Based on a book im reading After the untimley death of their father, the Dollananger children move with their mother to her old home,where her parents still stay, she puts the children up in the attic, claiming that once her father dies,they will be free.but after three years of being locked up they find out that their grandfather died over a year ago, they find out they'll never get out,but when one of the Twins dies, they vow to find a way out and get their revenge on what has happend to them. Servants/helpers Name: age: gender: parents: apperence: the Four Dollananger Children Name:Carloine 'Carly' Dollananger age:12-15 gender:female parents: Cornnie and Christopher Dollananger apperence: Name: Christian 'Chris' Dollananger age:14-17 gender:male apperence: parents: Cornnie and Christopher Dollananger Name: Corbin 'Cor' Dollananger age:5-8 (dies at 8) gender:male apperence: parents:Cornnie and Christopher Dollananger Name: Cassandra 'Cassie' Dollananger age:5-8 gender:female apperence: parents:Cornnie and Christopher Dollananger
four years have passed since breaking dawn and everyone seems to be moving on from the insident that happend. but whats everyone up to now that they have a 'Normal life.' Name: age: apperence: gender: race: Names: Cory and Carrie Malfoy age: 25 gender: male and female appernce: race: human Names: Maddie and Antony Cullen age: 18 (really 23) and 17 (really 108) genders: female and male apperence: Maddie Antony race: vampire Names: Ronan and Zarrah Spinnett age:23 and 21 genders: male and female apperence: race: human Names: Shawn potter and Sophie Huttson age:21 gender:male and female apperence: race:human Name: Mickey Malfoy age:23 gender:male apperence: race: werewolf
This is my Oc Nora talkingAbout a year ago, somethings happened with My brother Rj, and he had to go away for awhile, he told me to make everyone forget him, because it would be easier for everyone, epescially our parents, but now, i've decided to put those memories back, because if they dont know about him...they cant help him...see he's in trouble...big trouble...when he turned eighteen,he joined the organisation, but then when he left, Xemnas got mad, he seemed to remeber Rj just fine...i dont know how or why, but now he's got half the organisation looking for him and they've to kill on sight...i dont want him to im helping the only way i making them remeber...i hope im not too late... Like it says, A year ago Rj got into trouble with the org,for falling in love with a somebody, Sora's daughter to be exact,so he left, but now, he's becoming a problem as he keeps stopping heartless and nobodies alike, Xemnas wants him dead, but can the others remeber before its too late? Name: age: gender: apperence: power: parents: Name: Rj age:19, almost 20 gender:male apperence: power:Keyblade parents: Roxas and Namine Name: Nora age:17, almost 18 gender:female apperence: power: can mess with memories parents:Roxas and Namine Name: Raminxas (Rah-min-xas) age: 15, almost 16 ( i know he was five last time, but i changed it) gender:male apperence: power: keyblade and can mess with memories parents: Roxas and Namine Name: Hikari age: 19,almost 20 gender: female apperence: power: keyblade parents: Sora and Kairi Taken Characters Roxas Namine Kairi Sora zexion demyx xigbar larxene Marluxia axel Rules Dont kill anyones character without permission dont powerplay dont take control of other peoples characters have fun
seven years ago,Esmya Cullen fell in love with Teddy Oken, the same year he was bitten by a werewolf trying to protect her, now love between a Vampire and a Were wolf is forbidden, even if she's only a half-vampire, that rule still applies to her, so what happens when she marries him and falls pregnant with his child? suely this half human-vampire-werewolf child hybrid will be against the rules? when the Voultri and Werewold elders hear of this,they set out to kill the child, even if it means killing the mother...the only problem is, her family is standing in the way of their chance of getting to her, can they save her,Teddy and the baby from certain death? Name: age: gender: apperence: parents: race: other: Name: Esmya Carlie Cullen (soon to be Oken) age: 24 gender: female apperence: both pics with blue eyes parents:Antony and Maddie Cullen Race: half-vampire other: though she can be immortal, she choose to age with her loved one,Teddy. Name: Antony Jr Michael Cullen age:7 (looks about 15) gender:Male apperence: parents:Maddie and Antony Cullen race:half-vampire other: Name:Caleb Scottie Malfoy age:21 gender:male apperence: parents:Cory and Carrie Malfoy race:human other: Name:Teddy Oken age:24 gender:Male apperence: parents:Scottie and Ashely Oken (dead raised by cory and carrie) race:werewolf other:is in love with Esmya Name: Casey Zane Malfoy age:20 gender:male apperence: parents: Cory and Carrie Malfoy race:human other Name: Jordan Ronan Spinnett age: 18 gender:male apperence: parents: Ronan and Melody Spinnett race:Human other Name: Lucas 'Luke' Michael Malfoy age:18 gender:male apperence: parents:Mickey and Lake Malfoy race:werewolf other: Name: Draco Scamly age:21 gender:male apperence: parents:Sophie and Eric Scamly race:Human other: Name:Harry Scamly age:20 gender:Male apperence: parents:Sophie and Eric Scamly race:Human other: Name: Dylan Hart age:17 gender: male apperence: parents: Zarrah and Declan Hart Name: Cadey Lyra Malfoy age:18 gender:female apprenece: parents: Cory and Carrie Malfoy race:Human other: Name: Michaela Lake Malfoy age:20 gender:female apperence: parents: Mickey and Lake Malfoy race:werewolf other: Name: Lyndsy Spinnett age:19 gender: female apperence: parents: Ronan and Melody Spinnett race:Human other: Name: Kelly Spinnett age:15 gender:female apperence: parents: Ronan and Melody spinnett race:Human other: Name Hailie Hart age:14 gender:female apperence: parents:Zarrah and Declan Hart race:Human other Name: Ginny Potter age:21 gender:female apperence: parents: Shawn and Rachel Potter race:Human other: Name: Raven Potter age:19 gender: female apperence: parents: Shawn and Rachel Potter race:Human other:
Why? well they said they just didnt like me. i think its just sad really...but oh well *shruggs* Edit: i know,i know i spelled reputation wrong...mistakes we all make them lol
Roxas thought he was a normal boy,that was until people in black cloaks started to show up around his life,even his 'Brother.' Cloud doesnt know whats going on,and why can he suddenly remeber a boy named sora? Name: age: gender: apperence: Org-Virtual person: other: Name:Roxas Strife. age:15 gender:male apperence: org-virtual person: ex-org member other:cant remeber before he moved to twilight town
i relized that this one was never done ok so its a year or two after the twins were born Lyra and Casey are finaly getting married! yay! they're finaly getting their happily ever after,nothing can go possible wrong,can it? not when life's this perfect! Name: age: gender: apperence: other: Name:Lyra Spinnet (soon to be Malfoy) age:22 gender:female apperence: and other:she's a mother of three,she has been with Casey for years now Name:Jordan Spinnett age:21 gender:male apperence: other:
twenty years after Kingdom hearts II they Organisation have returned once more,though they are now training their children, Xemnas says they will have Kingdom Hearts this time,but will they really? are the Kids really like there parents? most just want to have a normal life. but can they? Name: age: gender: apperence: other: siblings: parents: Name: Rani-pronouced Rauni age:17 gender:female apperence: other:shes one of the ones who want a normal life. siblings: Nico,Rini and Neon. Parents:Roxas and Namine Name:Nico age:12 gender:male apperence: other:follows his sister's orders siblings:Rani,Rini and Neon parents: Roxas and Namine Name:Rini age:7 gender:female apperence: other:doesnt really understand whats going on. siblings:Rani,Nico and Neon parents:Roxas and Namine Name:Neon age:2 gender:male apperence: other: siblings:Rani,Nico and Rini parents:Roxas and Namine
previously named Hogwarts: Halloween special, im re-making this because i never finished it and then my laptop broke and such so... When Lyra and Jordan's uncle call to tell them that they can have his Island for a summer Holiday,they cant wait to go,but things dont seem right when they get there,in their little house,they find somebody has already been there before them,because they've left their things behind,then when they find a puppy,things go from bad to worse as geneticaly inhanced dogs attack them, they dont know why,maybe they just want them off the island, but why would their uncle send them here if he knew what it was like? was it a set-up? Name: age: gender: apperence: parents: other: Name:Lyra Rose Spinnett age:18 gender:female apperence: parents:Lily and Lewis Spinnett other: mother of one, Lyra had a hard year last year,what with her friends and family finding out that she was pregnant and then the father getting told never to come near her again,but she had a up side as she finaly relised her feelings for her best friend,Casey Malfoy,who she is currently going out with. Name: Alexander Harry Potter age:20 gender:male apperence: parents: Albus and Alanna Potter other: Name:Jordan Lewis Spinnett age:17 gender:male apperence: parents:Lily and Lewis Spinnett other:
A few months ago,Maddie Malfoy fell in love with a vampire, Antony Cullen, now at her eighteenth birthday something will change the relationship they have, when she cuts herself and Antony's brother tries to attack her, Antony decides it best for the family to leave the town and Maddie behind, Maddie is broken hearted when they go, she goes into a zombie like state, not talking to anyone until she meets a old friend, Jacob greene, he shows her how to go a motor cycle and she even goes cliff diving, Antony's sister returns, believing her dead, she panics when she gets a phone call saying Antony has gone to the voultri, a group of ancient vampire's, to be killed because he cant live without Maddie, maddie leaves to save him in time,but can she do it? Name: age: gender: apperence: other: Name:Antony Edward Cullen and Maddie Aconniett Malfoy ages: 17 (really a 105) and 18 genders:male and female apperence: other:Maddie has a scar on her hand were she was bitten by a evil vampire. Name: Cory Jordan Alexander Casey Malfoy and Carrie Anne Malfoy (Married) age:20 and 20 gender:male and female apperence: other: they look after their little godson,Teddy Name:Ronan Jordan Spinnett age:17-18 gender:male apperence: other: Name:Micheal 'Mickey' Casey Malfoy age:18 gender:male apperence: other: he's a werewolf Name: Shawn Albus Potter age:16-17 gender:Male apperence: other: Name:Sophie Molly Potter age:16-17 gender:female apperence: other:she's shawn's twin sister Name: Zarrah Lilian Spinnett age:15-16 gender:female apperence: other:
19 years after Maddie first meet Antony the vampire,victoria has finaly come back for her revenge against the cullen family for killing her mate all those years ago,though she's not starting with the older cullens,its their children she wants before killing the rest,can theystop her before she does real damage? Name age gender apperence parents Name:Esmya 'Mya' Carlie Cullen age:17 (really should be about 14-15) gender:female apperence: parents:Antony and Maddie Cullen Name:Theodore 'Teddy' Scottie Oken age:17 gender:male apperence: parents:Scottie Oken and Ashely greene,(dead),he is looked after by his godparents Names: Caleb Cory Malfoy, Casey Zane Malfoy and Cadey Lyra Malfoy ages: 14,13 and 11 genders:males and female apperence: Caleb Casey Cadey parents:cory and carrie malfoy Names:Lucas 'Luke' Micheal Malfoy and Mikella 'Ella' Sarah Malfoy ages:11 and 13 genders:male and female apperence: Ella Luke parents:mickey and Lake Malfoy Names: Ginerva 'Ginny' Potter and Raven 'Ray' Potter ages:14 and 13 gender:females apperence: Ginny Ray Parents:shawn and Mellisa Potter Names: Draco Scamly and Harry Scamly ages:14 and 13 genders:Male apperence: Draco Harry parents:sophie and Liam Scamly Names: Lisa Marie Spinnett, Jordan Lewis Spinnett and Kelly Jane Spinnett ages:12,11 and 10 genders:females and male apperence Lisa Jordan Kelly Parents:Ronan and Sarah Spinnett Names: Dylan James Marks Jr 'Dj'and Hailie Lucy Marks ages:11 and 9 genders:male and femal apperence Dylan Hailie parents:Zarrah and Dylan Marks
i know i never did new moon or eclips,but i didnt really like those so anyway for almost two years Maddie and Antony have been together,now they're getting married,but with the voultir's promise to visit looming,what do they do when maddie becomes pregnant,and refuses to have a abortion? what do they do when after their daughter is born and the voultir want her destoried? what do they do to protect everything they hold dear? Name age gender apperence(s) if you have more than one. other year Names:Antony Edward Cullen and Madieline 'Maddie' Aconniett Malfoy(Cullen after she's married) ages:'18' (pyhiscal 17,really 106) 18 (last age before she turns) genders:male and female apperences: the wedding the pregnancy the family Antony and Maddie as Vampire's Maddie Antony other: Antony doesnt want the baby,but he does eventualy,maddie names her daughter, esmya carlie cullen,who is born three days before she is 19 Names:Cory Jordan Alexander Casey Malfoy and Carrie Anne Malfoy(their married) age:20-21 (him) 21(her) genders:male and female apperence: other:they look after their godson,teddy. year:they've finished school Names: Shawn Albus Potter and Sophie Molly Potter ages:17-18 (both) gender:male and female apperence: other:shawns not blonde. year:7th Names:Ronan Jordan Spinnett and Zarrah Lilian Spinnett ages:18-19(him) 16-17(her) genders:male and female apperence: other:their brother and sister years:8th and 6th Name:Micheal 'Mickey' Casey Malfoy age:18-19 gender:male apperence: other:hes a werewolf and his girlfriend dumped him when she found out what he was year:8th
so yeah i said i was gone, but i saw twilight and the idea is bugging me so... its two years after the battle,they took a year off school to get back to normal, but now they're back. but not everything is quiet normal, Maddie malfoy long's for some lovin' but what she doesnt count on is a vampire to get her it, the day they go back to school, she see's them, the vampire's but she doesnt know, soon after finding out she falls for Antony Cullen, the youngest one, when playing a game, three more vampire's show up, and one takes a unhealthy interest in her, hunting her down to kill her, will Antony be able to save maddie? Name: age: gender: apperence: race: year: Name(s) Antony Edward Cullen and Madieline Aconniet Malfoy age(s) 17 (really 104) and 17 genders male and female apperence: race vampire(him) human(her) year 7th Name(s) Cory Jordan Alexander Casey Malfoy and Carrie Anne Malfoy (they're married) ages 19-20(him) 20 (her) genders male and female apperence: race human (both) year 9th Name Zarrah Lilian Spinnett age 15 gender female apperence: race human year 5th Name(s) Shawn Albus Potter and Sophie Molly Potter age 16 genders male and female apperence: race human year 6th Name Michael Casey Malfoy age 17 gender male apperence: race werewolf year 7th Name Ronan Jordan spinnett age 17 gender male apperence race human year 7th
well... weeks ago my laptop stopped working. on christmas we got a laptop and a computer. but i just cant seem to get back into this kind of thing, so i figured i should just go.i've thought about this alot and think its best. plus in may, i wouldnt have been on alot anyway, i have my standard grade exams to do. now i've got four farewell's i'd like to give. Prince of Twilight- if you ever seen this, im glad we became friends on here. you were one of my first friends.i enjoyed the conversations we had, the rp's we done and your company,thanks, i'll miss you. Random angel-you were another of my first friends here, i love'd doing all your rp's, keep going with were brilliant to talk to, i'll miss you as much as prince of twilight. SoraNRikuNKairi- your a brilliant rp'er. i had tons of fun with all the rp's we did together, i hope you keep it were a great friend on here too, i'll miss you. Near-to-tears-you were great in the Hogwarts rp's,always full of ideas. you were a great friend and im happy to have known you.i'll miss you. ill miss all of you,i wish you the best in everything! have fun while your here and when you go!
seven years ago Voldemort was killed,now everyones getting back to normal or as normal as it can get for them. so join them in the lives after school. you know what to do to join Name:Carrie Malfoy and Teddy Oken age:24 and 7 gender:female and male apperence: other:she's married to Cory and is expecting their first child. Name:Sophie Potter age:20 gender:female appernce: other:she's pregnant with her first child and is engaged to her boyfriend Name:Maddie Brooks age:22 gender:female apperence: other:she just got married. Name:Zarrah Spinnett age:20 gender:female apperence: other" N/a Name:Cory Malfoy age:24 gender:male apperence: other:he's married to carrie,they are expecting their first baby and he plays seeker for england quidditch team Name:Shawn Potter age:20 gender:male apperence: other:he's engaged to his girlfriend. Name:Mickey Malfoy age:22 gender:Male apperence: other:he's just got married. Name:Ronan Spinnett age:22 gender:male apperence: other:N/a
Will and Elizabeth had a daughter,she was to free her father from the dutch man so badly that she joins Barrbosa and his crew but he's only using her to get will to give up the dutch man. can she get off before its too late? or can someone help her? Name: age: gender: apperence: parents: others: Name:Lyra Turner age:15 gender:female apperence: parents:Will and Elizabeth other:after her dad came home for the first time since she was born.she got a little problem with drinking,she missed him that much,she'd do anything for her dad,she'd die for that what barrbosa intends for her to do?
fifteen years ago,Kairi and Sora left Destiny island to live in Hollow Bastion,now their daughter is the key to opening the heart if all world.being the eighth and final princess of hearts,Makes her different from the rest.a war rages around her,nobodies and Heartless alike want her....she can only chose one side. Name: age: gender: apprence: siblings: parents: Names:Sara and Koby Newaii ages:15(Sara) and 15(Koby) gender:male and female apperence: siblings:each other parents:Sora and Kairi(these are they're only children)
When Cory falls for Dominique Masters he really falls for her. nearly all the girls hate her,she's got this certain vibe about her that others dont like. when his friend,Carrie says she had a dream that Dominique was standing over cory while he was drowning in the black lake,Cory says shes jelous what will happen when it comes true? Name: age: gender: apperence: Name:Cory Malfoy age:15(16 in december) gender:Male apperence: Names:Maddie and Mickey Malfoy ages:13 genders:male and female apperence: Names:Sophie and Shawn Potter age:12 gender:female and male apperence: Name:Dominique Masters age:16 gender:female apperence:
After the disater at the Ministry,many things are going oh so wrong,take Lily and Lewis's marriage,thats slowly but surely stopping,Things are changing,people are changing,including Casey and Lyra,is it of their own will? or mind control? what other horrors await this year? Name age gender year apperence other Name:Lyra Spinnett age:16(17 in January) gender:female year:6th apperence: other:her parents are slowly splitting up,she doesnt want them to,but when they do,she leaves to live with her father above the leaky caldron,she dyed her hair brown and cut it short,to try and rid herself of her mothers apperence,since she looks like her. Name:Jordan Spinnett age:15(16 in March) gender:male year:5th apperence: other:his parents are slowly spillting up,he doesnt want them too but when they do,he stays with his mother and younger brother,he has taken it harder than he lets on.he wont admit that he loves and misses his dad.
Follow the next generations chilren through their years at hogwartsthere will be tears, there will be laughter,horror,terror,love,friendships,even births. so come on and join these lot through the best and worst years of their life. Name: ages: (11-19/20) gender: apperence: (from 1st to 9th yr) house: parents: Name:Lyra Spinnett age:11-20 gender:female apperence: (First year) (second year) (thrid year) (fourth year) (fifth year) (sixth year) (seventh year) (eighth year) (ninth year) House:Gyrffindor Parents:Lily and Lewis Spinnett Name:Jordan Spinnett ages:11-19 gender:male apperence: (first year) (second year) (thrid year) (fourth year) (fifth year) (sixth year) (seventh year) (eighth year) House:Gryffindor Parents:Lily and Lewis spinnett