Na Na Na Na Na Naaaaa
My 28-year old uncle was murdered by his girlfriend in a suicide-murder. She'd physically abuse him, and be angry whenever he got took a shower or got a haircut. He was months away from opening his dream job of a pizza store. He created a new type of pizza oven that can cook 3 pizza's under 2 minutes. So since he was so close, he got his hair cut, freshen up. And told his girlfriend he needs to focus on work a little more. She shot him in the head that night in his sleep. I won't go into detail, but it was on the news and papers. Happened here in a quite place like Homdel New Jersey. RIP, Daniel.
Is an annoying PSN error that effects 50GB, 60GB, and 80GB fat PS3s. Caused me to lose all my PSN bought content. Lost Trophies. Messed up Time (Unless it really is 12/31 7:46 PM) Lost Data And un-able to connect to the PSN. FUUUU
My friend looked up to Wikipeda about Sora's antiform. He read that, throughout all of KH2, Sora was a heartless. In KH1 when he became one, and when Kairi hugged him, it didn't make him a human again. Just made his heartless in human form. And throughout all that time he was a heartless until Roxas mixed with him at the end of KH2. Thus, Antiform was just him turning back into heartless form for a short period of time. My friend, thinks this is true. However, theres a few problem with that huge threoy. 1. Where's the heartless sign on him? 2. Heartless can wield keyblades? 3. If he was a heartless the entire time, what the heck are the downsides or limitations to being one? What do you guys think of it?
That Lawrence banned me. Why Lawrence why?
Stupid KH-Vids lag makes me post 2 messed up threads...
...That you can see who's invisible without being a mod??
SPOILERS Spoiler Is it possible, that Sora's Keyblade, is Terra's? You see, there is this one scene where Terra gives Riku his keyblade. So Riku has the keyblade, and then, maybe he kept it a secret to his friends. Then, afterwards in KH1, where Riku holds out his hand while he was being consumed by the darkness, was he giving Sora his keyblade? Sora accepted it, and the keyblades new owner was Sora. The reasons I think this is because, then it makes sense why Riku can take back the keyblade from Sora, AND when you fight Terra in KH2 Final Mix, he says "Your not the one I chose". Meaning, he didn't choose Sora it keep the keyblade, he chose Riku. Thoughts?
The oldest thread in the spamzone. :P
My friend has the japanese BBS game, and I'm waiting on the American. You think when I get my US copy I can still connect to his japanese one?
I just realized your 01_Kairi! I thought 01_Kairi left a looong time ago.
Of that one time we couldn't view threads. So everyone was talking in the New Post with the titles of threads. And then a secret message behind the title when the mouse is over it. Lol
I just tried posting in Toosties thread, and it went berserk and said I gotta wait 15 seconds before posting, even though it didn't let me. So I tried again then a message came up said "Thanks for putting up a poll! You'll be redirected-" and the other stuff. Didn't know I can put up polls in other peoples thread.
Guy 1: you spelt sweethearts wrong how stupid r u? Guy 2: YOU spelled "spelled" wrong. "Spelt" is not a word. How stupid are you? People are stupid.
My friend let me try out his japanese BBS. So, my first time playing ever, I tried fighting Spoiler Ven's last boss, and I beat him. First try. He said Im a natural. ;) Then after that I decided to wait for Amercian version to come out.
CnC Used Photoshop And please, some of you if you can give tutorials or a link to one, that would be nice. Cause these are the only skills I really know. If not just plain CnC
Who else is going to try to stay spoiler free and wait a year for the American version to come out. Or am I a loser for doing this? -____-
A PM in my inbox from like, what a year ago? Alice sent me her drawings. Only one of the links still work though.