many many years after forever dawn, the children stumble across a old school year book, one with a weird spell on it,because when they open it, they are sucked into that time period,(the year maddie met anthony.) now they have to stay there until they can get home again plus they have to fool their parents-to-be,can they do it? Name age: gender: race: apperence: parents: other: Name:Esmya Carlie Cullen age:19 gender:female race: vampire hybrid apperence: parents: Athony and Maddie Cullen other:secretly engaged to Teddy Oken,her god-cousin. Name: Athony Michael Cullen Jr or Aj age:15 gender:male race:Vampire hybrid apperence: parents: Athony and Maddie Cullen other:N/a Name: Kyle Jaymes Malfoy age:13 gender:male race:werewolf apperence: parents: Mickey and Lake Malfoy other: N/a Name: Kiara Lorraine Malfoy age:15 gender:female race:werewolf apperence: parents: Mickey and Lake Malfoy. Name:Jordan and Ronan Scott age:14 gender:male apperence: race:Human parents: Zarrah and Ryan Scott other: Named after their dead grandfather and dead uncle. Name: Caleb Scottie Malfoy age:16 gender:Male race:Human apperence: Parents:Cory and Carrie Malfoy Name:Casey Zane Malfoy age:15 gender:Male race:Human apperence: Parents:Cory and Carrie Malfoy Name:Cadey Lyra Malfoy age:13 gender:female race:Human apperence: Parents:Cory and Carrie Malfoy Name: Ginny Elle Potter age:14 gender:female race:Human apperence: parents:Shawn and Louise Potter Name: Draco Alex Hart age:14 gender:Male apperence: race:Human parents:Sophie and Calum Hart
Hayfever can effect your breathing?
Play the wii fit for 40 or 50 minutes a day for two weeks, would i lose weight? :S
Im meant to be getting braces soon because my lower jaw is farther out that it should be and i aslo have too many teeth in my mouth, but before i get the braces...i need 4 teeth taken out...and im terrified because i'll be awake for it! T^T
I showed my Boyfriend the ending to The Grudge 3 And now,im terrified. i keep seeing white things everywhere,my door keeps creeking and im sure i heard a weird noise. Call me crazy,but the grudge is some scarry a** sh*t, when i first saw it i was like :why?: now im like :/8D:
This year,things that are secret,will be known,things that shouldnt be done,will be done.Everyone's got some dirty little secret right? well what if when a few of those get out,all hell breaks loose? Name: age: gender: female apperence(s) house: secrets: Name:Lyra Stacy Spinnett age:17 (18 in january) gender:female apperences: secrets: Her boyfriend Zane josh,isnt very nice to her...he beats her and he even forced himself on her,No one knows yet,she's too afriad to tell anyone,she is also pregnant,how will everyone react to that? Name:Jordan Lewis Spinnett age:16 gender:male apperence: secrets:none
Today i brought home some old art work i did in school...and know what my mum did? she threw it out! but last week my sister brought her work home and my mum kept it! how unfair is that?
The Grudge 4 Karly Thomson and her family were a normal family...then they moved to the dreded apartment that the family died in. No ones told them of the curse,as its been years and everyone who once lived their is either dead,or moved out. But when someone learns of the curse,they warn the Thomson's,but slightly too late as Mr Thomson is killed. Karly and her Older brother Kyle team up with some of the others from the apartment building to stop the curse of Kayako once and for all... will they sucssed? or will they too,like so many before them...fall victum to the curse? Name: age: gender: apperence: American or Japanese: Name:Karly Jay Thomson age:18 gender:female apperence: american or Japanese: American Name: Kyle James Thomson age:23 gender:Male apperence: american or Japanese: American
so tiring, i mean im at my primary school for the next three days and im kinda of dreading it, but dont get me wrong i have loved working today...but im just so tired
You know my Boyfriend....i love him and everything when he's not with me...when he is with me...i just feel...i dunno annoyed sometimes...i dont know why....maybe its because he follows me everywhere,and i mean everywhere,or maybe because he always wants to kiss me or hug me or give me a high five (he does that alot,had to tell him to stop,that it was annoying.) I just dont get this feeling...does it mean i have actually fell in love with him yet? he keeps saying he's fallen for me...but i just think...we're 15...arent we too young to know what real love is? i never say it...i dont want to hurt can anyone help me figure out this it normal....or have i not passed the like stage yet and into the 'Love' stage?
The only one we never done ^^ plus i seen the trailer today and was like...w-o-w! Almost a year ago,Maddie met Anthony Cullen,now at a eighteenth birthday party,something goes horribly wrong and the cullen's leave,leaving behind a distraught Maddie,but things dont go back to normal as were-wolves start to appare,protecting the people secretly,when Maddie jumps off a cliff at school,Anthong thinks she is dead,and goes to the voultri to join her in the after life,but can Maddie save him once she finds out? Name: age: race: gender: apperence: Name:Maddie Malfoy age:18 race:Human gender:Female apperence: Name:Mickey Malfoy age:18 gender:Male apperence: race:werewolf (Alpha,doesnt want to be) Name:Jacob Black age:16 gender:Male apperence: race:were-wolf
And i skipped to the end, its just something i do ^^; this book has me in tears T^T its just so sad, they really loved that dog! and it makes me think of how i'd feel if anything happened to my dog, i really feel for these people, its so sad seriously
so I was watching X-men 2 today and got this idea :) i dont know how it will turn out,better in my head or actually done :S worth a shot though right? a few months before Lyra is pregnant with her twins, somethings happen...terrible things, there are wizards in the world who are not just wizards, they have certain powers,strange to their kind and muggles, but someone wants them gone and out of this world, or their powers atleast, when Lyra and Jordan's little brother is taken from them, they decide its time for action and they go to get him back,they discover the shocking truth,its their grandfather who is behind it all,using his own powers to get rid of the rest...can they get the others out and keep their powers? Name: age: gender: apperence: powers: other: Name: Lyra Stephanie Spinnett age:19 1/2 gender: female apperence: powers: Pyrokinisis,invisiblity,,force feilds. other: two years ago,she had a son Named Cory,she is no longer with his father,but has a secret relationship with her childhood best friend Casey Malfoy, her son is showing signs of having the same abilities as her. Name: Jordan Lewis Spinnett age:18 gender:male apperence: powers: electricty, phasing,super strength other: he's a bit of a playboy,moving from girl to girl,he currently is with Lisa Goldmen,he has serious attutide problem and he isnt very bright.
My Great Uncle died today...he was my mums uncle, she was really upset...but i didnt know how to comfort her, i cant even cry about it because i never met him, but when my dad told me i felt my eyes watering,i still feel guilty about not crying though...
anyone? at all? i do! its kinda of fun ^^
When Rikku Kotoko stumbles upon the host club, she accidently breaks a vase,putting her in debt with them, at first they think she's a boy,but one by one they figure it out,they say her secret is safe with them ^^ but when her debt is paid she finds she doesnt want to leave,could this be because of love? Name: age: gender: apperence: other: Name: Rikku Kotoko age:15 gender:female apperence: other: her mother died when she was little,leaving her with a cross dressing father, she is accepted in Ouran as a honor student, she is in class 1-A, she pretends to be a boy,she ends up in debt with the host club,but once she's in,she finds she doesnt want out.
When his best friend is Killed,Cory decides he's had enough with his father's side of the family, he leaves in search of way to stop his family taking over the wizarding world,little does he know that he's the only way to stop it, but can he really put a end to it all? and by himself? he may need a little help along the way... Name: age: gender: apperence: other: Name:Cory Jordan Alexander Casey Malfoy age:18-19 gender:male apperence: other: He is the son of Lyra spinnett and Zane josh, his parents had him while they were still in school, his father beat his mother often,thus his mother left him,taking cory with her,not long after she fell in love with her best friend,Casey Mafoy,eventualy the two got married,cory grew up thinking Casey was his father,then he learned the horrible truth, a year a go he finaly acted on his feelings for a long term crush,Carrie Halliday, his best friend Scottie was murder by his father's family,he vows to avenge his death and he has been trusted to look after Teddy,Scottie's son. Names: Madeiline Aconniett Malfoy and Michael Casey Malfoy age:16 genders:male and female apperence: other: Twins, their parents had them in their fina year at school, these two twins are very uneque,they are very close to one another,some think too close,even their mother, many think they are having 'twincest.' which has turned out to be slightly true,while Michael loves his sister more than what she is, Madeiline doesnt know if she returns his feelings,Maddie is orginaly blonde,but last year due to a fight with her brother,she dyed her hair ginger,to look less like her twin, Michael is a werewolf. Name: Shawn Albus potter and Sophie Raven Potter age:15 gender:male and female apperence: other: These two are not as close as their elder cousins, in fact they seem to pretend they are not even brother and sister, yet if Sophie is threatend Shawn will protect her. Names:Ronan Jordan Spinnett and Zarrah Lilian Spinnett ages:16 and 14 genders:male and female apperence: other: their mother left them when they were very young
Two years ago Madeiline Malfoy met Anthony Cullen, a few months ago,he asked her to marry him before he made her a vampire, which she is, but on their honeymoon,the most unexpected thing happens,she gets pregnant, while at first Maddie think her new husband is worried for the baby, it is soon reveled that he is worried about maddie, she wants to keep the baby,even if it means she dies...Anthony gets vampire vemon in her just in time and three days after her child's birth,she comes back as a vampire.but this is no happy ending,for the volturi find out about the half vampire child and go to destroy it,believing it could expose them all,they fight with the cullens,but who wins? Name: age: gender: apperence(S) race: Name: Madeiline Aconnite Malfoy age:18- gender:female apperences: Wedding Pregnant Vampire Race: human then vampire Name: Michael Casey Malfoy age:18-19 gender:male apperence: race:werewolf
Im stressed because i have my big exams this month :S i did my art one last friday and after that i was fine. tomorrow i have my maths, and if i fail,ill get a 7 wich means no award because i failed the prelim! T-T im almost near tears at the thought of failing, my mum says not to worry so much about it but i can see it in her eyes,she'll be dissapointed if i fail T-T i dont want to fail! im so stressed out its not fair...
This is a Au from the Holiday rps Roxas and Namine have split up and now Roxas wishes he hadnt taken the path he did,he wishes he could go back to being 17 and do it all over again,while in school because his son was fighting,he sees old pictures of himself playing basketball,on the way home,he falls into a lake,emerging as his teenageself, but can he convice the org to pose as his family, go to high school,get close to his children and namine and see what mistakes he made? can he right the wrongs? Name: ageL gender: apperence: Name: Roxas age:37-17 gender: male apperence;