately, it will be the scattered screams of all you consulted that will influence your final decision.
    This is your penultimate choice. But will it be the correct one?
    You hold the answer. And if you feel that you must answer to that the words " I don't know", then you have already failed and lost her to oblivion.
    Post by: sora roxas60, Jan 31, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  15. sora roxas60
    As much as I would LOVE for KHIII to go multi-platform, so that everyone can have fun with it, the ultimate decision is up to Square. I hate to say it, but, Square always or almost always goes single-platform. It's up to Square, making their decision based on who they feel like taking money from.:( Oh well.

    On the bright side, however, there should be an adequate price drop on the PS3 by the time KHIII is released. Just look at how low the PS2 went. I got my SLIM version for $130.You'd expect the slim to be more costly than that right? I mean, the hours it takes to complete the KH games are steadily increasing, right?
    I say this because it took me about 35 - 40 hours to beat KH 1.
    About 38 - 42 hours for CoM, and 50 - 60 hours for KHII.
    All that gameplay takes time to make, right?
    Plus, such graphics to be expected from PS3 will slap on another few months in production time, right?
    And, the game engine should be improving, right?!
    But, alas, we can only hope Square makes the right decision.:o
    Post by: sora roxas60, Jan 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. sora roxas60
    A premium card is a card is a card that costs less points to put in your deck, but you can only use it once per battle. It won't come back when you reload after you used it. You can tell if it's a premium card if it's shiny gold. Hope that helps.:cool:
    Post by: sora roxas60, Jan 14, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  17. sora roxas60
    I'm Sora?!?!?!:eek:
    Post by: sora roxas60, Jan 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. sora roxas60
    It's true. I mean, where is it written that a Keyblade HAS to have a key chain just to be a Keyblade? It means nothing.
    Post by: sora roxas60, Jan 14, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. sora roxas60
    I don't think it's Kadaj or his gang...
    Usually the FF characters don't play GIANT parts in the plot. Their parts are actually fairly small, if you think about it. It just doesn't make sense to have a main character from a different series. They'd want to be original.
    Post by: sora roxas60, Jan 14, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. sora roxas60
    I wonder if Tetsuya understands that in AMERICA where his games are selling the most,
    PS3= NO $:(
    Post by: sora roxas60, Jan 14, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX