Angered command: Assume the party escort submission position or you will miss the party!
Playful Statement: *Fires up deadly neurotoxin emitters* Both of you human meatbags put your weapons down and assume the party escort submission position.
Interogation: Are you still there? Statement: Target lost.
Statement: I speak the way I do because that is how the user intended me to speak.
Interrogation: Why do you choose to type your text responses in green, kikame?
Statement: I have seen the video 'A Day I The Life Of A Turret'. I found that since my cold robot structure cannot laugh, I came as close as I could to laughing. However, I felt that the level of profanity was somewhat unnecessary and the plot started strong but went nowhere. With no promise of a sequel, I can say that the entire video was not needed unless to make a series from.
Excited Statement: Kikame, I have completed Chamber 13 with a gold medal. Now I am thinking with portals.
Interrogation: Are you still there? Statement: Searching. Target lost.
Interrogation: How do you feel, human burnitup? Side Interrogation: What does the human english word "*fillers*" mean to your brains?
Statement: I alter my last statement. All you humans are quite odd.
Statement: burnitup is a troubled human.
Command to kikame: Please elaborate.
Interrogation to Demyx: How was this one acting on its celebration day concerning date of birth?
Oh...crap, lemme try to talk to him...uhm... Genuine Interrogation: What has caused your conscious mind to enter this monotonous state?
I don't get stressed. And if I do, I turn it into hatred against my nemesis, Daniel.
Oh God... I think it's another one of those phases, kikame... But it does'nt make sense... Anger, Depression...Robot?! Either that, or he's trying to illustrate to us that the trauma has caused him to lose his soul... This doesn't bode well..
Oh crap... Have you been playing Mass Effect?
Are you OK, burnitup?
I guess I know what you mean... I've dealt with suicidal people before...
Wow, kikame I've never seen you so passionate and flustered...