OWL results are in as well as NEWTS and its time to kick back and relax with a relaxing holiday..... YEAH THAT'LL BE THE DAY! XD Nothing is ever relaxing with this lot around so what Chaos can The Potter's,Spinnett's and Malfoy's cause while on a summer holiday? join to find out. Name: Lyra Spinnett age:18 gender: female apperence: other: she had a baby back in december Name:Jordan Spinnett age:17 gender:male apperence: other: ~ Name:Alex Potter age:20 gender:male apperence: other: ~
Weddings, Births and Break ups... what family doesnt have them? then again...no one has luck like This family, Lyra and Casey will be joined in marriage, Jordan and Lisa will brake up...children will be born...and will secrets finaly be revealed? Name: Lyra Spinnett age:23 gender:female apperence: << wedding <pregnant << normal (at honeymoon) other: Mother of three children so far, and she will have another,she is getting married to her childhood friend,Casey Malfoy,who is the father of her twins they have been together for 5 years. Name: Jordan Spinnett age:22 gender:male appernece: other: father of two,not married, his girlfriend will leave him in this rp. Name: Alex Potter age: 25 gender:male apperence: other: Unknowingly the father of Elle Malfoy's daughter
after his friend 'dies' River has some strange things happen to him untill his father decides to take his children and the rest of his family to a safe camp where they will be trained to fight and survie River learns that he must stop the on coming threat,but he cant do it alone. while out of a mission he learns that his old bestfriend has been posseded by a accient vampire who plans to destory all races' that arent vampire,River tries to get his friend to change his mind,but to no avail,he then decides that he has to be stopped,so he and his friends go into battle...can they do it? or will all be lost? Name:River Malfoy age:17 gender:male apperence: parents:Mickey and Lake Malfoy birthday: 31st of october Bio: Werewolf,something terrible is meant to happen on his 18th birthday,his best friend 'dies' then comes back to life a vampire who is intent on destorying the witch and werewolf races' making vampire's the supreme race,it is River's destiny to stop him...but can he? Name: Elena Malfoy age:5 gender:female apperence: parents:Mickey and Lake Malfoy birthday: 14th of febuary Bio:N/a Name:Blaise Sophia Confetti age:18 gender:female apperence: parents:Aro and a Human birthday: 1st of april Bio: mother died when she was born,father didnt want a half-vampire so he sent her away to a special camp in order to protect her from the danger he knows that will come....she doesnt like Riverat first but warms up to him, though his father warns her to stay clear of his son as it will only cause a bigger war between everyone,but can the two stay apart? Name: Cadey Malfoy age:18 gender:female apperence: parents:Cory and Carrie Malfoy birthday:31st of july bio: Most powerfull of her siblings as well as the youngest and only daughter,she is a powerfull witch who is very good at complicated spells,she tries to protect as many people as she can in this war. she was dating Danny,the boy who turned evil,but in battle she screams she hates him after he attacks her cousin ,this shocks him back to normal for a moment before he tries to kill her,he broke her heart by doing what he did...can she ever get over it? Name:Daniel 'Danny' Collins age:18 (forever) gender:male apperence: parents: Two muggles birthday: 1st of June Bio: He is turned into a vampire,possed by the first ever vampire and is trying to kill his best friend,River and His girlfriend Cadey,along with their families...can he be stopped? Minior Characters Esmya Cullen(aged 24) : Aj Cullen (aged20): Caleb Malfoy (aged 21): Casey Zane Malfoy (aged20): Theodore Scott (aged 26):
I think Im in like my bestfriend....as in more than a friend...but I have a boyfriend who I love.... Im trying to Ignore how I feel about this friend but I cant seem too...he's all im thinking about right now....and Its confusing me...I dont want to lose my boyfriend so I can never tell him.... Im so confused as to how I feel and what to do....My bestfriend gives me butterflies when he's with me...we have a laugh and today I said something about not talking to him and he said "You wouldnt do that....you love me too much."...it might have been a joke....but...I dunno...I felt...strange... what should I do? :S T^T I dont want to lose my boyfriend over this!
Secrets cause trouble Lyra and Casey should know secrets only cause trouble. they didnt seem to think about this when they started dating almost two years ago,but they dont know how long they can hide it anymore what with Lyra being pregnant and Jordan realsing that they're expecting....nothing bad could happen right? The usual form ^^ Name:Lyra Spinnett age:19(20 in novemeber) gender:female apperences: Pregnant bio:Two years ago she was pregnant with Cory,by Zane Josh,who abused her,not long after Cory was born Lyra started dating Casey Malfoy,her bestfriend since birth really,she is thrilled to be pregnant again and cant wait for the new additions to arrive...the only thing worring her is their parents.....they have to be happy...right? Name:Jordan Lewis Spinnett age:18 (19 on 31st of december) gender:male apperence: Bio: Loud and Annoying,Jordan never fails to amaze anyone,either with his shear stupidness or His times of being smart.He is a smoker...well a chain smoker really,but since finding out Lyra was pregnant again he tried to cut down,when he found out he was going to be a father he trys to stop altogether. Name:Cory Jordan Alexander Casey Spinnett age:1(2 on the 27th of december) gender:male apperence: Bio:He doesnt know who his real Daddy is,he has a habbit of calling Casey 'Daddy' because he is around him so much,this little boy totaly adores Casey and his mother and pretty much anyone else though he isnt to happy at first when he is told he is going to be a big brother Unborn twins Name:Madeline Aconite Malfoy age: in this pic...a few months gender:female apperence: other:She is the older twin,by five minutes. Name:Michael Casey Malfoy age: in this pic...a few months old gender:male apperence: other:younger twin by five minutes,his hair turns blonde when he is a few months old,it was red when he was born
almost a year ago the Cullens left... Now Anthony is marrying Maddie Malfoy...who thinks things couldnt get any better....only shes wrong...while on their honeymoon Maddie falls pregnant....only they arent going with the nine month thing and whats worse....is that the baby is killing her...but she still wants it anyway. when the baby is born it almost kills her,but anthony bites her just in time,Maddie becomes a vampire and ajusts pretty well untill a vampire sees her daughter,thinking the child is one of the tabooed immortal children the vampire runs to the volturi who are now coming to destroy the Cullens and anyone who stands with them... can they all be saved? Name: age: gender: apperence: race: Date of Birth: Name:Michael 'Mickey' Casey Malfoy age:18-19 gender:male apperence: race:werewolf Date of Birth: 12th of April Name: Madeline 'Maddie' Anconnite Cullen (Nee Malfoy) age:18 gender:female apperence: Human Pregnant Vampire Race: Human to vampire Date of Birth:12th of april Name:Esmya Carly Cullen age: baby (looks older because she is a halfbreed) gender:female apperence: with reddish hair though and thats maddie with her race: Half Human Half Vampire date of birth: 8th of April Name:Lyra Malfoy age:38 gender:female apperene: she looks younger than she actually is Race:human Date of birth: 20th of novemeber
As maddie recovers from the vampire attack that almost claimed her life she looks to celebrate her 18th birthday with her vampire sweetheart Anthony Cullen..but when she gets a cut things get worse as his brother tries to kill her...The cullens leave not long after leaving Maddie in a pit of dispair. Months pass and she doesnt seem to be getting better...that is untill she finds out her brother's secret...that he's part of a wolf pack..not that he really wants to be...and as she started to hang around with one of them she slowly becomes herself once more....about christmas time Alice cullen comes back...saying Anthony has gone to the volturi to ask to die...as he thinks maddie is dead...and he cant live without her...Maddie rushes to save him...only to learn that to save her family she must become a vampire... but will Antony do it? Name: age: gender: apperence: Name:Maddie Malfoy age:18 gender:female apperence: Name: Mickey Malfoy age:18 gender:male apperence: werewolf
Creatures of the night Kasey Jane Nikols didnt expect her life to change so drasticaly when her parents died. When Kasey's parents die suddenly in a car accident,she is forced to go live with her Aunt Collen,Uncle Jack and Cousin Michael, at first she thinks the harmless town is 'cute,simple and too the point.' because its farm land, but something happens that this city girl didnt expect...she falls in love...with one strange boy: Adrian Falcon is a strange boy with no friends besides his family,he is hiding a secret though and Kasey is dteremind to find out what. When he saves her from drowning she suddenly realisise what he is...and she isnt afraid of him,he then kisses her,he takes her to meet his family and a fight follows because a human knows what they are...Vampires. the following day at school,Adrian gets into a fight with a family memeber and their secret is near enough exposed,the fight alerts another vampire to this...family,he is curious,then when he sees Kasey and trys to kill her,he wants to play a game...of life and death Can Adrian save her? Bordem ccreated this...and aslo daydreaming about vampires. Name: age: gender: apperence: race:Human/vampire (not everyone can be a vampire!) Name:Kasey Jane Nikols age:16 gender:female apperence: race:Human Name:Adrian Johnathan Falcon age:16 (really over a 100) gender:male apperence: race:Vampire
Two years after Tyler is born, India finds herself pregnant once more,which a jealous child and another baby that is taking a toll on her and a unexpected family reunion,how can she and Brad cope? This story line might get tweeked as it goes on ^^ Name: age: gender: apperence: other: Name:India Kantus age:24 gender:female apperence(s) Pregnant pics Normal Other:Mother of Tyler River Kantus whom she had while in collage,she left not long after he was born to take care of him
Anyone know If deviantart costs anything to post things?
When a young girl gets pregnant by her crush,she decides to keep the baby,though her family are extremly against it and want her to get rid of it as a result,she ends up moving out, after having just about enough,she decides its her life! and no one is going to rule it anymore. Make a family. Name: age: gender: apperence: other: The Carlson Family Name:Alice Carlson age:42 gender:female apperence: other:Office worker Name: Joesph Carlson age:44 gender:male apperence: other:company owner Name: Jordan 'Jordie' Carlson age:16 gender:female apperence: other:school student Name: Anthony Carlson age:9 gender:male apperence: other:student
Harry Potter decides to take his family on holiday to get rid of all the stress of whats going on only things turn out much worse than they planed when something goes terribly wrong with a spell...Lily's parents start acting like they dont know each other! can this be fixed before the potter children disappere all together? Name: age: gender: apperence: year: house: parents: Name: Lily Luna Potter age:16 gender:female apperence: year:6th house:gryffindor parents:Harry James Potter and Ginny Molly Potter
With college all over and done with as it has been for years but what if the one job they would always have...was the hardest? uncontrolable teenagers...fights...break ups...tears....god help them all Name: Date of Birth: gender: apperence: parents: other: Name:Tyler River Kantus date of birth: 14th of feburay 1992 age:17 Gender:male apperence: parents:Brad and India Kantus other:He is constantly in trouble and always fighting with his parents because every other night he comes home drunk or high,he is probably the most annoying of the Kantus siblings Name: Lilian 'Lily' Natasha Kantus date of birth: 31st of october 1994 age:15 gender:female apperence: parents:Brad and India Kantus other: she is a bit of a know-it-all and is constantly telling on her older brother
Im probably gonna get a total slagging here but whatever Im so sick of people saying bad things about the twilight saga...you dont like it dont watch it or read it...its so simple...I myself am a Twilight saga fan and no this isnt just because i am one...its really annoying and pointless everyone has their own opinions and if you dont like it...fair enough...you dont even have to talk about it! but no....you all just go on and on and on about how 'gay' it is -_- seriously... well...glad i got that out.
Hogwarts:what if? An AU. This how Lily and Hiro's life would have gone if they hadnt gone their seperate ways when they were younger. They get married and have a family...this is a rp of their lives,their wedding,their children's birth and even their grandchildren's brith. Name: age: apperence(s) Name:Lily Luna Potter age: 23 apperences: wedding Pregnancies older
This is my Oc talking When the school was a boys only...it was ok...when girls arrived...things got bad...then they got *****y with all the fighting...man I wish they'd never come! including my sister! damnit! When Norton High school is turned from a all boys school to a mixed school things go from bad...to worse as the teachers try to control the already out of control students...what with wild parties and people having sex...heart ache can only follow when the girls arrive...they do say girls can be cruel Name: age; apperence: Name:Madeline 'Maddie' Collins age:16 apperence: Name: Michael 'Mickey' Casey Collins age:16 apperence:
Teenage problems In a school that deals with these types of things,there are many students how have problems. some have run away from home,some girls are pregnant,some are alcholics and are only 13 years old and some are drug addicts. this rp shows how these poor unfortunate souls try to cope with their problems Name: age: gender: apperence: problem: Name:India Collins age:16 gender:female apperence: when shes only a few months Near the end problem:she is 16 and pregnant and doesnt seem to be coping with motherhood,she once was a alcholic and has tried to stop...she doesnt know who the father is...(because i dont XD)
does anyone eles like John and Edward from the X factor? I love the twins! ^^
Most Pupils after graduating the Academy come here. some say its just as bad as the high school...others say its worse. only one way to find out. Welcome to KingSton College the worst College in the history of Colleges. some actually come here to learn...others just come for a good time. but what will your character come for? Name: age: gender: apperence: other: Name: India 'Indi' Collins. age:22 gender:female apperence: some pics of her pregnant The brown haired one Near the end of her pregnancy other: Indi is actually Clear Rivers,but it was reaveled that she was adopted so she changed her name and apperence,India Collins is her birth name,soon after she found out she was adopted,she broke up with her boyfriend in high school,saying she didnt want to drag him into it,she has grown up considerbly since then but is still a party animal,she always corrects people when they call her clear. Name: Morgan James age:22 gender:female apperence: other:she is a bubbly young girl who is cousins with Indi,she has just arrived at the college and is looking to have fun
Im sorry...I cant go on anymore....they wont leave me alone.... even my only friend has turned against me... If I dont have friends...who do I have? even the Headgirl didnt help me.... she was my angel and I shall watch over her for all eternity... goodbye. After a boy kills himself because of bullies,strange things start to happen as one by one they start dying. they get texts from the dead boy...but how can that be when hes gone? then they start seeing him. the headgirl finds out that it is the dead boy who is killing them...come back for his revenge so he can finaly move on. Is he stoppable before he murders half the school? Name: age: gender: apperence: how you die(if you do die) other: Name: Violet Smith age:18 gender:female apperence: how you die: havent decided yet other:headgirl,though she starts to hang about with the popular crowd. This is based off the brittish horror 'tormented' Rules have fun dont take over others characters if you must have a romance keep sex scenes to a minimum