XD My thoughts on the next comic in the form of a strip slay (For those not following me on Twitter)
Exactly what I was thinking. And, that's Chaos that shows up in the current comic. Not Magus. :3 The "Mother will take care of everything" is probably referring to herself in the same sense that mothers tend to say "Don't worry, mommy's here for you."
Just get some white letter stickers and it's easily made.
Scrolling through the endless abyss called the internet at the moment...
"You last visited: Today at 05:42 AM" Not bad, just wondering what the crap I'm doing still awake...
Wanna play a game? 8D
Meow... I'm bored... 2
Avvy: 9/10 Sig: 10/10 Yummy :3
Sup? :3
Haidere [IMG]
... If Dan [kills Ellen] in the next comic, I will hate him forever... :'(
1 Hi there Mike :D
And then he saw and clicked.
Second one reminded me of a DS...
Lovely Jube =D Found him/her/it - http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000088081346
I suck at posing XD
Because of the reason CtR just stated... *sips tea*
Me with my favorite beanie :3 I can't be bothered to smile... :/
Feeling pretty damn nervous ^_^;