so once more someone has decieed to let loose a monster to prege the school of muggle-borns but who? and how because only the heir of slytherin can do whats going on and how many will be attackk before it stops or will they die? join to find out more ideas will come to me! i hope... Name: age: gender: apperence: parents: Name:Cory Malfoy age:16 gender:male Apperence: parents:lyra and zane,step father is casey Names:Micheal and Maddieline Malfoy age:13 genders:Male and female apperence: parents:lyra and casey Name:Ronan spinnett age:13 gender;male apperence: parents:jordan and lisa Name:zarrah spinnett age:12 gender:female apperence: parents:jordan and lisa Names:Shawn and Sophie Potter age:12 genders:male and female apperence: parents:elle and alex
this is the last rp im making then im gone for good story: so now its cory's last year and everything seems fine hes got the girl hes always wanted, he got a job a home and soon a family of his own,but why does he have a bad feeling? is it because the school is about to come under attack and that his 'father' zane is going to revelle possibly the darkest secret ever? Name: age: gender: apperence: parents: Name:Cory Malfoy age:20 gender:male apperence: parents:lyra and zane,step father is casey Names:Micheal and Maddieline Malfoy age:17 genders:Male and female apperence: parents:lyra and casey Name:Ronan spinnett age:17 gender;male apperence: parents:jordan and lisa Name:zarrah spinnett age:16 gender:female apperence: parents:jordan and lisa Name:Molly spinnett age:15 gender:female apperence: parents:jordan and lisa Names:Shawn and Sophie Potter age:16 genders:male and female apperence: parents:elle and alex
in every world,everyone searches for their special someone or something, a soul mate, or just their soul. but some would try and prevent some from finding theirs...they would even go to the lenght to kill people. but these people want to find their souls.their souls are either their soul mate or their acctual soul,in the fourm of a animal or weapon or something they want.some peoples souls have split into two,human and animal/weapon.but in time some people,with special ablilties rise up and decide its time to find their souls. its now or never for them,but the problem is that they're only teenagers or young adults and arent very storng a army goes after them to either stop them or kill them... will they find there souls? or die trying? Name: age: gender: apperence: powers: side: good or bad? souls fourm::animal/weapon/ soul mate aka boy or girl Name:Joanne "Jojo" Mc Kay age:16 gender:female apperence: power:fire,fource feilds,invisiblity phasing healing. side:good: souls fourm: animal, ermine and her soul mate Named Jason.she hasnt met him yet
so this is the last one that the kids are acctually in school theres another tri-wizard tournment,they decided to give it another go but even though corys almost old enough,he didnt enter himself,who did? was it a joke? hopefully not,because its getting more serious and dangerous. Name: age: gender: apperence: parents: Name:Cory Malfoy age:16 gender:male apperence: parents:lyra and zane,step father is casey Names:Micheal and Maddieline Malfoy age:13 genders:Male and female apperence: parents:lyra and casey Name:Ronan spinnett age:13 gender;male apperence: parents:jordan and lisa Name:zarrah spinnett age:12 gender:female apperence: parents:jordan and lisa Name:Molly spinnett age:8 gender:female apperence: parents:jordan and lisa Names:Shawn and Sophie Potter age:12 genders:male and female apperence: parents:elle and alex Name : Darren josh age:15 gender:male apperence: parenst:Zane and cassie (he lived) lol Name:Ashline Josh age:13 gender:female apperence: parents:zane and cassie
well this is the last one so lyra and the others hae decided to treat their kids to a summer in america but will this be a good summer?? Name: age: gender: apperence: parents: Name:Cory Malfoy age:14 gender:male apperence: parents:lyra and zane,step father is casey Names:Micheal and Maddieline Malfoy age:11 genders:Male and female apperence: parents:lyra and casey Name:Ronan spinnett age:11 gender;male apperence: parents:jordan and lisa Name:zarrah spinnett age:10 gender:female apperence: parents:jordan and lisa Name:Molly spinnett age:5 gender:female apperence: parents:jordan and lisa Names:Shawn and Sophie Potter age:10 genders:male and female apperence: parents:elle and alex Name : Darren josh age:13 gender:male apperence: parenst:Zane and cassie (he lived) lol Name:Ashline Josh age:11 gender:female apperence: parents:zane and cassie
this is a crossover from the org and stormbreaker,Roxas is the teenage spy like Alex and Xemnas is the evil baddie like sayle all you have to do is fill this fourm in to join telling me more about the character.and then things will be like Strombreaker and we can start.someone needs to be like Allan blunt, Axel was gonna be Roxas's dead uncle,Someone to be his housekeeper/new graudian and so on Name: age: gender: side(spy or sayle) apperence(if you want to) other: Name:Roxas Rider age;14 gender:male side:Spy apperence:: other: parents died when he was small,now his uncle is dead,he is the reluctant teen spy.lives with his american housekeeper
Prolouge meet the family Sora was fourteen again,standing on the disappereing islands,his home,his world,it was all going! not again! please not again! he saw riku,fifteen once more,reaching a hand out to him "c'mon Sora,why do you fear the darkness?" "because...i dont know what lies init!"he replied,worried that his friend would fall into darkness once more "dont fear Sora! you wont be alone! me and kairi will be there! we'll always be together! just take my hand!"Riku almost screamed,sora reached forward and when it took hold of riku and the darkness swalloed them,there was nothing to help him,no keyblade,nothing....he was thrashing around calling for help struggling against something that was going to crush his heart "NOOO!'He yelled,sitting up in bed "Sora!"a paniced voice called,he looked up into the face of a thrity-five year old Kairi,up into the face of his wife.she looked worried"whats wrong?,still have dreams from what happend twenty one years ago?"she said,it had been twenty one years since Sora first left the island,he was now thrity-five years old,no longer a happless schoolboy.he had his own family,he hada fifteen year old daughter name where Hikari.Hikari enterd the room,hearing the terrified yell that had woken her up,she stood,arms crossed at the bottom of her fathers bed,she had long Brown hair,Deep blue eyes,she was wearing short-shorts that were pink and a pink strap top,her mother had often told her it was rather revelling,her eyes were full of anger but at the same time,worry.this was Sora's Family,and he wouldnt change it if he could --------------------------- hope you like it ^^
twenty years after the last adventure,king mickey has gone missing,kidnapped by a man named Xeahnort. Sora,Riku,Kairi and all the old gang have been summond to find him,they will travel to other worlds,in search of him,but they also have to help others aswell,such as mulan,they must help her get the princess to hegong to get married,but theres just one problem,their kids jumped on the ship at the last mintue,intending to help.they find a letter fro the king,saying there is a new keyblade master rising,and she is the eight princess of hearts,but who is it? and can they save the king and kingdom hearts? Name: age: gender: appperence: weapon: parents: homeworld: side:good or bad? other: Name:Hikari age:15 gender:female apperence: : weapon: oathkeeper parents:Sora and Kairi homeworld : Destiny Islands side:good other:shes the new keyblade master and the last princess,she is best friends with Rikus child and is mostly like her father,but is stubborn too,and doesnt give up easily
this is a finishing school for the worlds most richest kids,but with rich families comes problems,these kids have rebeled against their parents,been expelled from school,some even been arrested this school is to teach them manners,to make them the child every parent wants,but when the kids go back to their homes,its not the orginal them,its clones,made perfect,AKA the perfect child,will anyone ever find out about these clones? and what happens to the orginals? Name: Age: Gender: Apperence: reason for being sent to the academy: personality: parents job: Name:Alexandra "Alex" Carter age:15 gender:Female apperence: reason for being sent to the academy: arson,shoplifting,theft,under-age drinking,joyriding personality: Alex is the type of girl who gets what she wants,when she wants,she lives with her father after he seperated from his wife,his daughter became angery all the time,she got out of control,she even set fire to her old school,the result was her being expelled.she has uncountable run-ins with police and is almost nearly always arrested,her father cant take anymore,he thinks she needs,to be taught how to it or not. parents job:Company ownerfor Computers
so its been fifteen years since their last holiday,and some memebers have kids some have remained childless,what new drama's will unfold,what crazy parties will the young nobodies get up to? and what else will happen,on a holiday,that will be more than fun ?? you can have any member you like Taken members Roxas-SORA! Namine-SORA! demyx-Random angel luxord-ba axel-ag Name: age: apperence: power: siblings: parent(s): Name:Nami age:15 gender:female apperence: siblings:none parents:Roxas and namine(ex-girlfriend) power:keyblade and memory changes
so they lost at kingdom hearts twenty years ago,so they decied to open a school some of their kids go to the school,this is where nobodies come to learn to be good nobodies and sometimes,some get into the org,or at least they lets get on with the school! Name: age: parents: apperence: year: power: group: Dorms ------------------- groups populars --------------------- nothings ------------- losers ---------------- teachers you can have anybody and make a class up for them ^^ XEMNAS=HEADTEACHER Name:Lorraine age:15 apperence: : parents:Xemnas power:healing,pyrokinis,phasing,force feidls,invisliblty group:popular
in a small town called SummerBay,all the teens are starting a new year at school a boarding school to be exact,its a big school that was once a mansion to a billionair when he died,he left the mansion to be turned into a school.some kids that go arent normal kids,they have small powers,some have harmful,this is where they go to learn how to control them... and plus the welcome back dance will be coming up,so how good will the year be? Boys dorms girls dorms lorraine Name: age: gender: apperence: power: personality: group: three characters max no youi or yuri keep it pg 14 and have fun ^^ groups Populars-Lorraine=leader nerds goths/emos none teachers Name:Lorraine Daily age:16 gender:female apperence: power: pyroknis,telikineis and healing personality: she lives with her father,who is head of the school,her mother died in childbrith whilst having her,she hates talking about it and doesnt have a very good relation ship with her father,he doesnt like who she hangs around with and that the fact she drink and smokes,but he knows its only a teenage thing. group: populars
well after the ordeal of the year before can these kids final have a normal year? maybe not,as lyra is acting strangely,as are a number of other kids whats going on? and who's behind it? name: age: gender: apperence: parents: house: personality: name:Lyra Spinnett age:16 gender:female apperence: parents:lily and lewis spinnett house:gyrffindor personality: she has sort of gotten back to normal,but is still shocked over the discovery of her powers,her parents are having a ruff patch and her mother has said that they're over,lyra now lives with her father,since she and her mother had a fight about her father,she bearly speaks to jordan or kerian and bearly see her little sister,she is upset over the break up,but says she is coping,she and jordan used to always fight when they first split up.she is also acting alittle strange.whats wrong? name:Jordan Spinnett age:15 gender:male apperence: parents:lily and lewis spinnett house:gryffindor personaliy:he hasnt forgiven his father for walking out on his mother and his younger siblings,not really knowing it was his mothers suggestion that he leave,he doesnt speak to his older sister and when mentioned he becomes angry,because she left with his father and didnt stay,the break up has affected him more than he lets on
well i did say i was leaving,im only on to say bye and stuff,i dont really have a reason for going,but this time its for real and to show i wont come back im changing my password so i cant get back on. i've had fun here and made great friends,but its just time to go. so to all my friends,you were the greatest and dont stop rping or whaterver. im gonna miss ya lot. this is my final good bye... bye and have fun without me. SORA! out.
In countries alll over the world there are some people with unordaniary powers the government wants them gone,either get rid of their powers or get rid of them. at one point all these supers meet up and decide to fight back,so the government use supers who dont want their powers to fight the ones who do want them,but they also bring the army into it... who will win? will they keep their powers or will they lose their lives? Name: age: power: country: apperence: gender: side:(supers or government) Name:Kayleigh "Kay" Bryison age:17 Power:invisibility,force feilds,walking through walls,pyrokinesis (can do anything with fire or lightning) can heal from any wound or injury country:london,england apperence: : gender:female side:super Rules *no youi/yuri *keep it pg 14 *no controling others characters *have fun you can have any power you want and up to 5 powers and 4 characters max enjoy
Ten yearsago there was a princess from another world...but she wanted to live a human life...a normal life with no powers or rules or day she and a few friends escaped their world and ended up in the human world,there they forgot their names,powers and former lives. now someone from their own world is trying to bring back theses people to their own lives... but when they refuse things turn bad they got there powers back they fight to stay where they are, will they ever get their memories back? join to find out! Name: Age: Gender: power: apperence: other: Name: Stacey Mckay age:20 Gender:Female power:Invisiblity,force feild,engery shooting from hands,walking through walls apperence:: other:shes the princess
well its been 11 years since,the life after hogwarts one,and i thought everybody needed a break,so they've gone to spain for the whole summer! what fun! everybodies excited and raring to go,will it be one of those greatest holidays in the world? or one of the worse? join to find out! Name: age: gender: apperence: year: siblings: parents: Name:Cory spinett-malfoy age:19 gender:male apperence: yeah:9th siblings:Maddie,Micheal,and parents:Lyra and Zane(deseaced) step-father is Casey Name:Maddieline 'Maddie' Malfoy age:16 gender:female apperence: year:6th siblings: Cory,micheal, and parents:lyra and Casey malfoy Name:Micheal 'mick' Malfoy age:16 gender:male apperence: year:6th siblings:Cory,Maddie and parents:lyra and Casey malfoy Name:Connor Malfoy age:2 gender:male apperence: strawberry blonde hair with greenish blue eyes parents:lyra and casey malfoy Name:Zarrah 'Zarr' Spinett age:15 gender:female apperence: year:5th siblings:none parents:jordan and lisa Spinett(dead) Name: Sophie Potter age:15 gender:female apperence: yeah:5th sibilings:jamei and river parents:alex potter and elle malfoy-long bottom Name: Shawn Potter age:15 gender:male apperence year:5th sibilings:jamei,sophie and river parents:alex potter and elle malfoy long-bottom
one week ago The Girl ran through the ally way,feet thumping off the hard ground,why was he still after her? she thought she had gotten rid of him,obviously not.she turned the corner,and stood panting for breath,blonde hair falling over her face. "did you really think you could get away so easily Maya?" asked a dark voice,she gasped looking up and what she saw scared was the very man she was running from,she tried to find away out but there was none,he grabbed her by the arms and lifted her ever so slightly,there was a scream of agony then silence,he put the girl down,then dissappered with her into the night. Present day Carrie Johnstone was a sixteen year old girl,but she wasnt normal,she was far from it,she could do extordianery things like,turn invisible,make force feilds,read or see into anothers mind,walk through walls,shoot an engery blast from her hands or even just heal herself,but she tried to fit it,once or twice at her old school she was caught out and had to move,now was the first day after the summer break,and she was ready to go. Carrie! come on! get up!'her mother called up,she yawned,sitting up in her bed,these werent her real parents,she was told her real ones died in a fire,Carrie had long black hair and deep blue eyes.she got dressed in her school uniform,a mini skirt,shirt and tie,it was still to warm for anything else.after break fast she left for school with her friends,they were talking about a girl named Maya Kinders,Carrie stopped when she heard the name. "Whats up Car? you look like you've seen a ghost'one of her friends said "its nothing...just....i know that name...but i havent meet her before....'she mutterd 'well she has been on the news alot...' 'no....before she was on that....before she went missing....i had a dream...about her..' really?' "yes.about her real then....not now....' 'probley just a dream that came true Carrie...'they began walking again Was it just a dream? or was it a warning? Maya....hope your ok... i know its not very long but this is just the prolouge...hope you liked it ^^
so its their 9th and final year,for lyra,casey and the others but it looks like things are going from bad to worse as more and more deaths and dissapperences are happening and whats more lyra has one more secret she has to keep for awhile other than her relationship with her best friend other school dramas will unfold also but is the last year really going to be the worst? name: age: gender: apperence: other: name:Lyra Lillian Ginvera Spinett age:19 gender:female apperence: other:she has a two year old son.she is currently in a relationship with her bestfriend Casey Malfoy and only a few know about it...but things have gotten alittle more serious as she has gotten pregnant to him,only he,her brother,cousin,chrizlee and Casey's sister knows that secret...but how long will it stay that way? name;Jordan lewis Harry Spinett age:18 gender:male apperence: name:Kerian John Steven Spinett age:11 gender:male apperence: