For centuries Vampires and Werewolves have been fighting. Warring over the human race,their only food source for many years,the war is going badly,both sides have lost many of their kind. Now a new breed has come into focus, the were-pires,half-breed offspring of vampires and werewolves who are tried of fighting,though it is against the law for such creatures,both sides now see the advantages of having such halfbreeds on their side as they can carry out atatcks during the day while they rest and at night both sides would carry on where the half-breeds left off. Only one problem,alot of the Were-pire's dont want to be apart of the war other than to stop it,thus they formed a resistance...a hiding place for halfbreeds...and army for those willing to fight for fight for their lives. Vampires: They are super strong, incredibly fast and hunt both animal and human blood as they can survive on both. Now the blood lust has gotten so bad they can only drink human blood to survive. They sleep during the day and fight at night. They have special powers such as * Controlling the elements *Controlling the weather *Seduction *Hypnotisim Werewolves: Nasty creatures who not only need to drink blood,but must eat the organs of their kill to stay satisified,they too are super strong and incredibly fast,their fur matches their hair colour and their eyes stay the same colour,they need the moon to change,which is up every night.They too have special powers such as * Controlling others * Impressive strength * Super sensitive hearing. Were-pires: The half breed race dont need blood as much and dont need the moon to take on a wolf form,they change at will.But they are not as strong as the full breeds and rest at night.Their powers drain them of engery so they cant use them as much as they would like,their powers are broken down into * Telekenisis - Seeing the future,knowing were people are, moving things with their minds, mind reading, projecting thoughts. * Sonic Voice- super scream *Invisibility and Force feild. *walk through walls. Name: age: apperence: Parents:(were-pire only) special power: bio: race: (vampire,werewolf,werepire) Name: Innes Rhys-Mathers age:17 aperence: parents: Scott Rhys and Kylie Mathers Special Power:walking through walls Bio: Unlike many werepire's his parent were married before they were cursed,he doesnt resent them..only the ones who made them this way,this is the only reason he joins the resistance,he is a kinds boy who is very relaxed and laid back. race:werepire Name: Scott Rhys age:40 apperence: parents: Unknown special power: Sensitive hearing Bio: To be added race:werewolf Name: Kylie Mathers age:40 apperence: parents: Unknown special power:seduction race:vampire Rules No more than three characters Dont kill anyone without permission Dont use anothers character at your own will E.g " Holly moves next to me." Keep romances PG 13,go on PM if you feel the need to continue Post 'The resistance' to show you have read this
[I[/I]Felica and Heath Malcolm have always know that they were special in some way,so when they turn sixteen and they recieve their angelic powers they didnt think they were that special. Only one problem...they're only half angel meaning in order to become full angel they must go to a boarding school and learn to control their powers and such. But the school is a little unexpected as its divided into two groups, Light angels and Dark Angels,and you dont pick where you'r put what happens when the twins are split up and can no longer even look at each other? what happens when the dark angel's twist Heath's mind into thinking that light angels are goody-toe-shoes who should be destoryed permently? whats even worse is that they're planning an attack on the light angels...who are unsuspecting of them or their plans...can Heath really fight against his sister....and can Felica save Heath from himself? Rules: No power playing no killing or taking over anyones character without permission post ' to every darkness...there is light..." to show you've read this. no more than 3 characters (old characters dont count.) one must be on the dark if your characters are good and vice versa have fun. Name: age: parents: apperence: powers: Angel: Name: Felica Malcolm age:16 parents: Forrest and Harley Malcolm apperence: powers: Fire water wind and earth Angel: Light Name: Heath Malcolm age:16 parents:Forrest and Harley Malcolm apperence: powers: Lightning, Thunder,Hail and Ice Angel: Dark
Like every young wolf,River is being made to enter a competiton to see if he is Alpha wolf material,that he wants it. His father says he won,but passed it over to the runner up,as he would soon have vampire's for family and there would have been alot more animosity between them. River is shunned by most at school when they find out what he is,he even gets in a huge fight with Danny over not telling him the truth,he is quick to blame his parents for the way he is,asking why he is the only one who is a werewolf and must go through this. River's temeper gets worse as people make little comments about how unstable werewolves are and to make things worse,he is kicked out of defence against the dark arts class as he stands up for werewolves when a teacher makes nasty and steroetypical comments about them. He must not only fight two other boys for the title but he must fight with his heart as he falls for two girls he should never have even looked at that way,but with the competition moving forward its clear who he shows more interest in and it could spell heartbreak for the young wolf and Honour is only interested in power and wants nothing more than to be alpha female. But can River survive and take over a pack? Name:River Michael Hunter Malfoy age:15-16 parents: Mickey and Lake Malfoy race:werewolf apperence: bio: River used to be a quiet kid,now he's starting to come out of his shell. River gets his first girlfriend when he goes to best friend Danny's older brother's 21st birthday party,where he drunkenly kisses Danny's sister,aswell as Danny's girlfriend.River has shown no interest in Rebecca Burkeowits,Danny's girlfriend,but has shown plently in his sister,Stacia.When he is told he has to compete for the title of Alpha he rejects it right away,but he is given no choice,this is where he meets Honour,a young she-wolf who has drawn him to her,so with three girls to choose from,River's spoiled for choice. Name: Daniel 'Danny' Joesph Miller age:16 parents: Joesph and Millie Miller race:Human apperence: bio:Danny has always been there for River,but this year at school seems intent on making a rift between the best friends. Danny takes an instant dislike to the fact that River is dating his sister,blind to the fact that his girlfriend also has a thing for River,the releationship is even more strained when he finds out River's been hiding his secret from him,he is upset that River thought he couldnt trust seems unlikely that they will remain friends for much longer.. Name: Forrest Samuel Blackhop age:17 parents: Sam and Leah Blackhop race: Werewolf apperence: bio: Forrest is a young wolf,beleiving that no one should challenge him to become alpha,he is annoying and has a huge ego.More than once he threatens to destroy River in the competition,so he can become alpha all on his own. Name: Heathcliff 'Heath' Davidson age:17 parents: deceased race:werewolf apperence: bio: Heath is another wolf,bent on becoming alpha of the pack,though he is not as agressive about it,he even seems to like River and forms a friendship with him,even helping him with girl troubles. he seems to like River's sister,Ocean alot more than he lets on. name: Rebecca Burkeowits age:16 parents: Kyle and Serah Burkeowits apperence: bio: Rebecca is a young girl who's slept with half her year,and dated most of the others too,she is dating Danny,but has a crush on River,the only one she HASNT done anything with other than kiss,she makes it her mission to do the dirty with him, untill she finds out he;s a werewolf and is totally repulsed by him. Name: Stacia Miller age:18 parents: Joesph and Millie Miller race:Human apperence: bio: Stacia is the older sister of Danny,ex-girlfriend of Aj Cullen and current girlfriend of River. or so she thinks untill Honour shows up and now shes fighting to keep her claws in River,but is she only using him to get back at Aj,who dumped her so rudely at the end of their 7th year? Name: Cadey Lyra Malfoy age:16 parents: Cory and Carrie Malfoy race:Human apperence: bio: Cadey is River's older cousin by three months and she constantly is looking out for him,so she not very impressed after she finds out who his new lover interest is,or the fact that Rebecca cheated on Danny with him, not that she's telling Danny,she secretly is in love with the boy and will do anything for him. Name: Honour Blackhop age:16 parents: Sam and Leah Blackhop race:werewolf apperence: bio: Honour is the youngest of her family and only she-wolf. she seems drawn to River although her brother has warned to stay away from him,she wants to be alpha female and wants River to win so she can get what she wants.
The Return of Azula Twenty-five years after sozins commett,everything is peacefull with the four nations,or it was untill a band of fire nation rebeles remember how it was to be it felt to rule the other nations. When Zuko is kidnapped it is soon realised that Azula is behind these attacks and up-roars,but with the Avatar and co being too 'old' it is up to their children to stop the choas that will surely rain on them if Azula becomes fire lord and re-starts the war. Rules *Keep romance pg *no power playing *do NOT control/kill other's characters without permission *3 OC characters max (you control the parents) *stick to the rules or I will ask you to leave the rp *have fun ^^! * post ' Down with the Fire Nation ' to prove you have read this *No two people can have the same parents Name: age: apperence: bending ability: region: parents: Bio: Name: Yue age:18 apperence: bending Ability: Earth region: South Pole/Earth Kingdom parents: Sokka and Toph Bio: Named after the moon and her father's first love,Yue is the eldest of Sokka and Toph's children and the only Earth Bender,she isnt as good as her mother but she's getting there,she has the same colour of eyes as Toph,but is not blind. Name: Hokada age:16 apperence: bending ability: None region: South Pole/Earth Kingdom Parents: Sokka and Toph Bio: Named after his grandfather, Hokada is like Sokka,a non-bending warrior of their home,Hokada is jealous that His sisters both got bending ability and he didnt,but like his father he hides that fact. Name: Kya age:14 apperence: bending ability: Water region:south pole/earth kingdom Parents: Sokka and Toph Bio: Named after her grandmother,Kya is the only water bender in the family apart from her aunt Katara,she is at a basic level of Water bending but is already proving to turn out to be a master.
A few years ago,Maddie and the Cullen's moved away,to stop from being recognized as vampire's. The family havent seen them and have only spoken over the phone,so its a shock when Maddie suddenly says they're coming home. The real reason behind the move is soon discovered as a half-vampire is tracking Esmya,to bite her on her 18th birthday and become a full vampire,Maddie moved back in the hopes Esmya would be safe.But on her 18th while at a party,she is attacked and bitten...her family arrives too late,so they give her the choice...;full vampire...or human... which will she choose? Name: age: gender: apperence: parents: Name(s):Esmya Carlie Cullen and Anthony 'Aj' Michael Cullen age(s): 17 and 14 gender(s) female and male apperence(s): parents:Maddie and Anthony Cullen Name: River Michael Hunter Malfoy age:11 gender:male apperence: parents:Mickey and Lake Malfoy Name(s) Caleb Scottie Malfoy and Casey Zane Malfoy age(s);14 and 13 gender(s) male apperence(s):- Cory parents:Cory and Carrie Malfoy Name: Cadey Ameilia Lyra Malfoy age:11 gender:female apperence: parents:Cory and Carrie Malfoy
When Ameilia Lockhart is sent to a young offenders institute,its not what she expects : filled with friendly and non-friendly people,teachers who understand their pupils to a certain extent. But Ameilia feels like a certain group of people are hiding some sort of secret...a group of people who she thinks she knows....but how could she? she's never met any of them before. So when she starts falling for one boy in the group,the boy who seems to dislike her the most she cant help but try and discover what he and his friends are hiding. After following him from a party,she discovers their secret : they are angels ....that have somehow ended up on earth...she also learns why they are so fimiliar : she is one of them too... But as soon as she realises this,another group arrive to kill her....because it is fortold that if she joins her love interest and his friends that a war will begin and the dark side will lose. can Ameilia live? Teachers Name: age: apperence: subject taught: other: Fallen angels Name: age: (14-18) apperence: crimes: bio: special power(s): side: Name: Ameilia 'Amy' Lockhart age:17 apperence: crimes: underage drinking,drunk driving,assult,breach of the peace,arseonist. bio: Amy's 'mother' died when she was young,thus where her problems started,her 'father' no longer knowing what to do with her sends her to the institue, she does make friends but finds trouble at almost every corner. she wishes to fight in the battle,but will have to unlock her angelic powers. special powers: power over ice and fire, invisiblity and force feilds. side:Good Name: Tobias 'Toby' Malcolm age:17 apperence: crimes: Jaywalking,liotering on beach after hours,underage drinking,vandelisim. bio:Unknown special power: Light. side:Good. Name:Zacharis 'Zack' Malcolm age:17 apperence: crimes: assult and drugs bio: also unknow specail power: darkness side:bad Rules *keep it pg peepz *have fun *3 characters max *no powerplaying *dont control other peoples characters *dont kill anyones character without their permission. *post 'angel' with your character profile to show you read the rules
Ok so I know I've said this a few times here but Its getting worse. You all know...or most do that I have a boyfriend (who I do love) and I've been with him for over a year now and Its been great...we've only had three or four major falling outs but we didnt end it. Then I took a class in school with a guy who I consider to be my best-friend ( I may not be his) and got really close and now I find myself fighting back certain feelings I have for him and its just messing me up. More than once have I wanted to tell my boyfriend but a part of me is thinking thats the worst possible thing to do. I mean the other day I was playing Call of Duty with my friend and then he said he had to go...and I missed him when he was gone, Sure I miss my boyfriend, but when myfriend was gone...I actually hurt.....I almost cried Call me over dramatic I may not be that Im in love with him...some might think Im too young to fall in love.....but if you have a boyfriend (who I do miss when he's not there btw) is it possible to love not just him alone? can you love another person thats not part of your family at the same time?
Twelve years after Clash of the Races' the Volturi have gotten power hungry,they enjoy controlling all vampire's and through vampire's most of the magical and mystical world, but they can see that if they try to take over more than they already have,they will be stopped by what they consider to be the most annoying and troublesome group of families ever : The Cullen's and The Malfoys....Vampires and Werewolves who get on. So the Volturi decide that in order to take over....the Cullen's and Malfoy's must be taken out.So they manage to bring back every vampire that had ever been killed by the two families...every villian...just to destroy them. The odds dont look good as the mass army of vampire's moves forward to kill. Can they survive? Name: River Hunter Michael Malfoy age:29 gender:male Birthday: 31st of October. apperence: Race:Werewolf. Bio: River,though a year away from being 30,still acts slightly childish. His temper hasnt improved in the last five years and He is not happy with the fact that they have to get help from his father's old pack, but that could just be the Alpha-wolf coming out in him. He has kept his promise of not hurting anymore family members so far and he so Rarely leaves Hermia alone,so he must have grown up a little.He's still a skilled fighter,though his age is starting to slow him down. Name: Elena Marie Sara Malfoy age:17 gender:female Birthday: 14th of feburary apperence: race:Werewolf. Bio: Elena is not a willing to fight as her brother is,though she will if she has too. she doesnt like the other werewolves as one,Zack, tried to use her to become the Alpha-Male. She only recently has realised her feelings from her friend Adam. Name: Zackary Fairchild age:18 gender:male Birthday: 4th of July apperence: race:werewolf Bio:He knows he hurt Elena two years ago and when they come together to work,he tries to stear clear of the youngest Malfoy,but he seems unable too,but he can see she's moved on.
Maddie,all set and raring to go for her wedding,didnt plan on a mass army of vampire's coming to hunt her and her loved ones down. Victoria,the leader,wants her to suffer as her mate did...wants Anthony to suffer as she the Vampires have to team up with the werewolves to stop this mass army of vampires from killing everyone in sight,the only problem is they're against time as the volutri close in to see if Maddie is immortal or not. Can they do it? Name: age: gender: apperence: Race: other: Name: Madeline 'Maddie' Aconnite Malfoy age:18 gender:female apperence: Race:human other:Maddie is in love with a vampire,Anthony Cullen,even though she is of werewolf heritage.Right now she is engaged and awaiting to be turned into a blood-drinker herself,in order to protect her loved ones and be with Anthony forever. Name: Michael 'Mickey' Casey Malfoy age:18 gender;male apperence: race:werewolf other:Mickey is the only werewolf in the family since his Uncle Ben,he used to have a girlfriend and be the most popular boy in school but that went sour after they found out what he was,which sucked for him.Right now he is in love with long time friend Lake,he just doesnt know it yet. Name:Ronan 'Ronnie' Jordan Spinnett age:18 gender:male apperence: race:Human other: He's had a hard life what with his mother leaving when he was 3 and his father struggling to raise them,but they managed,but now his mother has shown her face again...can he forgive her?
When Their parents go missing, Josh and Nora Shepard are drawn to Silent Hill to find them,where they encounter some other families as well as monsters set on killing them. Why here? why this town? why is it so strange with monsters? and why them? Thats what Nora sets out to find out,but the secrets of Silent Hill are ones no one can ever forget,no child or a adult even,should know of the towns horrid secrets... will they get out alive? and will they find their parents? Name: age:(16-35) gender: apperence: Bio: Name: Joshua 'Josh' Shepard age:21 gender:male apperence: Bio: Josh is a bit of a bad-boy,though he doesnt look it. When his parents go missing he is drawn to Shepard's Glen in search of them,which soon turns out to be Silent Hill. What with the monesters running around,Josh has had to learn to fight quickly,and is trying to protect his younger sister. Name: Nora Shepard age:17 gender:female apperence: Bio: Though young, Nora is a smart cookie and is the one to first think of Shepard's Glen/Silent Hill when her parents go missing,she also has had to learn how to fight as well as hide.The town scares her as she and her brother are about the find things out they should never have known.
Author's note: This is set during 358/2 days,all the Organisation know Xion isnt really a nobody and is just a puppet, all but Roxas...who despite being told he has no feelings,begins to fall for the mysterious fourteenth memeber Enjoy~ ^^ -------------------------------------------- Prolouge,Meet Xion. "Roxas?" "Hmm?" "Time to wake up Rox, we're meeting in the big white room today...Xemnas wishes to speak with us." "huh? Oh sure thing Axel..." "wow....Your really tired today arent you?" "Yeah....Siax works me likea dog."The blone replied to his firey-friend whilst walking down the corridor" Work harder Roxas! collect more hearts Roxas! do this Roxas, do that Roxas! cant I be....normal for once? like those three teenagers we alwasy see in Twilight town?" Axel chuckled,"Roxas....if we were normal..would we be here? without hearts? No. We would have never met, you,me or anyone....we'd still be....somebodies.....not shells left when the hearts is gone..." "I know....I know....its ....hard think that Im fifteen and will never have a normal life..."He sighed "Rox....I promise once we've got Hearts....I'll take care of you...and you will be 100% normal....ok?"Axel grinned at his little blonde - slightly emo he thought - companion "Ok."Roxas nodded "see you after this meeting then..."He muttered as Axel portaled to his seat,Roxas followed suit and sat tapping his fingers agains the arm rest,now an then his eyes would flick to find Axel being annoyed by Demyx,Roxas sighed. "Gentlemen and a great day.....for I have succeeded in finding yet another memeber....our second to join us in two weeks...a Nobody who is extremly Number 13 she can weild the KeyBlade...I present to you...Number 14....Xion." A figure,dressed in black stepped forward,then,slowly when her name was announced she threw back her hood,revealing a girl,no older than Roxas Himself,with jet black hair and bright blue eyes -like his own- staring at everyone...a smile on her soft pink lips.She - Xion- then swiftly looked up at Roxas...who had to stifle a gasp,she looked so...fimilar....but he'd never met her before....surely he would rememeber if he had.....surely..... Suddenly the blonde dropped from his seat,he could hear the other's sounds of suprise and shock,he heard Axel calling his name....and Siax shouting - as usual- he felt someone catch him in strong arms...must have been Lexuas or someone...then he felt,heard and saw nothing but blackness,then suddenly...the Girl...Xion's face was all he could see....though he was still unconcious why? and Why do I feel some connection to her? why do I feel....weird...?
At 13 Cory found out that His real father was not a nice man and later found out he is a deatheater trying to bring back Voldemort,which he did.Now things are getting serious as the order of the pheniox has once again formed in order to protect something from the wrong hands. Cory wants to help and battles with his own troubles at school,but he feels he could be more help in the order,so he and a few others go to the ministry where the 'secret' is hidden and try to get it,but are foiled by Zane,Cory's father and the deatheaters, will they get out? or will they all fall under the wrath of Voldemort? Name:Cory Jordan Alexander Casey Malfoy age:16 gender:male apperence: house:Gryffindor Bio: Cory is a happy,up-beat young man who rarely takes things seriously but when he does he tries to fix problems to the fullest he can. He has a nasty temper that he inherited from his mother,though she'll say he got it from his father.He hates when people speak ill of his mother and stepfather or his siblings,other than that he is a boy who lives on the wild side of life. Name: Michael 'Mickey' Casey Malfoy age:14 gender:male apperence: house:Gryffindor Bio: Mickey is quick to anger,but thats understandable seeing as he is a werewolf who is fiercely over protective of his two sisters his twin in particular,he is the younger of the two.He is fun loving and happy most of the time. Name:Madeline 'Maddie' Aconnite Malfoy age:14 gender:female apperence: house:Gryffindor bio: Maddie is just as easily angered as her brother,but she is no werewolf or fighter,though she is gifted in her magical abilities,but like her brother she can be sometimes ditzy and helpless,Maddie usualy is a happy girl who loves tormenting her brothers, both older and younger. Name: Caroline 'Carrie' Shona Bennett age:16 gender:female apperence: house:Gryffindor bio: Carrie is in love with Cory but feels if anything were to happen between them it would reck their relationship,so she acts coldly towards him whenever he turns on his charm,little does she know that Cory is waiting in the wings to return her feelings.
One day in the summer during a freak Storm, Jordan and Alex are fighting over a old picture book of their parents,then the book is suddenly struck by purple lightning and to their confusement and horror they are stucked back to a time when their parents where their age or younger,along with Lyra,Casey and Elle. But being back in time has its good points and bad ones, good ones,they see what their parents were really like before they became 'Mum and Dad.' and how they acted in school, the bad points? Voldemort's still around and killing. So what do they do when a time warp suddenly drops them off in the middle of a order of the Pheniox meeting? and can they hide who they really are ? and can they get home once more? Name: Age Gender: Apperence: Parents: Name: Lyra Stacey Spinnett age:16 gender:female apperence: parents: Lily and Lewis Spinnett Fake name: Lyndsay Sprintz Name: Lily Luna Potter age: 15 gender:female apperence: parents: Harry and Ginny Potter Name: Jordan Lewis Spinnett age:15 gender:male apperence: parents: Lily and Lewis Spinnett Fake name: Jayden Sprintz Name: Lewis William Spinnett age:16 gender:male apperence: parents: Honour and William Spinnett Name: Alex Harry Potter age:19 gender:male apperence: parents:Albus and Sophie Potter Fake name: Alec Potts. Name: Albus Serverus Potter age: 19 gender:male apperence: parents:Harry and Ginny Potter
What if Zack and Aerith had a daughter before they both died? what if SHINRA took her and tried to make her the best there was? what if she found out the reason her parents are dead? what if she ran away? Honour Fair, half mako-born human, half-ancient,is set for revenge and a plan to bring her parents back from the lifestream...she needs help from Cloud and friends but will they help her? Name: age gender: apperence: parents: (any final fantasy couple apart from Zack & Aerith) Name: Honour Fair age:17 gender:female apperence: Parents: Zack and Aerith.
Your not normal....Not accepted by some in the world....People cant or wont understand you....some refuse too....some want too....Your parents say your different or special.....others say your a monster.....what do you say? Story Being a teenager.....thats hard....being a teenager trying to get noticed and fit in in high school...thats harder....being a teenager with supernatural powers? thats the hardest thing ever. But what happens when a kindly woman offeres you a experience of a life time...come to a special house in Virgina,and be taught how to control your powers while being tested on to see how you got said powers? what happens when you take it? Strange things start going on as a few students start to go missing and a selet few decide its time to get out while thay can...but how? without alerting the adults and scientist? the only way is to sneak out or fight for freedom... User Name: Name: age: (13-19) gender: apperence: Home: Bio: powers: User Name: SORA! Name: Bailey Puckle age:16 gender:female apperence: home: California Bio: Bailey wanted to be normal...she never was,her mother died in childbrith when having her baby brother last year and father is a drunk, her younger brother,Daniel died a cot death two weeks after he was born,no one in her town wanted to know her,she she jumped at the opporunity to leave the she is slightly regretting it. powers:Invisibility,fore feilds walk through walls,can move things with her mind. Name:Zackary 'Zack' FairChild age:17 gender:male apperence: home: New york Bio: Zack never fit in anywhere...even with family he was rejected,so he packed up and left,vowing never to see them again if he could aviod it. powers:controls the weather Rules *Keep it PG13-ish *no two people can have the same are all individual * No Yioa/Yuri *Only three people per Person *no powerplaying *have fun
Elena Malfoy,now a teenager is well settled into Hogwarts and is quiet popular with the boys and girls, she's used to getting what she wants and when she wants it,so its no suprise that she wants the new boy at school. So what happens when he shows no interest in her at all? she doesnt like to be ignored and will have him some way or another.but what happens when she does finally get him he is found out to be the son of a enemy werewolf of her fathers? Name: age: gender: apperence: house: birthday: parents: Bio: Name:Elena Marie Malfoy age:15 gender:female apperence: birthday:14th of febuary parents: Mickey and Lake Malfoy Bio:changed from giggly,cute little girl to a confident teenager who knows she's good looking and has had a number of boyfriends,despite being a werewolf she rarely loses her temper,therefore shes totaly shocked when she is rejected...but she'll get him. Name: Zackary 'Zack' Kahill age:15 gender:male apperence: birthday: 2nd of november house:Hufflepuff parents:Sam and Penny Kahill Bio:N/a
Set 6 years after Clash of the Races', River kept his promise to protect as many people he could (Danny asked him too) he joined a large organisation,almost like a army, and he hasnt been home since... Now he is...and by the looks of it,he's brought trouble with him as his old bosses tell him he either comes back...or is killed for wasting their time, River has to go on the run before finaly taking a stand against what he used to think was right...but like last time he cant do it alone. Name:River Michael Hunter Malfoy age:23 gender:male apperence(s): Bio:Only son of Mickey and Lake Malfoy,six years ago he had to fight against a army of vampires who threatened to destory Werewolves,Witches and Wizards, with his 'dead' Best friend leading the army, to keep his promise to Danny,River joined a group, almost like a army, against his parents wishes, as they did expriments on their oporatives,but now a large number has gone off the rails, River included as he no longer wishes to be involved,he returns home after 6 years and tells no one that he has left and is now being hunted, 6 years is along time to be gone....can he get close to his family once again? He has a X shaped scar of his right cheek,near his jaw bone and a motorbike. Name:Cadey Malfoy age:23 gender:female apperence: Bio: Cadey works at a bar as she tried to get into college to help orphans,but couldnt do it financially. Name:Elena Malfoy age:11 gender:female apperence: Bio: Youngest daughter of Mickey and Lake Malfoy,she is River's much younger sister and although she doesnt look it,she's quiet vicious and violent if pushed too far. Name: Summer Solstice age:26 gender:female apperence: bio: Summer wasnt born,she was created by the Solstice army using a egg from Clarissa and sperm from Nathan,the army's leader,she was grown in a large test tube and trained to fight the minute she could walk,she once had feelings for River,and resents him since he rejected her time and again,though those feelings are still intact she trys to protect him from her brother. Name:August Solstice age: 29 gender:male apperence: bio:He was created before his sister but like her,he was a failure and he dislikes being classed as one,he cant stand the fact that River,a normal person,is a better Solider than him so he takes it upon himself to wipe River off the face of the earth
are back....I just got one -_-
after 13 years of lying to her son, Lyra is forced to tell her son the truth of his real father after Zane shows up during the summer, Cory,so hurt, plans to move in with his father, because he didnt lie to him,but the truth quickly reveals itself once more as Zane's true nature is revealed, Cory is then forced to choose between his mother and the man who has raised him or his real father and a not-so-nice stepmother. Name: Cory Jordan Alexander Casey Malfoy age:13 gender:male apperence: Name:Michael Malfoy age:11 gender:male apperence: Name:Madeline Malfoy age:11 gender:female apperence:
11 years after River's adventure, His sister has one...though not the kind many 16 year olds want to have. Yes, she's knocked up by a guy who apparently isnt in the picture,she is keep his identity a secret from everyone, knowing her father would flip if he found out...but how long can she keep it hidden? Name: Elena 'Ellie' Malfoy age:16 gender:female apperence; Pajama days :) lol Pregnant. but blonde and blue eyed. Parents: Mickey and Lake Malfoy Bio:Elena Malfoy is no daddy's girl. she does things her way, so its No supirse really when she tells her parents one day that she's expecting their grandchild, the only thing is...she's not letting on about the father,meaning either he doesnt know, doesnt want to know, someone older or just someone she shouldnt have been with in the first place,her Father and 28,year old brother are determind to find out who the daddy is....and make him pay.