I want to keep it in order, although first of all terra was the person I would of chose last, still enjoying his story though!
Yes sir!
Yeah I chose him first, it's the first time I've played this game and its really good!
Maybe its the fact he points it out to me.....
I still havn't played this game. I here good things about it and ive seen its on the app store. would you recommend it?
Everytime i enter a new world and the Unversed appear he without fails says ':O UNVERSED!' is he really so surprised every time? and i don't need him to point it out to me every time, i can see them haha!
I really dont understand how they can release it in Japan like 4 months after everywhere else? whats with that?
Will still have 1 up on Microsoft :D
Chillies. never use chillies....for anything.
Alter Bridge - Wonderful Life
at this moment in time (2013) its doesnt matter 1.5 is out soon
Ahghhhhhhffdghjgskfbawkdlaebwfaeriadmnq;qwefvaw I need to wait untill Friday :'(
That is a good point :/ i imagine it will be in English somewhere and it will definitely be live streamed i imagine it will be posted to the site closer to the time
well to combine those two sentences i now have a GBA on my PSP ;)
I wish i could be there in October :(
I had to borrow a friends charger. and today i found the only Birth By Sleep for sale in the entire city. today is an even glorious..er day
Its an old 1000 version and i never really played it. i only had vice city stories and that was it. and they're not exactly big lol