I can buy it on ps3 no problem but the missus wants it on PC. maybe i can buy a digital copy from amazon or something?[DOUBLEPOST=1378603722][/DOUBLEPOST]nope that didn't work
I Played the BETA not so long ago and thought this game was pretty sweet. and i had the urge to play it tonight (its night time for me) i drove to the next town to the only store that was open to buy it.......they didnt have it.
I like Hybrid Theory...but it makes me drive like a mad man :D
Urgh. i have to wait till the 13th to play it. i would say that im going to stay away from this site untill it comes out in the UK.....but there cant be any spoilers, i've played them all already BUT IM STILL EXCITED ERRRMAAAGURRRRRD
I found my PSP !! well i didn't know i had it, not seen it in about 10 years, moved house and moved into my own place since the last time it was in my palms. the R button was jammed up so i took it apart cleaned it up and it works like a charm :) Now i have no excuse to not play Birth By Sleep.
Thank you! im going to stick around for sure!
I'm hoping it come out sooner rather than later. currently playing Jak and Daxter HD Remix
Dont Ruin it for me man!
Yeah I played kh1 again about 2 years ago and it was pretty easy, completed it 100% sephiroth was probably the hardest part, no surprise there, and was definitely surprised when I found out that its only a bronze trophy on 1.5
*bursts into song* Oh how I love maximus the horse
12/09/2013 1.5
How interesting, i wouldn't mind giving it a go when KH 2.5 comes out....If
Squirtle has always been my weapon of choice and i don't think anything will change
It's a shame that some brilliant games never get released outside of Japan :(
What i've notice with my group of friends is that certain people grow up and certain people think they are grown up at a young age then just seem to get worse ie 'drugs and sheeet' but thats a story for a rainy day. people do and will change sometimes its for the better and sometimes its for the worse. many a friend as come and gone in my life, but there will always be the select few that i would like to think will be a round for a long time. there's a friend i have that ive not seen in a long time but i know if i message him now and ask to go for a beer it would be like we spoke just yesterday. spending time apart can be good for friendships, it lets one another grow as a person and if that person your friend grows into or in your case doesn't grow into. then its okay you will still be able to count on him for things but in the meantime when you'll have grown as a person and met new friends.
As above really, you haven't done anything wrong and shouldn't think you have. i would still try and contact her, if she feels like nobody cares she might need someone to be trying to contact her, don't think that you'll be bugging her because that might be want she needs. hope you get this sorted.
All this because somebody started an illegal camp fire......
Harming a dog will never work, whether it be by hand or by electric collar, it will just end up making the dog worse. you're right about the quick fix part, any dog can be taught to be obedient on or off the lead by a bit of time and persistence. letting the dog get hurt is just going to make that dog scared and anxious about being with its owner i personally think its wrong
I think its going to get a lot worse before it even begins to get better, the more developed world are fighting amongst themselves about taking action. Alot of people will say 'leave them too it they will sort it out between them' but its ridiculous the amount of innocent lives that are being taken by their own government who are supposed to protect them, there's no justification to anything that happening at the moment.