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  1. kingdomheartsbabe101
    *yahn*this thread is getting boring.......all we talk about is SORA.gets annoyong after a while.hope to get kh 2 fm+ though!!!!!!8 days!!yeah ye!
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 21, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. kingdomheartsbabe101
    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!the games will be coming out in 9,thats right 9!9!9!9!9!!!oh gosh!!!!thats not long!!!!!yay me!!(insert clapping here)!!i can not wait for the games.if you havent already noticed,i wanna play it becayse of 1)i can kick marluxia a**!!!

    2)i wanna see the destined kiss between sora and kairi!it will happen.
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 20, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  3. kingdomheartsbabe101
    NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THOUSANDS OF FANS ARE WAITING!!!GOSH DARNET!KISS ALREADY!!!!TETSUYA SHOULD RELEASE AN EARLY VIDEO OF A KISS IF THERE IS ONE!!!GET MY TEMPER DOWN!!!!!!it would also do good for my sora x kairi tribute......anyways,why would square be hiding it,when they know that thousands of fans are waiting for this moment???GGGGRRRRRRR!!!!!!DAMN IT!!THATS RIGHT!I SWORE!!!!!I"M FED UP!!!!!!!..........why should I?when i dont even know if they have denied the right for sora and kairi to kiss.the closest they've gotten is a hug.thats bros dont care,and theyre under ten!!!!!GOSH DARNET!!!!
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 20, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. kingdomheartsbabe101
    you got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10 days people,10 days!!one week and three days!yeah ye!,my uncle will be up in 3!!!!!!yeah ye!!!good march,good march....yayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayaya!!!!!
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 19, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  5. kingdomheartsbabe101
    i say the same darkness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!they've been hiding it TTOOOOOlong now.cbchick92,i totally agree.they should also kiss out of love.....ahhh.......going into heaven.....1000'S OF PEOPLE ARE WAITING SQUARE!!!!!!!!!!GET MY DRIFT????NOW SQUARE,BRING OUT THERE LOVE!!!!COME ON HERE,ITS KILLING ME!!AND THOUSANDS OF FANS!!!!DANG IT!!!!COME ON NOW!!!! (you can ignore the yaois)I WANT IT NOW!!!!!OR THERE WILL BE TROUBLE IN JAPAN AND THE FANDOMS!!!!!GRRR!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 16, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. kingdomheartsbabe101
    -london tipton

    lol sora is mine sista.....but i,no what am i thinking!!get a hold of yourself,girl!hes mine!!all mine!!moahahahah!jk!anyways........13 days until release!less than 2 weeks!yay me!!!!!lol
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 16, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  7. kingdomheartsbabe101
    namine decided she didnt want to fight,so she decided to go and find KAIRI.she left the building.
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. kingdomheartsbabe101
    no,zakurarabbit you just killed it......IT'S ONLY 17 DAYS!!!OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!YAY!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL BE ABLE TO HOLD OUT WITH OUT GOING ALL HOHENHEIM-ISH(fma)OMGOMGOMG!!!!!!PLZ PLZ *crosses fingers*please kiss,please kiss*i will cross my fingers for 17 days if i have to!!make hundreds of videos,draw hundreds of pictures,hundreds of avatars and say there from random people who support the idea and send them to square!!!i will do almost ALMOST anything for them to be lovers!!!dang,i'll get a really bad disease to convince square!!!!!I WILL DO ALMOST ANYTHING!!!!!!AAANNNNYYYTHIIIIIINNNGGGG!!!!!!!!!PLEASE LET ME HAVE IT!!!!!(sob):( i need it now!!!i'm dying for it!!
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 12, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. kingdomheartsbabe101
    thank you for bringing that up taytay!!!!!!!!HE'S MINE,SISTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BACK OFF!!!!!!lol!
    greatest wants in the new kh games:

    1)sora x kairi
    2)last names of ppl's
    3)RIKU'S BELOVED!!!it JUST hit me,but who is riku's beloved?i wanna know!!!!!!now!!

    greatest ideas:
    1)*elton john,"can you feel the love tonight "in a scene with sora and kairi!!*beauty!
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 12, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  10. kingdomheartsbabe101
    hmm...sounds easy to use...thanks C4E!!
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 12, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. kingdomheartsbabe101
    i cant wait 21 days now,danget!!!!its just too long!!!!!


    i want them to kiss,not only that,in a romantic kind of way.although i wouldnt be surprised if square just threw a kiss in at last minute.that would be maddening!
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 8, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. kingdomheartsbabe101
    namine swung into action,using her memory blade in offense mode,she battles her hardest,knowing soras dignity is at stake.....she fights even harder!!!like she siad,"anyone going to sora goes through me!"
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 8, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. kingdomheartsbabe101
    yay sora!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) :p lol soras the best!!!!yayayayayayaya!!!roxas is my hero.....and riku is awesome!!lol i like all three!!!!!yays!!whohoo!!i also cant wait,because today is 21 days until the (drumroll please!)new kingdom hearts games are out!!!!!yayayayayayayayayaya!!!!!i am obbsessive compulsive!!!!!moahahahahahaha...oh crud.....i just realised....this is...DECAF COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh(insert crazy person here)lol just kidding!!!i DONT,repeat DONT drink coffee!!
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 8, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  14. kingdomheartsbabe101
    thank goodness!!!at least ur not yaoi/yuri!!those people disgust me!!!there stupid!!anyone else agree?????and i like all of them taytay!!!!!!!haha!!but i'm only married to sora!!!!!that would be wrong if i was married to all of them!!lol!cause we are family!!!!!lol!my amv will be up soon!!!keep watching for it!!aint no other man-a sora and roxas tribute!!!!
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 3, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  15. kingdomheartsbabe101
    nah,not really....its not so slow as elton john.but i do like the idea of me and sora instead....but sora and kairi were destined to be!!!srry girl,but hes taken!
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 2, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  16. kingdomheartsbabe101
    like,OMGosh!!!!!i am married to him,sista!!!lets be friends....and then you can see him all the time!!!wouldnt that be nice???i think it would for you!!and then see my best friend kairi.....we are family!!!lol hehe!anyways........well,you know what would be the best?

    ~*the elton john classic from the lion king,"can you feel the love tonight"in a scene with sora and kairi on the beach at sunset...glorious.*~

    can you wait for the new kh games???????i cant!!!!!get my pitch?

    i want the scene listed above in the new game!!that would be like a dream come true!!not just to me,but thousands of fans!!everyone is a kh fan!!
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 2, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  17. kingdomheartsbabe101
    but then thats not fair for the people whos idea didnt change the game....oops again.
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. kingdomheartsbabe101
    yes,a WAAAAAYYYYYYY very distand deep down!!!!i hate yaois!they make me barf!!!OMG!!!!!!!!!!28 days fro now the game will be here in america!!and they will finally show what they've been hiding for years......cant wait for it!!!!!!EEEKKKK!!!!i cant wait for it!!!!!!!hopefully they wil confess......and in a romantic way!!!!not only that they do,do it romantic!!!!!lol i'm romance obsessed!!!!!i cant wait for it!!!!!!!it should be awesome!!!!!theres a ssoraxkairi fan in least who are fans of parents dont care....thank goodness.I CAN NOT WAIT FOR THEM TO AT LEAST KISS OR SAY THE THREE WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GIVE IT TO ME NOW!!!!!!!NOW,I TELL YOU KNOW!!!!!
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. kingdomheartsbabe101
    theres apparently something that i have to download with gimp,and i cant find it..can some one give me the proper order to do things in?i dont know how to operate!
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Feb 28, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  20. kingdomheartsbabe101
    hmm...i didnt think about copyright of the person who suggested it........blonde moment there.......but yes,they probably dont,or everyone would want there ideas in and be like,"i want mine in,too!"and then the game would totally be messed because there ideas would all be random and then they would have a hard time fitting it all in.
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Feb 28, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX