namine qiuckly came to leons rescue,and broght down saix with her memory blade.
yeah,along those come on,were talking about RIKU here.....the hottest,well,almost hottest,guy in the kh universe!!!!;) shall i put thinking about it makes me sleepy!lol
namine....weirdly felt phone vibrations from the air.of course she always felt that.but this one seemed more dark....she decided to use a tecknique to listen in.
OMG!!!!!!!!thats an awesome cover!except for the fact that sora and riku are in the looks yaoi!i hate yaois!anyways,its awesome!!!!!I CAN NOT WAIT!!!!the huge dissapointment would be that being a japan release date.I"D GO GOTH!!!!!!!!!!CRAP!!!!!*cross fingers*please be march the release date,please be march the release date*I AM SO F****ING EXCITED!!!!!HOLE CRAP!!I"M SWEARING NOW!!!BETTER STOP ME BEFORE I GO REAL BERSERK!!!!!SOMEONE MADE ME DECAFFC COFFEE!!!!!OH NOES!!!NOW I AM REAL MAD!!!LOL just kidding!i dont even drink coffee.i am real excited,though.i will seriously go depressed if they make me wait longer than march.i will be emo....crud.wheres my decaf? remember:i dont drink coffee!!
namine got so mad,that she threw the memoryblade at the person so that they would forget all about sora,and maybe get along for once!!!
the second one is nice i agree...we should make this a sora x kairi art gallery!lol that would be sweet!okay,i now make this thread officially a sora x kairi art gallery!anyone with sora x kairi pics can post them here!
namine,who now has a bruise on her head thanx to a certain someone*cough*xigbar*cough*went up with leon and laughed.but now it was time to get down and dirty.she brought out her memeory blade in offense mode(remember theres memory mode,too)and fought,then she diliberately screamed,"NOONE MESSES WITH SORA!!!!OR THEY GO THROUGH ME FIRST!!!!!"that made her real mad,and hyped,and fought even harder for the hot like hell hottie(i agree!lol)she would not let them get away with it.
that would NOT be funny roxasloverdarius,that would be so FREAKING SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and it should happen!now!!!the new games coming out!not 5!NOW!!!!!!OH my gosh just GIVE IT TO ME NOW BEFORE I KILL MYSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!the anticipation is slowly but surely disentigrating my heart!JUST GIVE IT TO ME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and killing my body!my skin is peeling,right on my shoulder,see?lol!just kidding!but seriously!dont make us wait!well,at least me wait.or someone will be strangled.ugg!!!!!!its killing me!
you guys have to see this picture!its is so beautiful,for all of you soraxkairi supporters out there.http:// *sniff* i almost is so beautiful.i like it.hope u do,too.i sure did.
got it,leon! namine replied.and waited for leon to say go
hehehe!srry!:p i was just so hyper...and yes,i would bring a gun to convince them.maybe even the navy!lol!!moahahahahah!i'm evil!i'm baka(meaning idiot,sadly..)in my friends terms!moahahahah!!!!!!!! but SORA AND KAIRI ARE FOREVER!!!I CANT STRESS THAT ENOUGH!!!!!!IT HAS TO HAPPEN!!!!!OR THERE WILL BE KILLING!!MOAHAHAHAHA!!!
namine sees leon and asks what he is doing.leon explains and namine joins in to help against the people against sora(which i hate because sora is hell hot!)
i agree to the marriage idea of 18 or 20....but come on here!its killing me!they gotta be bf/gf or there might just be a mob outside square enix,yes,i am threatening them if they dont make it happen!i hate to say the photos i found on the website,i seen absolutely NONE of kairi........that cant be good!lets hope theres something we dont see that we will see in the in: sora x kairi =FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FOREVER I"M TELLING YOU FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SQUARE BETTER GET OFF THERE LAZY BUTS AND DO THIS!!!!!!!!!OR I WILL GET A MOB AND GO THERE AND MAKE THEM!!! phew okay,enough of that for me!its gonna kill me soon.(out of breath)now i'm crying(sob)because i wanna see it!(sob)why cant i?cant they release a video of that!(grumble!)now !!!get it to me now!!! NOW!!!!!!(sigh)very sorry if i seem crazy,but i have waited years for this now,and it could be coming in less than 2 months......sigh...can i wait for 2 months?no!i'll kill myself in less than one!lol
yeah ye,i'm so kairi..........okay,lets see.....she has the ability to...lets see here..... kairi will have a special gun sort of thing that can shoot darkness with light bullets!hehe!i'm good!and a element sun sword.all of these i made up.yay!pm me when we start
luckily,namine heard this and laughed her head off!!!!............which was good.she then left after school almost immediately,still roaring in laughter.hehe!
come on here ppl,i need more soldiers!this war wont go on w/o you!
okay twilight of dawn,i'll pm you when the war starts!thanks again!
okay,this war is going to be run like the game worms,if you guys havent played goes as follows: -->there are 2 teams:in these terms,org 13 and the main characters(sora,etc..) -->each team takes a turn in attacking with a special order in which they go. -->weapons can vary;between big huge missiles to hand punches. -->you have 150 hit points weapon damage is as follows: -->arms and ammunition:23 hit points -->swords and other hand weapons:between 15 to 20 -->punches:7-10 hit points -->other:15-25 hit points you will be keeping track of your hit points! if you want to join,just name the character and when you want to go(1st,2nd,etc) main characters team: organization 13 team: twilight of dawn-leon(2nd) hpe u join!
i'd have to say defeating goomtail on paper mario!i was like,"you owe me for this!"
your'e probably right...but it would be veeery interesting if they did though...but they woulod need a lot of support from fams...and all the approval crap they must go through...cant wait for kh 2 fm+ though!