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  1. MsEstherMaria
    It's absolutely normal!!!!!!! In my case, when I get sick, I can sing low notes... But I prefer singing high... XD
    Post by: MsEstherMaria, Dec 31, 2011 in forum: KHV Chorus
  2. MsEstherMaria
    As I'm new, I just would like to know if uou guys liked my voice...
    Would you mind giving me your opinion?
    It's very important, because I wanna be a Broadway actress when I grow up...
    Thanks again!!!!

    Post by: MsEstherMaria, Dec 31, 2011 in forum: KHV Chorus
  3. MsEstherMaria
    If it's possible, I'd like to have this line...
    I've already recorded all the song!!
    Thank you very much!!!
    Post by: MsEstherMaria, Dec 31, 2011 in forum: KHV Chorus
  4. MsEstherMaria

    Lea Michele

    Hey guys!!!
    I'm here because I wanna meet people that, just like me, love Lea Michele!!!
    She inspires me to do everything that I do, because of her I didn't give up all my dreams!!!
    Comment ok? I wanna meet more people with this love...
    Thanks! <3

    Thread by: MsEstherMaria, Dec 31, 2011, 10 replies, in forum: Music
  5. MsEstherMaria
    I'd like to join you, if it isn't too late...
    My name is Esther and I love singing just as you guys!
    When Excasr said that you were doing Auld Lang Syne, I thought that I had to do this with you! I love Lea Michele's version of this song...
    BTW, Lea is my idol, she is like the air that I breathe...
    This is my voice record:
    I hope you like it, and here's my image:

    PS.: I recorder all the song…
    Post by: MsEstherMaria, Dec 31, 2011 in forum: KHV Chorus
  6. MsEstherMaria
    Okay... You're right!!!!!
    Now let me think...

    . :tale wind, show yourself!
    Post by: MsEstherMaria, Dec 30, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  7. MsEstherMaria

    Hey People!!

    Hey everybody!!!
    I'm new here, I hope I enjoy this forum...
    I love singing and playing the piano and I absolutely love glee and Lea Michele...
    I love animals, mainly horses and cats...
    Hope I can make new friends here!!

    Thread by: MsEstherMaria, Dec 30, 2011, 11 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  8. MsEstherMaria
    Profile Post


    Status Update by MsEstherMaria, Dec 30, 2011