Once there was one kingdom, its name was Crystal Kingdom and it flourished for many gernerations,untill one king had four sons. When their father finally died they fought brutally over who would and should get the throne. They divided the army and tried to beat one another on the battle feild. After the battle was finished and they saw what their fighting had done,how many lives it had cost,they agreed to split the land four ways. Decades later the lands are still split into four separate kingdoms- The Ruby Kingdom,The Sapphire Kingdom,The Emerald Kingdom and the Topaz kingdom. While these Kingdoms lived in Harmony for awhile,some people longed for the old way,and went into the Dark Forrest to plan their rebellion and try and over throw the current four rulers. They attacked the four kingdoms and managed to over come the Sapphire Kingdom's forces and take control,the people of the kingdom fled during the attack and took refuge in the neighbouring Kingdom's. Word of the attack reaches the other three kingdoms,who once again vow to band together and try and stop this menace before it gets too out of control,But once together all the Kingdoms do is fight over who commands the army and who fights where and what happens after the rebels are defeated,will the rebels be defeated or will they prevail,will the kingdoms ever stop fighting and form the old Crystal Kingdom? The Sapphire Kingdom- This Kingdom is located near the sea,it is one of the Larger Kingdoms and is the first to fall to the rebels attack. The people here are good with fishing tools,swimming and sword fighting. The people of the Sapphire Kingdom promininantly have brown hair and bright blue eyes,though there are a few execptions. The Ruby Kingdom- This is Located in a desert like part of the land and is the most agressive with a seemingly unbeatable army,all its residents are battle hardend,even the women.Everyone in this Kingdom is able to weild a sword by the age of 10. The people prodomininatnly have red hair and brown eyes. The Emerald Kingdom- Is located just on the edge of a forrest and is the most helpful Kingdom in this time of need,they have been friends with the Sapphire Kingdom for years. They are good hunts men and this is where most archers are from. They have blonde hair and green eyes. The Topaz Kingdom- Is located in what seems to be the middle of no where,they are quiet folk who at first are unwilling to help in this fight and just want to be left alone. They have black hair and grey eyes mostly. DAILY RECAP~ Eve stared down at her burning kingdom,a tear slowly trickled down her soot covered cheek,she'd lost so much in the last few hours. Her home,Her Mother and Father,her birth right. But she would have her revenge,she would take back what was hers and she would rule once more and these rebels would be punished severly. She was already thinking of a punishment for them. Her bright blue eyes scanned the burning land once more before she turned to her people and started to lead them through the forrest,brushing her brown hair from her eyes.
Once there was one kingdom, its name was Crystal Kingdom and it flourished for many gernerations,untill one king had four sons. When their father finally died they fought brutally over who would and should get the throne. They divided the army and tried to beat one another on the battle feild. After the battle was finished and they saw what their fighting had done,how many lives it had cost,they agreed to split the land four ways. Decades later the lands are still split into four separate kingdoms- The Ruby Kingdom,The Sapphire Kingdom,The Emerald Kingdom and the Topaz kingdom. While these Kingdoms lived in Harmony for awhile,some people longed for the old way,and went into the Dark Forrest to plan their rebellion and try and over throw the current four rulers. They attacked the four kingdoms and managed to over come the Sapphire Kingdom's forces and take control,the people of the kingdom fled during the attack and took refuge in the neighbouring Kingdom's. Word of the attack reaches the other three kingdoms,who once again vow to band together and try and stop this menace before it gets too out of control,But once together all the Kingdoms do is fight over who commands the army and who fights where and what happens after the rebels are defeated,will the rebels be defeated or will they prevail,will the kingdoms ever stop fighting and form the old Crystal Kingdom? The Sapphire Kingdom- This Kingdom is located near the sea,it is one of the Larger Kingdoms and is the first to fall to the rebels attack. The people here are good with fishing tools,swimming and sword fighting. The people of the Sapphire Kingdom promininantly have brown hair and bright blue eyes,though there are a few execptions. The Ruby Kingdom- This is Located in a desert like part of the land and is the most agressive with a seemingly unbeatable army,all its residents are battle hardend,even the women.Everyone in this Kingdom is able to weild a sword by the age of 10. The people prodomininatnly have red hair and brown eyes. The Emerald Kingdom- Is located just on the edge of a forrest and is the most helpful Kingdom in this time of need,they have been friends with the Sapphire Kingdom for years. They are good hunts men and this is where most archers are from. They have blonde hair and green eyes. The Topaz Kingdom- Is located in what seems to be the middle of no where,they are quiet folk who at first are unwilling to help in this fight and just want to be left alone. They have black hair and grey eyes mostly. Kingdom Characters OC sheet Name: age: apperence: kingdom: Status: (Commoner,Knight,Royal) Bio: Rebel Character OC sheet Name: age: apperence: Bio: weapon: Sapphire Kingdom: Eve Monarche- Princess Emerald Kingdom: Jayce Moriarty-Prince Ruby Kingdom: Topaz Kingdom: Name: Evelyn 'Eve' Monarche age:seventeen apperence: Kingdom: Sapphire Status: Princess Bio: Eve is left and Orphan and Sole heir to the throne after the attack,she is a skilled fighter and leads her people to the safety of the neighbouring Kingdoms,whom want to keep all woman out of the fight,but it does not work as Eve fights anyway. Rules No power playing No killing anyones characters without permission Keep it pg,go to PM if you really have to Make sure your writing represents the colour of your Kingdom (Blue for Sapphire,Green for Emerald,Red for Ruby,Yellow for Topaz) There are only three other royal places left,one each for the remaining kingdoms. DO NOT COMPLAIN IF YOU ARE NOT ROYAL! have fun ! ^^
This is the first drawing ive been brave enough to put up on the internet ^^ http://keeperxofxlight.deviantart.com/#/d56znlq
~SET 150 YEARS AFTER Korra~ Jealous is and ugly emotion that has followed mortals through all their days. The cycle of the Avatar is Continuious, Aang,Korra and an earthbender name,Kai,have all protected the world and served their purpose as the avatar and have all passed on to the spirit world,now it was a young fire benders turn to save the world. Aydena is the new avatar and she is about to set of to find her air bending teacher to help her train and grow into a proper young Avatar,but she also has other worries as her run away brother is back and gunning for her as he feels that it is unfair that he and so many others were over looked for the role of avatar. He intends to kill her in the avatar state and this would mean there would never again be an avatar. Aydena is unwilling to fight against her brother but he leaves her with no choice with his continious attack,she learns that it is destiny for her brother and her to fight and that the out come could be the very one that her brother wants. Afraid she flees only to be captured by her brother and some friends he has managed to persuade to join his cause. As he is about to kill her,Arlyn hesitates long enough for his sister to strike and escape once more. can Aydena bring herself to end her brother? Name: age: Apperence: Siblings: Bending Ability: Bio: Name: Aryln age:19 apperence: Siblings:Aydena Bending Ability: Water Bio: Aryln has been jealous of his sister,as he felt from birth his father loved her more because she was a fire bender and took after him,while he took after his mother and was a water bender. He ran away at the age of twelve during a training match with his master. He was presumed dead untill he showed up and fought with his sister. Name: Aydena age:17 apperence: Siblings: Aryln Bending Ability: Fire( Domininant) water,earth,air and energy. Bio:Aydena was discovered as the Avatar at the age of two,when she accidently caused a landslide during a temper tantrum. She has been learning about the four other elements,but not how to use them as they felt she was not ready for it. Rules * There is only one Avatar * No taking over anyone Characters *keep it pg ,take it to private mail if you have to *no more than four major characters *no Yaio/Yuri *No killing anyone without permisson *No power playing *Have fun! *Post "The Cycle of the Avatar begins a new" to show you have read this!
Thousands of years ago the mighty gods of Olympus over threw their father,Kronos and took over the ruling of the world. They ruled for many centuries, thinking that they were unbeatable,they meddled in human affairs wherever it pleased them. They used mortal women to have children on the earth to help them win battles and rule with an iron fist. But their time was soon to come to an end. As their demigod children had,had enough of all the fighting after trojian war and plotted to go to Olympus and destory the horrid Olympians who had hated their father,but had become so like them. An go they did and the demi god's carried out their deed and destoried the Olympians one by one. They left Zues for last and with his dying breaht,he cursed their bloodlines to eternal suffering and promised that a day would rise that they would need the power of the gods...but they would not be there for their children had made a grave mistake. Everyone assumed that all the gods work on the earth would dissappear as they did...but no it reminded,but faded more slowly. Temples began to crumble,scrolls disintigrated..people forgot about the gods. Only one thing remained from the God's rule and that was Taurus,prision of Kronos. Now in the present day Zues's curse has become true to its word as Kronos is breaking free from his prison and there is no one left to stop him. He informs the humans that only the blood of a god can defeat him once and for all... But there arent any gods left...and this is where the search begins... Name: age: apperence: godly ancestor powers: Bio: Names:Ariadne and Adonis Hesoid. age:18 apperence: Godly Ancestor: Zues. Powers: Lightning,thunder and anything to do with air. Bio: The twins's parents died in a car accident when they were five years old,since then they have been living in an orphanage just outside their home town. Neither knows their true bloodline and are in shock and disbelief when they do.
Fallen Angels have always been around. They always will be,where there is sin on earth ...there is a sin in heaven. Some Angels never reproduce,but those who do tend to end up having the strongest decendants. So in order to keep these young ones from using their powers unwisely they have been enrolled at an academy to teach them how to use their powers in a productive manner. These young ones are at their strongest at the age of 18 and the most unstable then too. For every light angel their is a dark and once at school they are separted to teach them how to use their powers,with out fighting anyone of the opposite side. After a few months of training a few dark angels get the idea that everyone is paying more attention to the light angels,and break out of the academy to cause havoc in the human world,thinking this is what they were born for...this is what they were ment to do and this would most certainly get the attention of any light angels wishing to oppose them. A fight breaks loose as the light angels decide enough is enough and its time to end this all out war and try and get back into heaven while they're at it..but which side will win? http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images...4346133066/high-storrs-school-sheffi-001.jpg- what the school looks like Light or dark? Name: age: apperence: powers: Name: Heathcliff Malcolm. age:18 apperence: side: Dark Angel powers: Lightning, Thunder, Hurricanes and Ice. Name: Felicia Malcolm. age:18 apperence: Side: Light Angel Powers: Fire,water,wind and earth
My boyfriend of 3 years doesn't like my guy best friend or my girl one.. He insults them at every chance we get and a few months ago we got kicked out of a bar to which it was supposedly because I was too drunk.. My boyfriend now says that my friends were actually trying to push me down the stairs and this is why we got kicked out.. From there things have gotten worse and I can't take it any more I love him and I love my friends.. They're all too big a part if my life to cut out and I'm not willing or prepared to choose between them... I'm at my wits end help?
Name: age: apperence: Prep or rebel: year: (1st-7th) Parents: Siblings: Name: Rhys Michael Innes age:17 apperence: Prep or Rebel: Rebel leader year: seventh Parents: Michael and Caroline Innes Siblings: Eva Innes Name: Eva Bethany Innes age:15 apperence: prep or rebel: Prep year:fifth parents: Michael and Caroline Innes Siblings Rhys Innes
Dear Sir/Madam, your Son/Daughter has been accepted into Shorewood Academy for younsters. We hope this school will help your child to grow and prosper and we can assure that they will recieve the best education that is freely available. Acommidation has alreayd been sorted and Fees have been paid all we need now is the children to start the semester. Please send back the slip enclosed by the 29/6/2012 to ensure that your child has their rightful place at Shorewood. yours greatfully, Head Master J. Jacobs. Shorewood Academy has recently just been built,so its still relatively new,only five years old. It was designed to turn the new generation of youngsters into proper respectable young men and women,but like every school, they have their problems as a few of the children have rebeled against the idea of having their education take place in some stuck up snobby area,full of posh toffs. Some children are hard to controll and some just cause choas and misery for their teachers,but like every school they know how to deal with them-by crushing their spirit. but whos side are you on? The preps or rebels? Preps: Leader: Second in command: Hall monitor: Gossip: Hangers-On: Eva Innes Rebels: Leader: Rhys Innes Second in command: Conterfit guy: Spy: Hangers-On: Teachers Art: Mr Walters Dorms: Boys: 301-Ryhs Innes, 303- 305- 307- 310- Girls: 302-Eva Innes, 304- 306- 306- 308- Time Table Alarm- 8:30 Breakfast: 8:45 English: 9:00 Math: 9:50 Geography: 9:55 Break: 10:45 Music:11:00 Science:11:45 Adminstration:11:50 Lunch: 12:30 Art: 13:30 History:14:10 Home Ec: 15:20 Day End :16:00 Slowly the sleek black Volvo Jeep pulled to a stop in front of the school,the two children in the black either glanced nervously at their parents or shot them a glare. The boy,the older of the two was the first out the car. He was tall and blonde, tanned with amazing blue eyes, a studded earring in his left ear,his headphones dangling around his neck. He had not followed the dress code and wore his uniform. He glared up at the building. He didnt have to be here. He shouldnt have to go here. His parents didnt have to drag him away from all of his friends,just so they could turn him into ' A propper young gentleman' They just didnt like the way he was, drinking,smoking (not just ciggerettes) and getting with girls. Did they really think this school could change him that much? if so they'd better get their facts straight and get to know him a little better. His sister was a different story,she was tiny,tanned,blonde and blue eyed like him. she hugged her arms to herself as she looked around. She glanced at her brother as he tossed her suitcase on the ground. Unlike Rhys, Eva was painfully shy and had hard times making friends,so she was greatful for this move,this could really be her chance to change. She flicked her hair and tugged her skirt lower and held it down as she bent to pick up her suit case.
In ancient times peoples believed in gods who where physical manifestations of the forces of nature,they prayed to their favorite gods and cursed their least. But as the centuries passed the time of the gods came to an end and people stopped believing in them and turned to science for their problems, as a result the gods faded out of exsistance. Only remembered as old myths and legends. Now in the present day there have been whispers of their return...whispers about some teenagers who are showing powers like the gods possed. After brief research it has been shown that they are the gods-but reincarnated to take their place on Olympus once more. Just one problem though...since the Olympians have returned that also includes jealous minor gods who are now plotting to take over the new Olympus. Will these new gods be ready to fight them when they come knocking? Name: age: apperence: bio: family.: God-reincarnation: Name: Eva Bethany Waters age:18 apperence: bio: Eva is the only daughter of a single parent family-her father is a marine biologist and her older brother works in the marines royal navy,her mother left her and her brother at a young age and Eva has never expressed no desire to meet her at all,she is happy with her life or she was untill she found her powers and real purpose in life.will she be able to cope? Family: Johnothan Waters(Father) Caroline Waters(Mother) Rhys Waters (Brother) God-reincarnation: Poseidon. Rules No powerplaying. keep it pg 13 if you want to carry your 'activites' on pm each other no taking over other peoples characters dont kill without permission max of three characters (One must be human if you have more than one) dont complain your favorite god is taken. no flaming. Olympians Taken: Poseidon. Humans: Minor Gods:
For centuries Vampires and Werewolves have been fighting. Warring over the human race,their only food source for many years,the war is going badly,both sides have lost many of their kind. Now a new breed has come into focus, the were-pires,half-breed offspring of vampires and werewolves who are tried of fighting,though it is against the law for such creatures,both sides now see the advantages of having such halfbreeds on their side as they can carry out atatcks during the day while they rest and at night both sides would carry on where the half-breeds left off. Only one problem,alot of the Were-pire's dont want to be apart of the war other than to stop it,thus they formed a resistance...a hiding place for halfbreeds...and army for those willing to fight for freedom...to fight for their lives. Vampires: They are super strong, incredibly fast and hunt both animal and human blood as they can survive on both. Now the blood lust has gotten so bad they can only drink human blood to survive. They sleep during the day and fight at night. They have special powers such as * Controlling the elements *Controlling the weather *Seduction *Hypnotisim Werewolves: Nasty creatures who not only need to drink blood,but must eat the organs of their kill to stay satisified,they too are super strong and incredibly fast,their fur matches their hair colour and their eyes stay the same colour,they need the moon to change,which is up every night.They too have special powers such as * Controlling others * Impressive strength * Super sensitive hearing. Were-pires: The half breed race dont need blood as much and dont need the moon to take on a wolf form,they change at will.But they are not as strong as the full breeds and rest at night.Their powers drain them of engery so they cant use them as much as they would like,their powers are broken down into * Telekenisis - Seeing the future,knowing were people are, moving things with their minds, mind reading, projecting thoughts. * Sonic Voice- super scream *Invisibility and Force feild. *walk through walls. Name: age: apperence: Parents:(were-pire only) special power: bio: race: (vampire,werewolf,werepire) Name: Rhys Innes-Mathers age:17 aperence: parents: Scott Innes and Kylie Mathers Special Power:walking through walls Bio: Unlike many werepire's his parent were married before they were cursed,he doesnt resent them..only the ones who made them this way,this is the only reason he joins the resistance,he is a kinds boy who is very relaxed and laid back. race:werepire Name: Scott Rhys age:40 apperence: parents: Unknown special power: Sensitive hearing Bio: To be added race:werewolf Name: Kylie Mathers age:40 apperence: parents: Unknown special power:seduction race:vampire Rules No more than three characters Dont kill anyone without permission Dont use anothers character at your own will E.g " Holly moves next to me." Keep romances PG 13,go on PM if you feel the need to continue Post 'The resistance' to show you have read this I know I said I was gone but Ive become bored and stuff so Ima back for awhile :D
For centuries Witches and Wizards have been hunted and excuted brutally just for being different. Things have not changed since then. The year is 2121,Witches and Wizards are widely known about and those who are caught are killed. Most are smart and hide their power's- Affinities with the four elements,each witch or wizard has one.Others try and rebel against the mortals,using their powers. This only ends badly for both sides. Though there is a place,a sort of orphanage for young Witches and Wizards, The staff there teaches them not to hate the mortals and how to control their powers, and their emotions.It is here the rebelion first started and it is here it still resides in a few teenagers who seek revenge for their fallen kin. Most put their heads down and ignore what is going on,but when others are being forced into joining the rebelion. The others must fight back and put a stop to things before the human and Magical races are wiped out completely. The only question is...whos side are you on? Affinites: Fire- People with this one seem to be the leaders of the rebelion and enjoy other peoples pain. They use their fire magic to cause pain and misery. They are usually easy to upset and should not be angered.They can control how hot and how big their fires are and they can also control how long it will burn and what kind of damange they want to do with it. Water-People with this can been seen as more calm but the slightest thing can upset them. They can control others if they wanted too,by using the water in their bodies. They dont all use their magic for evil and most are appalled at what they could be capable of doing to others. Air- Like Water those with this can be unpredictable and can change as suddenly as they wish,often they pick the winning side of the fight but switch back and forth. They too can change how fast or strong the wind is,they can also travel by it. Earth- Those with the Earth Affinity are often laughed at for being slow or weak. Seen as not being a real powerfull force,but this is the wrong thing to assume as they can use their magic just as well as other can,causing earth quakes ect. They are seen as more peacefull than others. All four- It is rare for a witch or wizard to be born with all four affinites and they are hunted more so than any of the others,by both mortals and supernaturals alike or whoever has them on their side,is most likely going to win the war. Rules * Keep it pg 13 * No killing without permission * No taking over anothers character without permission * You need to ask me if you can have all four powers or else everyone will want too *No yoai/Yuri *No power playing *Be fair to others * Have Fun * POST 'HUBBLE BUBBLE BOIL AND TROUBLE' WITH YOUR OC SO I KNOW YOU'VE READ THE RULES Name: age: apperence: Affinity: Name: Sophia Jane Archer age:17 apperence: Affinity: Fire,Water,Air,Earth.
This has been said and done before I know,but this time I mean it. I'll be on once a week to check PM'S and VM'S and thats it. Why Im leaving? theres nothing for me to do anymore on here...the sites lost all its fun and Im not even on a lot. so Yeah...bye.
Ok so You know I said I have a boyfriend but think I like my best friend? Yeah that hasnt passed yet,but my friend whose a girl likes my best friend and ...she told him...but He said he likes some else...people think its me. Last night I said something about him,laughing and my parents said I seem happier talking about him than I do my boyfriend,who seems to be constantly annoying me, I mean I've told him three times this week to stop following me everywhere and staring at me in class all the time (everyone says its stalkerish now.) Its creeping me out... But any way...part of me wants my best friend to like me...its like Im hoping whoever he likes is me...but I feel bad because of my boyfriend and other friend...sometimes When me and my best friend go for a early lunch (we have a free class) I day dream about...kissing him and stuff...I had a dream I went out with him...ended up married and had his children the other night... and I've come so close to telling my boyfriend,who doesnt like my best friend,whats happening...My dad says if he's creeping me out...I should dump him....But...Im confused and feel guilty Help?
~Point of view of Rhea~ My Name Is Rhea Athena Sally Jackson, I used to be your normal everyday teenage girl,go out with friends,talk about guys and not have a care in the world. That was untill my mother was taken by the lord of the dead (who by the way...I had no idea even exsisted.) Then I find out that Im a demigod...well like a demigod...my parents are the son of Poseidon and the daughter of Anthen....I mean what the hell? So now Im in camp half-blood with a bunch of other kids like me...planning on getting my mother back and guess who just waltses out the ocean? My dear father...Great huh? Helping Poseidon for sixteen years does not go down well with me...Oh well....life sucks then you die...or thats what've been told. ~Plot~ Annabeth has raised Rhea on her own as Percy has been helping his father under the seas,but when she goes missing ...Kidnapped by Hades,who has been possesed by Kronos so he can rise again its time to let the demi-gods step in and handle it. Rhea ends up at camp half-blood where she learns the truth and is trained to fight before sneaking off to find her mother and rescue her...stopping Hades in the process.Though it may not be that simple as everyone wants a certain set of Key's that Rhea somehow magically has... with Tons of monsters to fight along the way can she save her mother? Name age apperence parents powers Bio cabin Cabins Zeus- Hera-(none) Poseidon- Rhea Hades- Apollo- Artemis- (None) Aphrodite- Ares- Athena- Hepthestas- Name: Rhea Jackson age:16 apperence: parents: Percy and Annabeth Jackson Powers: Integelliegnce and Aquatic abilities. Bio: Rhea thought she was normal,her mother never told her anything about her tue nature and her father- well he father has seen her once and once only as he's 'away at sea'. She learns the truth when her mother is kidnapped by Hades,lord of the dead,who demands that Rhea return his 'Key of life'..Rhea who is none the wiser,soon finds herself at camp half-blood,where it is revealed that Hades is possesed and is trying to set Kronos free,and it is up to Rhea to stop him. Percy also makes a sudden reapperence once he learns that Annabeth is missing. cabin:Poseidon
Anyone else seen it? I have and I thought it was the scariest film of the year,yeah Ok...I can admitt that alot of films scare me...people said the first one was a load of BS but it still scared the hell outta me...the second? I thought I'd end up with heartfailure with the amount of times I jumped... Your opinions?
I think Im getting the cold...my eyes and head hurt so much...and the worst thing is Im trying to do my english stuff and cant concentrate right...>.< Feel like putting my head through a brick wall Tbh...
Forrest Knight - AKA Forrest Malcolm - has been sent to the same reform school as his parents,the one they now work at. Why? he wanted to know all about them and why he was given up. Once there he makes friends and enimes along the way,as well as discovering the truth about everything and finding his parents,he learns that he and his younger sister could be used for their second counsin -Zack's - re-entrance into Heaven. Forrest vows he wont die by Zack's hands,but with all sorts of unholy demons and his daughter in the school that seems highly unlikely,but with his father,mother and their old angel friends at his side as well as his new ones,Zack may have a spot of bother trying to get back into Heaven,who knows,maybe his own daughter will turn against him... Only time will tell.. Name: age: apperence: parents: Bio: Name: Forrest Tobias Knight-Malcolm age:17 apperence: parents: Toby and Amy Malcolm Bio: Forrest was given up for adoption by his parents when he was afew weeks old. At his orpahnage he met his best friend,Harely Stevenson,he wants to know all about his real parents so,when he gets drunk he convinces Harley to break into the record office with him,landing him in the reform school his parents were in. Name: Hayden Malorie Malcolm age:5 apperence: parents: Toby and Amy Malcolm Bio: N/a Name: Harely Stevenson age:17 apperence: parents: Unknown. Bio: She is best friends with Forrest,and secretly harbours feelings for him. she is 100% human and is a little freaked out by the whole Angel thing,but she stands by Forrest all the way,which is why she too got stuck in the reform school,she hopes he too will return her feelings. Name: Francessica Malcolm age:16 apperence: parents: Zack Malcolm and Unknown Mother Bio: Daughter of Zack,she has been born a class A *****,this bully is one of the most feared girls in the school,untill her cousin of sorts puts her in her place,she begins to question if her father's way of life is the right way or not. Time table Breakfast - 8:00 Maths - 8:45 to 9:55 (Rita) English-9:55 to 10:45(Amatae) Break - 10:45 to 11:00 Physical Education -11:00 to 11:50 (Toby) Art-11:50 to 12:40(Amy) Lunch - 12:40 to 13:20 Modern Angel Studies - 13:20 to 14:10(Yuri) Science- 14:10 to 15:00(Eliza) Angel Combat Training - 15:00 to 15:50(Gabriel) Day end.
Anyone else seriously bored? or is it just me?
Five years after the Battle Amy and Toby are settling into a normal life. Then they are invited back to their old reform school for a reunion party,Amy manages to get Toby to go,there they meet all of their old friends,Zack even shows up,much to the dismay of many. When Drunk Zack mentions how it is Toby's fault that Amy always died and was re-born unable to remeber anything,as he told her things he never should have about the angels and demons and their war. Amy,unable to trust Zack and even Toby,decides that the only way she can find out the truth is by time-traveling to a certain point in her past,to see if it is Toby's fault....or is it foul play each time? Name:Amy Lockheart age: 22 apperence: Powers:power over ice and fire, invisiblity and force feilds. Name: Toby Malcolm age:22 apperence: powers: Light Name: Zack Malcolm age:24 apperence: powers: Darkness Name: Larissa Jones age:22 apperence: Powers: Manipulation