cool. sounds like fun^^ (well that's good at least^^ you get like 4 days off to yourself.^^)
Chess: hn. let me know so I can find a good pl;ace to hide.
Ka: heh. nope. :sweatdrop:
Cool^^ What kind of job is it?? (work is good but stressful. so don't work yourself to hard k^^")
Aya:*releases her aura but still holding onto Joeys hand even if his aura was way hotter then what she's use too*
Chess: ah.. well then. good luck any ways. :sweatdrop:
Maleah:*shakes her head and eats hers as well*
Ka: *rubs her temples* sorry. mood swings again..... fox thing and stuff. Eat your breakfast. before Synn does, he's been eyeing it as you where...
Chess: Lovely... I hope it gives you the results you want.
Awe! I'm glade things worked out for you^^
Ka: yes you just frolic around wile the rest of us worry our asses off. Maleah: auntie there's no need to swear. :sweatdrop: Ka: I don't give a...
Ka: Exactly. opposits attract^^
Aya:*nods* I'm ready.
*laughs a bit* by the way you landed I would beg to differ. *hears the gyrados roar* Uh oh. *:sweatdrop:* I guess we have to deal with that thing...
Chess: Wonderful. *says sarcasticly as he looks over at what Sensui's doing* Uh... what the heck are you doing??
Hey ya It's been like forever!! I've been good. better but still good^^ and how bout you? how was the animecon?? (looking at our past convo that...
Ka: Synn we've known eacother for our intire lives. we where both downers. *grins*
Ka:*tries not to snicker but failing*
lol heey^^ nice magicrap. *pokes it and it exploids into a gyrados* Gah! *runs from it* good so far and yourself? *says as I pass you*
Maleah:*smiles* of course mom.