Aya:*smiles back and follows him farthing into the abyss of darkness* *shrugs* Who knows. *is some how leaning against the remains of the...
Maleah: Hm. that's true too. so the only one who's holding us together is Haku and ourselves.
Maleah: bah. The one thing I hate about it. I guess the necklaces are wearing down due to Synn and Angelus going back to their original forms.
Uh.. well. I can't really say. :sweatdrop: we just don't see eye to eye really.
Hm. ya, maybe. but so far I'm not on good terms with Lady-Luck. :sweatdrop:
Maleah: Huh? *looks up at her head* darn hair... *tries to flatten it down*
Maleah:*smiles* morning sleepy head
True. To bad he won't be sick in the winter. that we we don't have to heat up the house.
maleah:*forces herself to wake up*
Nightson:*smirks but has his eyes closed* kiss first. *mumbles* Akaya: *looks up and smiles* Aku. *gets up and runs towards him giving him a big hug* don't scare me like that ever again please.. ------------------------ Ka:*continues to sit there and random things start to explode*
Damian: well that's good at least. *smiles* is it around the time now? *looking at the clock* NoN: It's to protect you my lil brother! *jumps down from the table and squishes Aku into a hug* Akaya::sweatdrop: *and takes the glasses and bottle from Aku before he breaks them* Thanks Aku. :sweatdrop: Lucas:*facepalm* Nigh: True. but if I remember right. I've spent 10 years with Aku, and from those 10 years experience I've noticed that he's just like you in a way.. Only more childish because of NoN and Nas treating us that way.
Nigh:*nods and jumps off the bed* Hurry up slow poke! *runs into the next room* Nightson:*twitches a bit and groans* Akaya:N-nightson?!? ---------------- Ka:*continues to meditate around her the ground darkens and the targets around her all break*
Damain: Wow. :sweatdrop: He must be REALLY bad in the kitchen.. NoN: *laughs a bit* I've got a cellar full of that crap. and you're still to young for that!! Nigh: So far.. but what if time runs out, and they need to be heros right then.
Me too. But. *shrugs* there's nothing we can do. He has to tough it up. *passes a pop to Chess and Amy*
Iccara:*notices you almost crash* woops. *moves into another lane before the car you nearly crashed into drives past us* Whoa! That was close!...
What do you take me for? Selfish? *laughs a little as I take the case of pop* At times yes. *goes back to the living room*
Maleah:*smells the aroma of breakfast* seems like it's time to wake up.
*smells popcorn* Hm. might as well get some pop. *gets up and goes to the kitchen*
Lucas: What the hell is he doing? *wondering why you went off the track* *laughs* that's my dumb a$$ of a brother! Follow him Iccara!...
Damian:*laughs a little* not a very good chef now is he? NoN: No way lil bro. you gotta get your own! *drowns down her glass and throes the plastic cup at Aku's head* Lucas: Uh NoN, :sweatdrop: don't throw things. Nigh: *smiles* I guess you're right. but they can't get their hands off each other, and Aku gets to distracted to stay on one task. as for Akaya. *shakes her head* she just follows him like a dog to his master.