Here is your sig, enjoy :D
Oh god yes.
You have failed in the worst way I could possibly imagine.
[Okay, I'm done distracting you...]
Avvy: 9/10 Sig: 8/10
Not that the spam zone's gonna be much help, but yeah... It sucks...
The URL was for the preview image. Thankfully, I can get the proper render by removing the 'normal' part of the URL :D I'll post your sig shortly. Edit: Here it is :D Another edit: Got bored and decided to add some text XD
I did the best I could with something that isn't a render... This was honestly an experiment to see if I could pull it off. Voila!
Made a light & dark(ish) version. :3
I have no furry creatures.
HOLY CRAP! I never knew that! I'll kill you for letting me know that! Besides that, did you know that... Spoiler Snape kills Dumbledore?
Avvy: 2/10 Text is waaaaay too small. Sig: 1/10
I'll get the napkins.
People taste like crap...
... No XD I tend to criticise my own work quite a lot. Avvy: 7.5/10 Sig: 9.1/10
Avvy: 10/10 Sig: 9/10 I made that :P
Just woke up... Need tea...
Renders only, sorry. :(
Finished Tymaca :D
Avvy: 7/10 Sig: Blah/10