Crisis solved.
I prefer Facebook because of it's simplicity... The games are cool, but I think it's lacking something...
Sure... *adds*
... Forum Families section is going slow....
*clears throat* ... Hi.
Good day Mr. Mike Une
... Turn your calculator upside down...
Hi there. I heard your MSN was going cuckoo?
Admittedly, I thought this game was gonna be crap before I played it... This was mainly due to it being a point & click game, but after playing it, I loved it :D I love the humor in the Monkey Island games :3
They mainly consist of "What are you thinking?" and "Why are you in my garage?"
I know I just sent them to you over msn, but I'll just put them here for future reference :3 __
I made mine myself :3
Avvy: 11/10 Sig: 9/10
Avvy: 6/10 Sig 1: 3/10 Old sig... <_< Sig 2: 8/10
... I killed Mario :3
I'd be Hayner, cos I sometimes think of myself as a leader in my group of friends :3
Yes or no...?
Bored... D:
Had them since the 11th of last month I believe...
My 'usertitle' is at the top of my sig. "In case of emergency, breakdance."