*spits RA out*okay.....Cake!
Im Hungry!*eats RA*
*eats anf from the inside*muahaha!
uh-oh*has horrible gas*your gonna regret that DX
No your not*eats u from inside*
yup,now everyone is in my belly :P....at least no one here knows my weakness XP
*eats everyone and the forum*
*puts you in ice cream and eats you*yummy :P...oh wait...oops
*runs into destiny,spilling quickdry chocolate on her*oops...*runs*
*glomps destiny and gives her candy*
*pours marshmallows on you*
*falls down and sprays water at you*cool off :P
Hello family of the Twilight Love!
lol,gravy on cheese babies
i like cake and bacon :P
No!dont post XD
I win again!
*eats destiny*yummy :P
*eats giant cake with ice cream and sprinkles*all for me :P