17006 hello today good sir trogdor trogdor
17004 ................... trogdor trogdor trogdor trogdor trogdor trogdor
Odin sphere, Okami, Rogue Galaxy That's what I think.
Anyone on here play it online? Let's be friends! Post your Gamertag! (But no glitchers...) I'll post mine on once someone else does.
OMG! kaseykockroach! Are you serious?? That was mine too! I remember beating Tiny the Tiger and at the end, Cortex! Those were good times, though I've moved on to more mature games like Gears of War...
Do you know what I hate? When kids write things like "I'll give it 2 him." or "That's 4 me." It's fine on IMs, Forum sites, and even E-Mails! My mom is a teacher at a Middle School, in fact I'm here in the school as I'm typing (I'm already off for summer and I come here cause I have nowhere else to go.) Anyway, sometimes I take a look at their word usage and I am disgusted. She is a Science teacher and so when I read what had been answered to the question, "What role does the blood play in the human body?", they put "It takes oksygen 2 da body 4 to make it beeter." I am so disappointed that they are mixing "Computer Talk" with real grammar and spelling. I can't believe they using their "IM Talk" on school assignments, essays and much more. Any thoughts?
PS2 (4) Xbox (3) Xbox 360 (5) Nitendo DS (5) Game Boy Color (2) Game Boy Advance (4) Gamecube (3) Wii (4) Ummmm... I think thats it... What else is there??
I have some. I celebrity Miis, Politician Miis, you name it! :D:D I have a Johnny Depp Mii, I think it looks pretty good.
This thread should be closed by now..... Someone get a mod up in here! ...Also, it was a pleasure helping you.
The ending was half good and half bad in my eyes. I wanted to find out what happens to witty Captain Jack in his search for the Fountain of Youth. And which 21 Jump Street character?
Nice picks, I also liked numbers four and five.
:D Well, I voted for the Kadaj family...because ... well, I've heard more stuff about them than any of the others... However, just because I know them more, doesn't ,mean I don't like the other families. In fact, I like the Kadaj family and the CWA ... thing ... as equals!!! :3 :D
HHmmmm...Cool info, I'm gonna go tell all my friends... They are such noobs... They say they are the KH masters...but they don't even know about KH forums....
Great... Xaldin, I hate you.... You've caused me to become more addicted than ever before. Thank you for blowing me away...
Cool vids... Nice choices, DS... But that logo in the corner in the #1 vid was a bit distracting...
AAAAaaaahhhhhh....... I'M SO MADD!!! DESTROY!!!! OH AND THIS AND THAT!!!! RRRRAAAARRRR!!!!! OOOOhhhhhhand I SHALL -- (loses breath) AAAAAAaaaahhhhhh....Whatever....
So how exactly am I supposed to do this ??? >.> <.<
Wow... It reminds me of that cool version of Sephiroth...
I certainly hope that this one is real... I was a bit upset last time.. It was a nice joke though...But don't do it again...
Woah... They're everywhere... O.o They're just everywhere....