i'm used to them being around me,but there still offensive to me,like at my own free will i would slap them hard if they did.but of course thats just violent.language abuse just isnt right.especially with 3 year olds around.
ya i wish i could have seen conqueror of shamballa......ed belongs and is destined in the future to be with winry.lets hope the producers take a hint at all the photos,videos,and anything else supporting that.its weird..i'm just like that.i like ed,but i'm saying he belongs with another girl.btw ,ed is totally MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!like the ed video i made,it even says that.lol!ED IS TOTALLY HOT!!!!!!!!
if you have windows...it should be in set program access and default,click add or remove programs.it might happen to be in there.and then its self explanitory from there.give it a try.thats what i'd do
this is obviously a god time to tell my faves.... definite first DEFINITE is FULL METAL ALCHEMIST!!!!! i havent heard someone mension my other fave yet.....eureka seven.on friday nights be4 fma yay! inyuasha naruto i have only read the manga for this but i like kamikase kaito jeanne lets see...one peice anyone that doesnt have a very confusing japanese name sounds good. MANGAS princess ai kamikase kaito jeanne DN angel yeppers...i like most of them. and its all thanks to my friend jodie
thank you again.i'll try gimp now...if you dont mind.come back with my first one soon
ha!you kidding me?that was freaking hilarious!hahahah hehehe lol lol lol x infinity!
these are my amv's of fangirl studios,a studio of my own.but....if u'd like to join,give me a request and i'll see.but here are these ones: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYdjORe77nc kingdom hearts country by the grace of god http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gSXv0B4KEo sora and kairi-cant fight the moonlight http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uri8x25VfYc kingdom hearts destinies struggle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9Awnz9Luxo kingdom hearts a life story yeppers thats them.......and if anyone knows how to do that link thing where they can rename it,can u tell me how to?thanks!
Here ya go KingdomHeartsBabe101 here is the signature <a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n235/VideoGameNerd246/756287563_l.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a> Injoy!![/quote] yay!!!thankies!!i love it!!thank you so much!!!woot!
thank you.i dont know how to use jasc that well,so thats tough.,but i can make an okay avatar on paint shop.....just avatar.i cant do any fancy mumbo jumbo!i dont know how.so can someone tell me what gimp is?i'd like to try it.
uh,excuse me mr.boom?i'm done fixing it.here it is: see?i told you i could do better!by the way...whats gimp and how can i get it?
thank...i will be making it better......upgrade you know?ya i figured out the trick...be back with it soon
microsoft paint sigs are good if u know how to use them.remember,some of us domt have paint shop!mic paint is our only choice
.paint as in the title is not paint shop,but paint!well,this is it...tell me if i have a future in siggy making at paint!i probably dont..........here it is.hope u like it..i'm gonna try again on it.i think i know what i did wrong
niiiiiiice luster dragon,real sweet.i wanted a new ps2.i have one,but now its dented from my straightener laying on top of it heated so it wont read the disks.xp
i totally agree on that!there should have been some thread that people could have voted..i would have
hey,i got kh for christmas......practically the only thing i got that WASNT made of fabric,besides my guinness world records book and stocking stuff
you guys are weird...but okay.....what would you do if kairi came along,and you crossed paths?(hoping the answers not too sick)
hmm.....that is weird...i've never seen anything like it.wonder...whats that high mac thing do?i've never heard of that program.and you say this is the first time this has done it.............all i can say is get rid of the high mac program and try again.cause i've never had problems like this before.
okay,u do the ones i want done to this pic! i'll make ur life easy by giving you the pic okay?just say the word if anything wrong.if u need a new pic go ahead,but heres one: http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b204/blackestcat/756287563_l.jpg text:i'll love you always and user name in the corner plz? thankies!and plz try not to make it too big.
oh my gosh!!!!!right out of nowhere!!!!!that was freaky......i guess i didnt take my warning......whew.still creeps me...i watched the timer,as it tiked,tock, and then....BAM! wow......real freaky doll!!!!whew!!!!!!!gonna have nightmares tonight,thanx a lot