Maleah: They're right uncle. you should loosen up a bit. your tail'll never unfluff if you don't. *points her fork at Hakus now overly bushed tail*
Chess:*sighs* Who needs sacurity when you're surrounded by maniacs any ways? *sinks lower into the couch*
Chess:*sighs* Who needs sacurity when you're surrounded by maniacs any ways?
Aya:*takes a second to catch her breath before nodding her head* and you?
Well that's not much of a replacement. lol (What grade would freshmin year be in?? I never could keep up with the terms ppl use)
Ka: It's all in good fun Haku dearest.
Aya: Right behind you! *goes through a second after Joey*
Chess: I'd at least have my false sense of sacurity then.
other then this semester almost being over and I won't have to go through the torcher of sience but replaced with gym. then nothing at all^^
Ka:*gives a nervous laugh* sure Haku. *:sweatdrop:* what ever helps you sleep at night. *laughs for real this time* I'm kidding. of course I like...
Chess: well then. I best hide in my room then.
Ka:*shrugs* whatever floats your boat. (sorry for taking so long. Exams are soon and I've been stacked up to my ears in homework)
Damian: And the cool thing is. the roses and flowers still live even if it's freezing outside. something that Lucas did made it so that they can stay beautiful looking all year round. *takes Lucana out the back door to the large garden of frosty flowers* NoN: WHAT!! My lil bro hasn't at all died yet?? Either your super lucky or really dumb, cuz all of us have died at one point. Lucas:*:sweatdrop:* uh NoN.. You know he doesn't have to be lucky or dumb to not of died.
Nightson:*smiles softly and hugs Ana back* I love you more. Akaya:*smiles a bit and hugs Aku back* Nigh:*laughs a little* better. *smiles and heads for the door* Bye bye. *tilts her head to the side a little and smirks* Big brother. *fog surrounds her giving her a creepy look as she leaves the house behind*
Yay!! good hit^^ (It's alright I understand. I've been swamped as well.)
Sora: So you got over your fear of clowns? NoN: No. But I know you and Nights will beat them up if they scare me. *walks in like a kid* Sora: :sweatdrop: r-right... *follows behind her* Akaya: *smiles* alright.^^
Alice: I know. It's starting to get boring doing what normal people would do. *playing around with her breakfast*
Akaya:*hears something from above* Hn. must be hiding in there. *slips her daggers back into her sleeves and takes out a gun from it's holster* Time to see how well these weapons work. *goes towards the screaming* *moments later the smoke clears and the hall way only contains Axel and Roxas* Roxas: Wh-where did they go?? Axel:*looking around* I-I don't know...
Damian: and since the blizzard is done. *he smiles* I can take you to the garden. *gets one a coat that was hanging up then helps Lucana put the other on her* NoN:Oh come now lil bro. *smirks* It's not like you haven't done it before. Nigh:*smiles* yes I know. *snuggles up in her chair before opening to the first page and starts reading*
Nightson:*looks at the shackle and laughs a little* Hopefully with this we won't end up going crazy. *gives her a genuine smile as he looks from his hand to her* Akaya: Are you sure Aku? *worried a little still* Nigh:*hugs him back* Goodbye my brother. *looks at him* Now give sister a smile, just like the one that you'd used when we made that promise.