harharhar for her:P,well sorta XD...Clicky
i can tell...and why is that?
*glomps ANF*hallo thar :P
*yawns also*man...i am goin now,i also dont want to miss naruto tonight and i gotta get stuff done,see you all later,and... Goodnight Family of the Twilight Love!
not those things!
man...this reminds me of the good old days,without all the fighting XD
that is why i now drink fanta
I was kidding XD at least you were quiet for a second XP
You too are so much alike,you should get married XD
you 2 are very interesting nuh-uh! okay...i wont be mean*sends monkey to be mean*i trained him XD
You odd girl XP @ Jap:Hiya,hope destiny isnt torturing you too bad hiya last!how ya doin
*is confuzzled* *throws you in molten chocolate*
0_o.................... they are disgusting too
just dont eat any cupcakes,they are nasty XD
*glomps destiny and summer to the ground*im surprised my dogs arms havent fallen off from disuse XD
*glomps Destiny*Hallo thar destiny :P
*sits down and eats cookies*ah whatever
Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*throws grenades at storm*
*is clone and steals brownies,hiding*here we go again XD
*takes brownies and eats them*