Oh, yes. Very true. The Playstation 2 is a very powerful system. But it is slowly dying. Succumbing to its newer, faster, shinier, and younger brother, the Playstation 3. It will be long forgotten in a matter of years. I'd give it about - two. That's all I have to say about that.
I've always been rooting for a movie. Or a show. Heck! I'd settle for scented KH action figures! (Though I'm not sure aout "Scent of Keyblade...O.o) Although, I want KH movies in CGI. But, I don't think that's going to happen. And for all you people who say, "Look at FFVII. They made it a movie!" Well, yes. They did. But look how long it took! About ten years!!! So, it's probably not going to happen.
Hmm...yes, I do enjoy imaginary pastries... especially imaginary muffins (Muffintastic!!!!) :3 Although, I've been having trouble aquiring sweet, precious imaginary muffins... Where do you get them exactly? An imaginary grocery store? O.o
Twilight Town - I'd SSSOOOO tear down the Mansion to build a Mall!!! and The World That Never Was - Now that Xemnas is dead, I claim it as my own!!!! I shall use the power of the Nobodies to do stuff for me!!!! Bwa ha ha ha!!!!!! *Samurai !!!! Bring me an Xbox and a copy of Halo 2 !!!!*
Here's what happened. Sora's parents went looking for him and, while they were gone, his mom became a Nobody and he...um... I guess his dad fell into a volcano or something... Anyway, the Nobody she became is Axel. And that's why Axel loves Roxas so much. Because before they were Nobodies, she was his Mom!!! ... True story. <.< >.>
I agree with VideoGameNerd. Also, it would be nice to see what the Org. members before they were Nobodies. And I want them to show what happened to Riku before KHII and after KH:CoM (Besides the "Another Side" videos).
The title says it all. So, are you?
Hey remember the poem that Kairi wrote? It said we all share "One sky, one destiny"?O.o I shall ponder this...
What did you guys think of the Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+ box art?
Staple gun... Just aim and if they get close use it like a machine gun...That ought to push the drill guy back...
You can only use drive forms in this Cup... EDIT: Ha! I did it! It was difficult, but I did it! All I needed to do was use Master Form and pull the combo as fast as I could! Although I did it the same way multiple times, and the time I won was the the time that, for good luck, I kept saying "24 skadoo!" on every round... :3
Well, I tried it again. I broke 1214, but I'm only at 1254. I'm THIS close to smashing the controller into the TV sometimes...
You guys make a powerful point.:)
All right! I'll let you guys vote it out and whatever's most popular will be my new name. A) Ken B)Sebastian C)Hector D)Jonathan
OK, here's what happened, either God created Earth with his own two hands, which I'm leaning towards, or (wait for it...) God used his power to create one of the theories of modern science. For example, if the Big Bang IS true, God willed for it to happen and that is my opinion. I am not saying that anyone else's opinion is incorrect. I am merely stating my own.
Do you want Sora back for the third installment in the Kingdom Hearts series? I voted yes! :D
I couldn't find any!!!!!! Darky, do you think you could find something for me? Just something with Riku in the cloak with his blindfold, on the building? You know, from the Deep Dive video. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! I'd worship you!!!!! *sobs uncontrollably*
Gee, where can I find the right one?
Stock: http://s86.photobucket.com/albums/k110/kairy24/?action=view¤t=kingdomhearts2-riku.jpg Text: I'm not afraid of the darkness. Sub-Text: The XIII Order will fall. Username used: Sora Roxas60 Color's: Dark Blue, Dark Purple, and Black
Sweq, I'm gonna be honest with you. You suck. I hate your constant spamming. 'Nuff said.