Its strange how some kids arnt even kids anymore, i've read that 11 year olds raped a girl and stole a car. and another that an 12 year old was going to be a dad :o My younger brother is 11 and there is no way he could do any of that. hes a very childish CHILD. unfortunately due to how society is and how open information is, children are no longer having childhoods, nobody goes and plays on the local park. they just go out and kill poeple
I Believe as a UK citizen we should step in and take action, i understand the reasons not to but its not just plain black and white. unfortunately our government needs war, otherwise most of our exports would be worthless and the rate this country is going with everyone demanding cuts to our defenses we will end up welcoming attacks with open arms....or no arms as the case will be. people demanding that Trident should be shut down and the money spent on schools. thats all well and good but when you have nothing to defend the schools WHEN somebody attacks then people will be like 'ohhhh we need defenses where have they all gone!?' but F**K that Russia will kick our asses if we go to war :(
Thanks guys, I'm sure I'll enjoy my stay here :) Yeah that's right :D ! I always struggle with usernames it took me a while to find the right one.
Yeah that's what I meant, when birth by sleep was announced I was so excited because if I remember correctly it was a secret scene on kh2:final mix? But I never got a psp so I feel like ive missed out on quite an interesting part of the story. I guess I could watch some YouTube video walkthroughs but I'd like to play it, I guess that's why I've been excited about the prospect of KH 2.5. I imagine I'm not the only one or this isn't the only game that's this has happened for. I seem to be moving away from the main aspect of this thread.
I meant Kingdom hearts games sorry, I would of very much liked to play them all but I don't have a psp or 3ds. So I feel I'm not getting the full story Sorry for the confusion :)
Fingers Crossed :) I think they should stick to the playstation format, cross platforms has really limited me to the games i have played.
I had a program that did it all, and i cant for the life of me remember what it was called :( sorry, im sure a quick google could help :)
Have you tried changing the channel on which the router picks up/sends its WIFI signal from, sometimes there is too much traffic on that channel and a simple swap could really help the signal?
I personally feel no difference in female/male gamers, it doesn't even register like 'omg thats a girl' its just normal, my girlfriend is a big online MMORPG fan like i said above and i enjoy playing games with her. A gamer is a gamer, not a girl gamer, boy gamer, fat, skinny, tall, short, or any thing in between. A Gamer is a Gamer.
I very much agree with this, they make it seem like they re the first girl to pick up a controller. By doing this you only show the opposite of what they want you to think. Social networking pictures are worse Example Girl posts picture of her and a controller....obviously doesn't play games Guy posts picture with lots of money......obviously has no money Person post picture of a salad 'healthy eating y'all'......first healthy meal EVAAAR. You see where I am going with this? If things are normal and everyday, you don't see the need to express it. The stereotype needs to stop. :p
I couldn't agree more. The vast majority of people will find no issues with it and will be pleased to be playing/watching these games on one console.
Thank you, this forum seems pretty good ! Thank you! I'm abit of a noob with Photoshop but id like to think I'm getting there, Practice makes perfect :)
hey, good pictures i especially like Jinora :)
I'm Sure mine is exactly the right size? Thank you :)
Is there any word on whether this will be on next gen consoles? or will it be ps3 only? if it is then it will no doubt on 'the cloud' ?
This is TERRIBLE ! They should not be using any of your information without your consent, its appalling! as for taking your Mums car for a joyride...... It frustrates me so much, there a very few garages these days that you can trust, i've seen some that are like 'hey you need to brake pads' when quite clearing they dont need new brake pads, so they fit them and charge you for them.....without actually fitting anything. Unfortunately this is very common in garages and its unacceptable to say the least. I trust no garage's and am lucky enough to be able to do all the work i need to do myself.[DOUBLEPOST=1378071697][/DOUBLEPOST]My Spelling/grammar could do with revising but i cant edit my post Best thing to do it just ignore the emails, hopefully the garage will get the idea or assume the email address is no longer used. :)
I think in general social situations, girl gamers are considered 'not cool' and its 'not cool' to play game, but online its considered super hot and alot of girls play on this. I think there is a small majority of girl gamers that ruin it for others, such as calling yourself 'GurlGam3rxoxox' or putting a clan tag as 'girl' i don't see the need to express the fact of being female? ONE MOREEE THINGGG :p My girlfriend as recently been playing an MMORPG and there is a female in her guild and all i can here is 'hehe' 'meow' 'hehehehe' Unfortunately there is a small few. but back the subject i think its stereotyped that girls are bad at games because like you said its a very boyish think to do, boys play games and girls play make up, that's how it was in my childhood. also boys don't like girls being better than them at games and get very frustrated at it. XD
Non of those things are going to bother me I'm just super excited its almost here. i cant see those issues 'Ruining' the experience. they could release it not being a HD REmix and i would still be happy. putting the games onto one console is something that Tetsuya Nomura feels strongly about.
Should be a very good TGS. il be watching for the KH3 slot :)