Thats better, at least i know its google thats stalking me and not some crazy life stealing Philippine :)
#61521 i have the largest number which obviously means i am superior
That's pretty much the same for me. although i knew Cid off FFX and was pretty confused as to why he had hair on KH haha
Damn it !! I got in from work. tidied up, washed the dishes, took the dog out then fell asleep at about 8:30pm, and i've woken up now..1am ish So I'm pretty much awake now. but ITS FRIDAY FOR ME !!! in 16 hours time its weekend. Also KH1.5 is out a week today..for me at least. My dog just hit my laptop with his Frisbee and opened powerDVD in considerate There he is ! and that's pretty much everything that's going on right now for me.
It's out but it crashes after you enter traverse town, and they never ....... ever ......ever ..... fix it ! i wish i was an incredible cook
Maybe some time soon, I would rather get to know a few people off here first :)
I don't think i captured his width too well.......
Pahahahaha i totally googled 'Terry Trainor' Mind=blown i could put him in my sig......
THIS PLACE IS HORRIBLE!! AHHHHH *RUNS SOMEWHERE SAFE* It's cool, the internet is full of weird and wonderful people. everybody is different, it would be pretty dull if every thread was like.. 'Isn't eating poo great!' 'yeah' 'yup' 'i like that too'
oh that makes sense, i think it was because i was in the discussion area at the time. I'll know for next time ;)
ummmm cookies how come certain adverts know what sort of thing i want to buy. such as the one on this page it keeps telling me i can get 50% off brake disks haha is there some sort of third party that can access my cookies (ummm cookies) and display advertisements as necessary?
It Never is anywhere, but it makes good entertainment when things arn't sunshine and lolly pops why did this thread get moved? where did i originally post it ?
I'll agree with that, i quite like this forum, at the minute it seems like quite a close net group that get along well with each other *thumbs up*
Never posted? I just clicked on the members and most of them have 0 messages. dey be tekin all dem good names yo. although the name i wanted to chose first, that person had over 1000 posts :D Just wondered why there are so many?
he makes a wish that you can no longer look at this thread... I wish I had a bloody psp to play BBS grrrr....
hahahaha that made me chuckle i was almost like ' why would he even ask tha.....ahhhhh i see what he did there !' Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) there isn't a gamestop in my country, so i cant really cast a judgement :)
I found myself very appreciative of the music composed for kingdom hearts i found it very well suited and well written, just another reason its my favorite game. Hikari and Passion couldn't of been used in a better way. Anybody else agree or have their opinions?
i think its reported to cost around $400-$600 but im sure i heard that they where going to give them away free for some reason..... :/ It's a false alarm it turns out he wasn't the was a different boy. of 14 years of age she was 15 years old
Now i think about it, it ended up not being that boy it was another boy of 14 years wait 13.... heres the link maybe