Two years after the war, Maddie Malfoy never thought she'd go back to school and fall in love with Antony Cullen,she finds herself totaly obessed with him,and his darkest secret,but once they're together, they cant be seperated,but when other vampires arrive,can Antony save her? Name: age: gender: apperence@ year: Name:Maddieline Aconite Malfoy age:17 gender:female apperence: year:7th Name: Michael Casey Malfoy age:17 gender:male apperence: years:7th Name: Cory Jordan Alexander Casey Malfoy age:19-20 gender:Male apperence: year:9th Name: Shawn Albus Potter age:16 gender:male apperence: year:6th Name: Sophie Raven Potter age:16 gender:female apperence: yearL6th NamE:Zarrah Lilian Spinnett age:15 gender:female apperence: year:5th Name:Ronan Jordan Spinnett age:17 gender:male apperence: year:7th Name: Antony Edward Cullen age:17,really 104 gender:male apperence: year: 7th
i need help! you know in Kh1 after you've beaten the big monster thats in the volcano? how do i beat the heartless after it? they keep killing me! the door goes so little and then i die! help!
Im playing sims get a life on the ps2 but i dont know who to get my sim promoted to career leve 5 or how to throw a raging party,any ideas? and sorry if this is in the wrong section >.>
Three years ago Arrow and Arrya came to earth to save it, they succseeded, they left earth, but not before Arrow promised Wolfe he'd come back to her someday, and that day has a arrived, their planet has gotten so sick, he and his sister had to leave it before they died like most, but can they stay hidden from the earth government? or will they be discovered once more? Name: age:(you'll be 3 yrs old if you were in the last one) gender: apperence: other: Name:Arrow age:21 gender:male apperence: other: when he first came to earth he fell in love with a human, he then promised to come back to her,but will she take him back? Name:Arrya age:18 gender;female apperence; other: this is her second time to earth
I regret this now. i did try to sleep...but my friends kept waking me up and i had been up since 6:30 that day, but thats what i get when i stay with my friends :/ it was fun though...we eventualy did crash and got up like a hour ago :P i dunno if i'd do it again anytime soon though...
I couldnt decide between Earth Bound or Home again,but Earth bound sounded better. when a space ship crashes in america,the government are all over it like flies,they relise what ever was inside isnt there now.they lock the space ship away in a mountan and try to get the alien's who were inside. little do they know that there's a group of people protecting the children alien's.these people try to get them back to their space ship and back home. why did they come to earth? to warn the people of an invasion that will happen because their planet is dying...can they get back to the ship on time? Name: age: gender: apperence: Government/Alien's group: other: Name: Arrow age: 18 gender:male apperence: government/Alien's group: Alien's group other: he and his younger sister traveled to save earth, but they crash and are now running from the government. he has supernatural powers E.g: phasing though things, telekinesis, blowing things up ect. Name: Arrya age:15 gender:female apperence: government/Alien's group: alien's groups other: she and her elder brother came to save earth,but they are now running from the government, she has supernatural powers E.g: phasing through things, telekinisi, blowing things up ect.
this is like a kind of prequl to fallen Oragnisation. Rj was good with Girls,why should he not be? but theres one girl who he just couldnt get....untill now. For Rj's seventeeth birthday they go back to the place of his birth,Spain.there he meets a girl from his school and imediatly falls head over heels for her, though theres a horrible truth behind her, she;s the daughter of his father's somebody.when he finaly gets the girl,their parents do everything they can to rip them apart,can the two survive the summer and stick together? Name: age: gender: apperence: Parents: Name: Roxas Jrn or RJ age:16-17 gender:male apperence: parents:Roxas and Namine. Name:Raminxas or Ramy age:12 gender:male apperence: parents:Roxas and Namine Name: Nora age:14 gender:female apperence: parents: Roxas and Namine Name:Hikari or Kari age:17 gender:female apperence: parents:Sora and Kairi
This is a AU, i dont think Roxs would really get Kairi pregnant. chapter one: The Call. "Roxaaaasss! how's it goin'?"Demyx said appereing in the blonde's room, Axel behind him. Roxas mumbled something and rolled over in his bed, pulling the covers over his head. "'C'mon Roxy! time to get up!"Axel said"you cant be that hung over!" the sheets were roughly yanked off of him. "OI!"Roxas said angrily "Move it Shortie we gotta go!" Roxas rolled his eyes and got up"wanna get out while i get dressed?" "sooo...where'd you go last night? you know after you called and said you were with...."Axel said looking around as the three made their way down to breakfast"Kairi" Roxas shrugged in a uncaring kind of way"Dont know...Dont care." "Did you...."Axel made a circle with two fingers on his right hand and put his left index finger in and out of it repeatedly "Dont be gross!" "did you?" "I dunno.dont remeber..." "you better hope you didnt...or if you did...hope you use protection...." "AXEL! what kind of guy do you think i am?!" "The Stupid type who sleeps with any girl who offers!" "thats you!" The two argued all the way down to the hall and through breakfast,though they refused to say what their fight was about, the organisation would be furious if they found out Roxas had gone to a party Xemnas forbade him from going to as well as sleeping with a princess of hearts. "will you two shut up?!"Larxene finaly yelled"it is so annoying and childish! who cares what you two are arguing about! stop it now!" "But he-" "No!" "i didnt-" "shut up!" "okay!" they both scrambled out of the room as fast as they could, Xigbar and Demyx behind them. "you two are dead if you annoy her again...."Xigbar grinned"sweet." they could only stare at him. **** eight weeks after the party Roxas was up in his room, swinging his keyblade boredly as Axel and Demyx talked on and on and on and on about a mission they had just gotten, they suddenly, his cell phone wrang, that was weird, no one ever called him inside the castle....who could it be? he answered it "Hello?" he looked at Axel and Demyx. "R-Roxas..." "Kairi?!"he said"are you ok?" "No...." a pause "whats wrong?" "Remeber late..." "what? Late for what?"he didnt understand, but Axel did "HOLY SH*T GIVE ME THE F*CKING PHONE ROXAS!"Roxas did as he was told "KAIRI ARE YOU PREGNANT?!"Axel yelled, almost screaming. Roxas paled,looking on the verge of passing out from panic. "Axel....i think i am.....i havent had my period since before the so scared....what do i do?" "Okay Kairi...its Okay....calm down."she was in tears and Roxas could hear her on the other end. "how about...we meet you on Destiny Islands today at three pm?"Axel said "yes,could you?!" "Ofcourse...." "thank you..."she hung up. Axel glared at the youngest memeber "your a dead man"he said and Roxas thought if looks could kill, he would be dead."when Xemnas finds out he'll kill you! never mind him, Sora's gonna flip! he's exterminate you! what were you thinking Roxas?!" "i wasnt! and anyway, she thinks she is pregnant....she's not sure yet..." "Roxas....she's hasnt had a period for about two months!" "we just have to wait and see what happens today..."he said though he looked like was going to be sick or pass out.
sixteen years ago, the volturi came for the Oken Twins, their leader gave everyone a prohcy,or more like a warning, the twins would bring about the next Apoclyps and the end of the world if they were aloud to live,which they were, now Isabella and Edward are about to reach their full power,but will this prophcy come true,and can they stop the fight that surely will follow it? Name: age: apperence: gender: race: parents: Name: Isabella Maddieline Ashely Oken or Bella age:16 gender:female apperence: race: vampire parents: Teddy and Esmya Oken Name: Edward Antony Scottie Oken or Eddie age:16 gender:male apperence: race:werewolf parents:Teddy and Esmya Oken
Yeah, i make alot of these. but this time, i really dont know what to do. Ok so, my and Bf and i will have been going out for three weeks on friday, and alot of people in school are asking me 'are you giving him his whole?' or 'has he pumped you yet?'but we havent done anything apart from kiss. but a few weeks back, my friend told me she'd done it with her Bf and now i cant help but wounder if i should.... Now, My Bf says we'll do it when im ready, i spoke to him tonight about this and said that maybe, if we get a place, where my parents,or his arent in, i refuse to do it outside, i find that animal like. so he says, he will try and find a place, but heres the thing...the day after we started dating, my lady problems came, they went away for a day, then came back, that was two weeks ago, and im scared that if i do do it, say this weekend, i will end up pregnant, protection or no protection, i dont think he will mind if i say my problem hasnt cleared up, but in a way i want to do it. Little help on weither or not i should go for it please. and if this seems childish or anything, its not meant to sound like that.
Well everything seems to be going fine with my boyfriend and me, we kiss,hug and stuff, but in school,he doesnt really hug me much, and today it really hurt me because he walked past me to hug my friend, one of my best friends! and i think the green eye'd monster came out of me a little bit because i stormed off. and then when i got home...he asked if i would go shopping with him and this best friend of mine at the weekend,again that green eyed monster appered, but i said yes, my dad asked if he was ditching me, i said i didnt know,and then my boyfriend told me over MSN,that he loved me, and i felt alittle better because i said it back. i dont know if he's just trying to comfort her because her own boyfriend and her are having problems of their own, i mean he doesnt hug her all the time, it was just today it really hurt me.... am i jealous of my best friend? i hope not....i dont want to be standing there all like 'stay away from my man...' or to tell her to back off or anything...but if he says he loved me then...why do i feel like that? is it normal? because i wouldnt know,hes my first boyfriend....i just felt like crying honestly.
perfece I never gave much thought to how i'd die...guess i should have....i shouldnt have to die right now...i should be able to live on! but i guess taking the place of someone i love...seems like a good way to go... when Kairi Swan moved from sunny Destiny Islands to boring,rainy Twilight town, she never thought she get caught up in something that wasnt ment to exist. she cant help but fall in love with Roxas Cullen, who for some reason doesnt like her at all, he seems so different from everyone else, so she's determand to find his secret out, when she does, she isnt afraid,or worried, she only loves him and admits she cant stay away, but Roxas's futile attempts at protecting her arent all they cracked up to be as a hunter, another vampire takes a interest in Kairi,can she be saved? Kingdom Hearts Characters only, might allow O'c later! Name: age: gender: apperence: other: Name:Roxas Antony Masen Cullen age:17,really 104 gender:male apperence: other: was turned about 90 years ago by his adoptive father, he and the rest of his family refuse to drink human blood, he does all he can to save kairi Name:Kairi Marie Swan age:17 gender:female apperence: other: she moves in with her father, Leon and falls in love with a vampire, too bad that love for him almost gets her killed.
After a freak storm,Lyra, Casey,Elle,Alex and Jordan find themselves as teenagers again. they decide its time for them to return to school,but will anyone notice who they are? and what about their kids? surely its gotta be embarassing with your parents around...and what if their parents find out that they're not as innocent as they make out? Parents Name: ages(adult age-teenage age) apperence: gender: other: Name: Lyra Ginevra Malfoy age:34-17 gender: female apperence: Adult Teenager other:mother of four,she fell pregnant twice while in school, she thinksgoingback to school would be fun. Name: Jordan Lewis Spinnett age:33-16 gender:male apperence: Adult teenager other: father of two,girlfriend left him when hiskids were young, he plans to embarass everybody Name: Alex Harry Potter age:36-19 gender:male apperence: Adult teenager other: father of four.
Two years after going to spain,Xemnas thinks that his crazy,over-worked nobodies deserve another break...but not to spain...but to irland, if spain was soo good for the will irland work out? Organisation name sheet. Name: age: gender: apperence: bio: Name:Roxas,Namine and Rj. age:22 and 2 gender:Males and female apperence: bio:Roxas and Namine Married a year ago, it was quite hecktect for them when they went to spain,du to their son being born,but now in Irland, Namine's pregnant again!
based off the book and movie ^^ Not long after Roxas and Namine get married, she says something about a child,whic Roxas isnt ready for,therefor he gets her a puppy! but this puppy isnt going to be trained easily, as Roxas says he's the worlds worst dog...but they still love him anyways, what hardships will they go through as Marley grows older and as Namine finaly gets her wish of being a mother? Take Characters Roxas-me Namine-Me
after my boyfriend went back home, i went to sleep over at one of my friend's house,and her dad got us two big bottles of bacardi breezers(sp?) each! and there was four of as you can imagine...we got drunk...i know its not strong stuff but we never had much eat, i phoned my boyfriend and he was laughing his head off because it wasmy first timeever being drunk, then he had to go to bed,and one of his friends called and i was talking to him...soo funny he thought we all needed to get a grip becausemy friends were crying over boys...V.V then suprisingly when i woke up...i wasnt magerly hung-over,im more tired than anything....but it was the best!
The guy i spoke about in the help with life thread is now my boyfriend!
Xemnas locked a few members up in a attic when they were little,he hasnt let them out for years...they are forced to call him uncle...the elder ones fret for the younger ones health and the attic isnt exactly safe either...can they get out in time? Name: ages: gender: apperence: (age when they went in, through the years, when they leave, add all three pics) bio: Name: Roxas ages:6-13-17 gender:male apperence: when he went in at age six through the years at thirteen when he gets out at seventeen Bio:Roxas always wanted love, he wanted everyone to love him,he expected everyone to love him.when he went to his uncle's and was first locked up,he never thought he'd fall in love with his cousin,Namine(incestous i know,but *shrugs*) now he cant keep away from her Name:Namine ages:6-13-17 gender:female apperence: when she first went in at age six through the years at thriteen when she leaves at seventeen bio:shes a shy girl,but opens up when Roxas starts to like her more than a cousin,at first she didnt talk much,she feels slightly guilty for Roxas because it isnt his fault he loves her this way
Well...theres this boy in my class in school...everyone says that he likes me....i dont think he does...but..i think I like Him now. I dont get it though, i just dont know what im feeling...i get this weird feeling when im around him...i get butterflies why he holds my hand or huggs me. my friends dont like when someone says he likes me...thats why i deny it. See...he's not nice looking...but he makes me laugh and he's a really good friend to me...but i dont know if thats all he is. a friend. or is he more than that to me? He's so sweet and i dont want to mess things up with us. i just dont get how i feel about i like him? do i not? im kinda of worried that if i do like him and i tell my friends,im worried about what they'll say if i ask him out,i mean they really hate him for some reason... i just dont know anymore...should i take the risk and say 'Yeah,i really like him' i mean last night i had a dream i married him! not that he knows that...or do i say 'No,we're just friends.' help me please! and sorry if this is in the wrong section...