Two years ago the world was in terror over voldemort...that is no more as they are trying to piece their lives back together...some people are managing well...others arent...these are the lives of those trying to move on Name:Lily Luna Potter age:19 gender:female apperences: other:She was a survior of the war,helped beat voldemort,she is engaged and pregnant to Lewis Spinnett,this is the couples first child,which is due in novemeber Name:Lewis John Spinnett age:20 gender:male apperence: other: a survivor of the war,helped beat voldemort and is engaged to Lily Potter,who is pregnant to him.
On the 17th of March,2009, the whole world blacked out for 2 mintues and 17 seconds...and everyone saw their future...they saw 6 months from and why? Some didnt see their future and that means they arent going to be with us much longer....but on a CCTV camera at a baseball stadium...why does one person look around and walk away? the FBI are now involved and are investigating but can they find the people responcible before they do it again? and why did they do it in the first place? Name: age: gender: apperence(s) (you can post a pic of your char 6 months from now.) Flash Forward: Name: India 'Indi' Mc Cartney age:21 gender:female apperences: now 6 months from now flashforward: Indi saw herself pregnant,getting a scan done,finding out she was carrying a son,but she doesnt know who the father she isnt seeing anyone nor does she plan too.
This is my Oc Maddie talking. "My life wasnt always this F***ed up...It used to be pretty normal....before it happened that is, you see I used to have this best friend,Jennifer, she went on vaction during the summer one year and came back as what all the guys wanted, she sort of hypnotized most boys...including my twin brother and my cousin. I didnt really bother at first...then she started showing a interest in my brothers,and my cousins, that p***ed me off right there, Mickey,my twin,had always done the brotherly thing and said no to Jennifer,then one night I walked in on them...nearly goin' at it! Mickey promised me he wasnt gonna do anything! and I believed him...he maybe a womanizer and user,but when it comes to 'going all the way' he was a big wimp. After that I stopped talking to Jennifer for awhile..then I heard about the killings...about how the last person these boys saw..was her. I took nothing to do with it...untill my brother went out with her,she made it my buisness then...well there I found out that she was possesed...I managed to get Mickey out of there..but while I ran from her,Jennifer fell and happened so suddenly... Doctors kept saying I needed help...but my parents would have it...neither would I... like I life used to be normal....not now." When Maddie's best friend Jennifer cooper goes to see a band in a night club something terrible happens to her that night. Maddie starts to notice the change in her friend but it might be to late to save her, while Jennifer dates boys,Maddie notices they are the ones dying,she confronts her friend only to find the horrible truth,then one night,Mickey is out with Jennifer! Maddie rushes to save him...but can she? Name: age: gender: apperence: Name:Madeline 'Maddie' Aconnite Malfoy age:16 gender: female apperence: Name: Jennifer Cooper age:16 gender:female apperence: Name:Ronan Jordan Spinnett age:16 gender:male apperence: Name:Michael 'Mickey' Casey Malfoy age:16 gender:male apperence:
We are sorry to inform you that you are a match to our new DNA three days time someone will be sent to bring you to the facillity...we hope you stay is enjoyable. what would you do if you turned out to be a match? what could you do? would you run away from it all? or embrace it? When a virius hits the world and the scientists are trying to find a cure,one comes along,but only so many humans can handle this new DNA gene in their bodies....some die...and some get extra ordanairy powers. If someone's body is compatable with a strain of the gene they are brought to a island,where there memory is earsed,and they are given a new Identity,those who dont get any side effects stay to help others get the cure, those who delvelope powers are trained in combat. one day a young girl named India finds her old file,stating her name was Jaymie and that she lived a normal life with her family and friends. India instantly wants this life back,so she finds the others files and shows them to them,saying they shouldnt have to live this way. Many ecaspe while others stay behind to see if it is safe to escape,the scientists arent happy with the mass break out and order agents to go and bring back the genetically enhanced humans alive. can they keep running though? Rules Dont question my rules. two characters only! (agent and genetically enhanced human or you can have two agents or two Gentetically enhanced humans.) dont kill anyone without permission. keep it pg 13ish no major sex scenes. enjoy. real name: Fake name: age:(13-45) gender: powers/weapons.: apperence: Agent or gentically enhanced human: Real Name :Jaymie Jones. Fake Name: India 'Indi' Carlin. age:18 gender:female powers: force feild,invisibiltiy,walk through walls and engery blasts. apperence: Appearance: agent or genetically enhanced humans all started about two or three months back when they started threatening me by saying that if I dont stop fighting with my sisters and being cheeky to them...then they'd pack my bags and tell me to get. Now once or twice I've felt like saying "then hurry up and f*cking do it! dont just say you will! do it!" then I think...they do that and I dont want to see them ever again. Which I think is pretty understandable...I mean who would want to see their parents again if they did that? Maybe Im over reacting but everytime I say something My sister, who's two years younger than me opens her mouth and says a smart comment so I answer back and I get yelled at for it! its not fair! my mum bought a table yesterday and I said i didnt like it so my sister said "you never like anything thats bought." so I told her to shut it and my mum sent me up to my room! my sister started it,but im sent to my room! and they wont let me go to Washington to do an exchange thingy, I really wanted to go! they had me in tears when they said no, I had my hear set on going,but no.Almost sixteen and they wont let me...But I kinda understand their is pretty far they next day I asked could I go to Ireland because its closer to scotland than America is and still no! its not fair! I bet my friends all go where they want too! I only wanted to go for the summer! some want to go for a year! so times I think I really hate really really hate them... does anyone think i do?
Twelve years ago Maddie took her husband and children away,so suddenly she couldnt even give a brilliant excuse,from then on,Only she and Anthony Visited. But now they're back. with a terrible secret in the shadows... the reason they moved is because a half vampire is following their daughter,trying to drink her blood,and in doing so,becoming a full vampire. Now Maddie only wants her children to have normal lives...wouldnt any mother? so she and Anthony tell no one...not even Esmya...who is the one being hunted,they are constantly on the look out,untill Mickey finds out...and goes mental,he says they should have told him...he could have helped...later they find out that Esmya's prom date is her hunter,can they save her? Children. Maddie and Athony's Name: Esmya Carlie Cullen. age:17 gender:female apperence: birthday: 9th of April. Name:Anthony 'Aj' Michael Cullen. age:13 gender:male apperence: birthday: 31st of October. Mickey and Lake's Name: Christopher Joel Malfoy age:11 gender:male apperence: birthday: 14th of Febuary. Name: Harley Catlyn Malfoy age:13 gender:female apperence: birthday: 1st of June. Name: Jori Lilia Malfoy age:1 gender:female apperence: birthday: 2nd of december. Cory and Carrie Name:Caleb Scottie Malfoy age:14 gender:male apperence: birthday: 5th of novemeber Name:Cadey Lyra Malfoy age:11 gender:female apperence: birthday: 1st of October. Name:Casey Zane Malfoy age:13 gender:male apperence: birthday: 25th of december Shawn. Name: Ginvera 'Ginny' Potter age:9 gender:female apperence birthday: 7th of january Sophie. Name: Draco Alexander Malfoy age:9 gender:male apperence: birthday: 10th of Jaunary. Zarrah. Names:Jordana dn Ronan Spinnett age:12 gender:male apperence: birthday: 3rd of july
Lyra thought she had it all...the perfect life...perfect husband...four perfect children...little did she know that her life is about to crash and burn around her. she gets a blast from the past when her ex-boyfriend's mother,Alicia,shows up saying its time Cory knew who his real family was. But Lyra refuses,saying he's happy and always has been happy with Casey being his father...why ruin it? But unfortunatly Cory over hears and doesnt take it to well...he imediatly demands to know and see his real father,refusing to call Casey 'dad' again,Lyra reluctantly hands the son over to the man she tried so hard to protect him from. Jordan,Her brother,then suggests telling Cory what Like Zane was to her,to see if he still wants to call him'dad',when Cory expresses a diseir to live with his father for awhile,Lyra cant bring herself to tell him what Zane was really like,so she lets him go...later she gets a phone call from distressed Cory saying Zane has beaten him and he wants to come home...Lyra decides then that she is no longer afraid of Zane and goes to get her eldest son,after she has him safely back home...Lyra tells him his father wasnt a nice man...Cory says he knows that now and promises never to leave her again,but will things be the same again? Name: age: gender: apperence: birthday parents: Name: Cory Jordan Alexander Casey Malfoy age:13 gender:male apperence: birthday:29th of december parents: Lyra Malfoy and Zane Josh,his stepFather is Casey Malfoy Name:Michael Casey Malfoy age:11 gender:male apperence: birthday:12th of april parents:Lyra and Casey Malfoy Name:Madeline Aconnite Malfoy age:11 gender:female apperence: brithday:12th of april parents:Lyra and Casey Malfoy Name:Ronan Jordan Spinnett age:11 gender:male apperence: birthday: 3rd of july parents:Jordan Spinnett and Lisa Munroe Name:Zarrah Lilian Spinnett age:9 gender:female apperence: birthday: 17th of august parents:Jordan Spinnett and Lisa Munroe Name:Shawn Albus Potter age:10 gender:male apperence: birthday:5th of january parents:Alex and Elle Potter Name:Sophie Alanna Potter age:10 gender:female apperence: birthday:5th of january parents:Alex and Elle Potter
A new threat has risen... A woman who no one knows the name of,she has come forward claiming to be taking over Voldemort,she has forced the order of the phenoix to come together once more and take action. Hogwarts is being grauded in case she decides to attack there or take some students away. true to her word she is taking over from voldemort and she seems just a violent as him,killing left right and center,and the death eaters have come back once more how can she be stopped with such forces? Name: age: gender: apperence: parents: Name:Lyra Stacey Spinnett age:17 gender:female apperence: parents:Lily and Lewis. Name:Jordan Harry Spinnett age:16 gender:male apperence: parents:Lily and Lewis Name:Alexander 'Alex' James Potter age:19 gender:male apperence: parents:Albus and Alanna Potter
Welcome to Kingston Academy, Your child has been invited to attened one of the worlds best schools the children who come and go here have all amounted to something wounderfully. we hope your child can attend this most wounderfully boarding school. Thats the letter the school sends...though the school isnt as good as they make it out to be,theres writing everywhere,parties and drunken students almost every weekend and most are the worst behaved students ever! they set fires in the school grounds,girls sneak to the boys dorms to 'do it' younger students are picked on this school is supposed to be great? answer the letter and you'll see how great or horrible it can be to you! Name: age: gender: apperence: Dorm(a,b,c,d,e,f,g boys put a B before the letter girls a G) year:(theres seven years) Name:Clear Waters age:17 1/2 gender:female apperence: dorm:Gg year:5th Name: Ripple Waters age:23 gender: female apperence: dorm:the teachers dorm,she works for the school,and is Clear's nagging,strict elder sister Name:River Waters age:19 gender:male apperence: dorm:anyone he likes,he sleeps where he wants...when he wants,he almost always spikes the punch at the first dance and he is Clear's elder annoying brother. Dorms Boys: A-(first years) B-(second years) c-(third years) D(fourth years) E(fifth years) Riyu F(sixth years) G(Seventh years) Kyle Girls A-(first years) B-(second years) c-(third years) D(fourth years) E(fifth years) Charm F(sixth years) G(Seventh years) clear
The Malfoy's,Potter's and Spinnetts all decide to go on a well deserved summer holiday,only trouble is...their teenage children want to do their own things and not 'Family fun'. After a fight with his family about a party Jordan wishes the adults had never met one another,thus his wish coming true,after finding out what he's done,his sister or cousin arent impressed,they find another wizard who promises to take them to a secret cavern where theres some sort of magical locket that gives the wearer one spell or wish,they set off to find this locket,but will they get their wish? Name: age: gender: apperence: Birthday: parents: other Name:Lyra Stacey Spinnett age:19 gender:female apperence: birthday: 20th of november parents:Lily and Lewis. other: She used to date Zane Josh,the father of her almost two year old son,Cory, but she left him and fell in love with her best friend Casey Malfoy, who she is secretly dating and has been for the past two years, she is unknowingly pregnant by him Name:Jordan Harry Spinnett age:18 gender:male apperence: birthday: 1st of january. parents:Lily and Lewis other:he made the wish.not thinking it would come true
Im sorry but i have to get this rant out of my system and I dont think it goes in the help with life threads,cos I dont need help. Ok so,my boyfriend is going away for his cousin's wedding,and he said something about it today to one of my friends,lets call her D,so she went all moody and started saying things like "Oh my god,will you shut the f*ck up? its not that special!" then D stormed away,I Then because it started to rain,we went inside,D was on the school stairs,saw us coming and said "f*ck no."and stormed away again,she was starting to really annoy me...then at lunch another 'friend' (I dont like her) asked my boyfriend why he 'growled' at D, he didnt,he didnt even look at her,then another girl I dont like gave him the evil eye,I was like..."Oh my god...get a grip." three of these girls are so far up D's a** its unbeleivable! like seriously they follow her everywhere! ohh i felt like punching F*ck out of her! but my boyfriend said dont worry and i was like,"No.its not that when she goes to Italy! we hear it non-stop then!" so anyway...think my friend is jealous? or just a Biitch? and sorry for my rant...
When you love someone,you dont care what other people think,what other people say,nothing else matters to you but the one person you love. Thats exactly how Christopher Joel Malfoy feel's when he falls in love with a muggle girl named Joanna Collins. At start of summer,a new family moved into the house next to Chris's house,Chris said 'It was love at first sight.' His father,Mickey adviced him againt liking a muggle,but Chris wouldnt listen,Mickey even said he was too young to know what love was..once again Chris didnt listen and evenutally asked Joanna out...he then told his family he was telling her what they were,what he was...Once more Mickey voiced his objections,but with his aunt Maddie and Grandmother on his side,Chris told Joanna all,he was shocked she didnt run,scream or hit him,infact she seemed fasinated,but her father found out and was not pleased,he forced his family to move,Chris was crushed,then he had the idea to go get Joanna,but will he suceed? Name: age: gender: apperence: race: Parents: other: My Main Characters,others are listed below Name:Christopher 'Chris' Joel Malfoy age:18 gender:male apperence: race:werewolf/wizard. parents:Lake and Mickey Malfoy. other:Youngest child of Lake and Mickey,he is the spitting image of Mickey when he was young,slightly less tempermental,he falls deeply in love with a muggle,whom his father practically forbids him from seeing,when she is forced to move,he decides to go get her Name:Joanna Jean Collins age:17 gender:female apperence: race:Human/Muggle parents:Christine and John Collins. other: Only child of Mr and Mrs Collins,so she's slightly spoiled,she doesnt seem bothered at all that her boyfriend is a wizard/werewolf,and she constantly difes her father to see Chris,she know's not saying bye to him will hurt him deeply. Name:Cadey Lyra Malfoy age:18 gender:female apperence: race:Human/Witch parents:Cory and Carrie Malfoy other:at first she is all for the idea of her cousin getting a girlfriend,but when he says his plans to tell her what they are,she quickly joins her uncle Mickey in trying to stop it. Name: Larrisa Colleen Malfoy age:20 gender:female apperence: race:werewolf/witch parents:Lake and Mickey Malfoy other:she doesnt really like Joanna,she think her brother will only get hurt,she is the second child of Lake and Mickey. Name:Casey Zane Malfoy age:20 gender:male apperence: : race:Human/wizard parents:Cory and CarrieMalfoy other:N/a Name:Caleb Scottie Malfoy age:21 gender:male apperence: race:Human/wizard parents:Cory and Carrie Malfoy other:N/a Name:Jordan and Ronan Spinnett age:19 gender:male apperence: (Identical twins) race:Human/wizard parents:Zarrah Spinnett and unknown Male other:N/a Name:Ginevera 'Ginny' Elle Potter age:16 gender:female apperence: race:Human/witch parents:Shawn and Melody Potter other:N/a Name:Anthony 'Aj' Michael Cullen age:20 gender:male apperence: race:Half-human,Half-vampire/Wizard parents:Maddie and Anthony Cullen. other:N/a Name:Esmya Carlie Oken age:25 gender:female apperence: : race:Half-Human,Half-vampie/witch. parents:Maddie and Anthony Cullen. other:she's married toTeddy and has a son with him named Jayden,she's currently expecting her second child. Name:Draco Alex Hart age:16 gender:male apperence: race:Human/wizard parents:Sophie and James Hart other:N/a.
eight years they have been missing from Narnia,they think everything is ok,they have even started to forget about it,but back in narnia,the telmerians are taking over and Caspian,the rightfull king is forced to run for his life,the Narnian's find him as he blows the magical horn,they have decided to help him,to help them the Telmerians have brought back the white witch,intending to use her in their fight,but they didnt count of the old kings and queens being thrust back into narnia,along with their family this time,can they stop this fight and end the war? and where's Alsan? Name: age: gender: apperence: other: Name:Cory Jordan Alexander Casey Malfoy age:20 gender:Male apperence: other: Married to Carrie, in Narnia he is one of the kings,when they go back he trys to take comand of everything,beleiving that Caspian is too young and inisperineced to do so. Name:Maddeline Aconnite Malfoy age:18 gender:female apperence: other: Shes engaged to a Vampire,she is one of the queens of Narnia and when they go back,she refuses her brothers'orders' to stay out of the fighting,her twin brother means everything to her. Name:Michael Casey Malfoy age:18 gender:Male apperence: other: everyone at school just found out he;s a werewolf,one of the kings of Narnia,when the white witch rises once more she uses him to fight against his family,as he is once again under her spell. Name:Ronan Jordan Spinnett age:18 gender:male apperence: other: one of the kings of Narnia,he trys to keep his sister out of the way alot. Name:Zarrah Lilian Spinnett age:16 gender:female apperence: other: shes one of the queens of Narnia,she's the one who see's Alsan first. Name:Shawn Alubs Potter age:17 gender:Male apperence: other: one of the kings of Narnia,he doesnt like Caspian. Name:Sophie Catlyn Potter age:17 gender:female apperence: other: one of the queens of Narnia,she takes a shine to Caspian.
while spending the summer with their greatgrandparents Cory,His siblings and cousin's dont expect to find another world in a wadrobe,at first none one really believe's Zarrah when she comes and tells them about it. But when hiding...they find it,and then they find out that the white witch has made it ever-lasting winter and only son's of Adam and Daughter's of eve,can break it. They didnt plan to fight...but eventually they agree too,if they can win,they'll be crowned kings and queens of Narnia. Name: age: gender: apperence: parents: Name:Cory Jordan Alexander Casey Malfoy age:12 gender:Male apperence: parents:Lyra Malfoy and Zane Josh,he was raised by Casey Malfoy,his step-father. Name:Madeline Aconnite Malfoy age:10 gender:Female apperence: parents:Lyra and Casey Malfoy Name:Michael Casey Malfoy age:10 gender:male apperence: parents:Lyra and Casey Malfoy Name:Ronan Jordan Spinnett age:10 gender:Male apperence: parents:Jordan Spinnett and Lisa Simmins Name:Zarrah Lilian Spinnett age:8 gender:female apperence: parents:Jordan Spinnett and Lisa Simmins Names:Shawn Albus Potter and Sophie Catlyn Potter age:9 gender:male and female apperence: parents:Elle and Alex Potter
Im only on to let you know how i did as i was one of the thousands of scottish students how got their standard grade results in this mornning, for those who care this is my result list Art-3 english-3 spanish-5 maths-5 modern studies-4 Physical education-4 (3-4 is general and a 5 is a foundation) so i passed them all! :D
Im only on here today to say goodbye. Its been a real fun two years,but to be honest the site had gotten a little ones really on anymore...or the ones i know arent anway. Umm yeah,thats part of why Im leaving...the other is..when im not on alot and there's not alot for me to do and now i think would be the best time to leave. it might seem soon,but in a few weeks I go back to school for 5th year and i really need to get my head down and get on with my work. I know i've done this time and again...but this time i mean it. Just so everyone knows,i had alot of fun here and made some great friends and i wish you all the best and have fun with out me ^^ i know you will. Bye.
Ok so i was listening to a song and got this idea You've had a hard time at work and need a break,or you've been dumped and need to drown your sorrows,or you just want to get wasted,theres only one place you want to go...VEGAS! but surely the saying,'what happens in Vegas...stays in Vegas' cant always be true in this Rp your characters will have to deal with their own little problems from Vegas. Rules Keep it suitable for over the top lovin' dont control each others characters. dont do anything to each others characters with out permission. Name: age: (21-30) gender: apperence: (provide a pic) problem: Name: Ruby Scott age:21 gender:female apperence: problem:She went to Vegas after her fiancee dumped her,now she's got a big problem...she slept with someone and has fallen pregnant and doesnt know who the father is... Name:Kale Long age:24 gender:Male apperence : problem: He went to Vegas for a break and ended up marrying a girl he's never met...he wants a anulment but cant find her to get one. Some one else can be the father and the girl if they want im not bothered
a hundred years after Sora and the others,Darkness,has fallen once more. With new Hero's,New villians and new challenges to face, can the worlds be resotred and saved once more? or will they fall into the darkness and will all serve the dark master? Name: age: gender: apperence: Hero or Villian: home world: History: weapon: Rules Keep ALL romance Pg 13 OK? I have the right to ask you to leave the rp if you are out of control. Dont power play Dont take over other characters without permission Dont kill anyone without permission! you can have one of the orginal characters as a greatgrandparent. Name: Hikari age:15 gender:female apperence: Hero or Villian:Hero Home world: Destiny Islands history: she is the greatgreatgrand daughter of Sora, she lives on destiny islands with her parents and younger brother,Hikaru. she is a kind caring girl and is a bit chatty when she wants to be,is a serious fighter when it comes to it. weapon:she is the new weilder of the keyblade
Summary: Roxas was told Nobodies didnt have a heart... so why does one girl from a strange island make him feel like he does? and when she leaves him,why does it feel like its broken? can she save him? Parinings RoxasXKairi. Prologue. They told me...we didnt have hearts...but if that's true...why does it feel like she's broken mine? I cant bare to watch her walk away...she says we cant be together anymore...because she has to go help Sora, Doesnt she care that she's hurting me by chosing him? he hasnt been around for a year! but sure,ok...the minute he needs help...its abandon Roxas...I should have expected just a Nobody...who would ever love someone like me? a shadow of Sora..thats all I am...all I ever will be...and its not fair...maybe I never should have left the organisation...maybe I should have listened to Axel when he told me to stay away from her.... There's no maybe about it anymore....I should have listened... I should have stayed away...but I couldnt help it...I was laughed at for it... I stand there on the beach,I turn now, unable to watch her anymore, I open a door way to darkness and step in. As I come out,it feels like someone is clawing at my chest on the inside, tearing at the place were my heart should be, I gasp in pain,or what I think is Pain...and fall to my knee's, I hear foot steps, but cant see the face of the owner, its going dark,the pain doubles. "Roxas? Roxas!" Axel? I didnt notice where I'd opened up the portal...I feel my eyes close and Axel hurries torwards me,calling my name,I feel him shaking me...telling me to wake up...but my eyes are not responding to my wills...i just lie there...still...limp.... I think I know what caused this....My was broken....and she doesnt even know.... "Kairi..."I breathe, I feel the ground move out from under me...Axel must have lifted me...I hear him calling Vexen....calling everyone....saying I'd come home...but something was wrong.... I felt a cold surface under me now and hear low murmers,someone strokes my hair in loving way...Axel...I the heat, the last thing I hear before I finaly give in to the darkness is... "He's slowly fading away....and I dont know why..."
What if the O'connelles didnt destory the mummy? what if he lived on,or slept on,what if some new adventurers came across him? what if they acidently awoke him,what if he threatend to destroy the wolrd? could they stop him? Name: age: apperence: gender: Country: Characters Name: Corrie Johnstone age:18 gender:female apperence: country: England Name:Jake age:17 apperence:Longish,Spiky hair,White adidas trainers,Red hoodie and black trackies,Blue eyes,Silver chain around neck. gender:Male Country:New York