Sexy Shark Anthology
Incomprehensible Banana from Mars
Satan's Bubblegum Studio :lolface:
What the hell did I just watch...?
Middle-Eastern Conga in Middle-Earth XD
.... I'm staring at the most recent post in your Sig Shop out of pure disbelief....
Nudist Ninja Uprising This game could prove to be incredibly awesome :3
Muppet Acid Odyssey ::L: Post your results here :D
Because I'm in England :D
2 months and 21 days until I'm 17...
Shade Tail says: Van Xaale says: Van Shade Tail says: Van Xaale says: Van Shade Tail says: Van Xaale says: Van Shade Tail says: Van Xaale says: Van
I'm so freaking bored! D= @10 Damn you @5 PMed you
... Hiya!!!!
No... I just think it's stupid. I had 4 black cats cross my path in an hour, then I won £100 on the lottery...
I prefer cats... Mainly because they're far quieter than dogs. Cat's are more fun in my opinion and I find them easier to love than dogs. I taught my auntie's cat how to play fetch a few years ago XD Dogs are loyal; I understand that, but I just don't like them...
8 9 Tralala...
Love how you referred to Disney as 'it' xD I hope Disney doesn't screw up on any of the movies, not just Spidey...
Hate to rain on your parade, but that's DC Comics, not Marvel :3 Edit: Beaten by Ramen...
Be afraid... ... New York and Spider-Man in the next KH game perhaps? :lolface: