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  1. kingdomheartsbabe101
    hell no he's not gay!!!that wouldn't be right!!especially for an e10 rated game...although square has there moments........not in kh but others....
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, May 18, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. kingdomheartsbabe101
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, May 12, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. kingdomheartsbabe101
    lol no i was just calling him that because he follows me everywhere!!shesh!!its like i am a secret member of a terrorist group!!which,i'm not.
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Apr 19, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. kingdomheartsbabe101
    .....SQUEE!!!!!thats the kind of program i need for CUSTOM FANGIRL STUDIOS VIDEOS!!!what program do you have!!!!i want!!it would greatly help fangirl studios!
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Apr 16, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. kingdomheartsbabe101
    LOL LOL that is halarious!!!hahahahaha!!!i almost died when he said,got it tenderised??LOL LOL LOL LOL just thinking about the organisation literally LOVING food like they were in poverty!!!HA!!!!!XD wait till my brother hears this ne!!!llol
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Apr 7, 2007 in forum: Archives
  6. kingdomheartsbabe101
    i agree with you yuffiechan!!!!sora and kairi forever man!!
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Apr 7, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. kingdomheartsbabe101
    you are such a stalker ,the_burger_king!!!i should report you to deathspank!!
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Apr 5, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. kingdomheartsbabe101
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Apr 5, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. kingdomheartsbabe101
    meh.s'okay...both.i'd show you my pictures,but i don't have a scanner anymore.darn......anyways,keep trying.there a good start.
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Apr 3, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. kingdomheartsbabe101
    i have now,so i figured,hey,why not help the citizens of the kh-vids community get what they deserve???which is why i have opened photograph nation,inc.i can do.gif's,avvy's siggies,and userbars!

    rules: 1)NO SPAMMING!!i dont want this place closed from spamming,got me??
    2)i will only do one at a time.
    3)dont expect me to be on all the time.
    4)the userbar pictures have to be small.i absolutely tried to crop one,i am horrible at coordinate the size and picture size plz.

    heres the order:
    1)picture(s)[link plz]
    3)type of pic(userbar,avvy,siggy,.gif)
    3)any effects you'd like.(just not real confusing or professional,plz!)

    thats that,i will get busy as soon as the first order comes in!!!come on,plz help me practice!
    Thread by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 31, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  11. kingdomheartsbabe101
    i will come right out and say HECK YES!!!!!!!!
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. kingdomheartsbabe101
    well,no DUH!!!!!they're 15 for pete sakes!!well...then again,15 was a legal age to marry in ancient greece.......uh,that aint spaming right??okay good.anywaysi WANT THEM to kiss!!!it would certaintly make my day!and other fans.lets hear it!WOOT!!hey,who asks nomura the questions in his interviews???i should ask that person to ask nomura if we will see a developing relationship between these two......and soon!!!yay!!!i want them to so wouldnt believe.i talk about it all the time.its in my head day and night!!
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. kingdomheartsbabe101
    i dont think its a new generation at all.i think its a nomura's way of telling us what will happen in the next installment....because the f.s looks like kairi in kh 1.the style is definitely close to or exactly her hairstyle in kh.maybe in between kh and kh 2.*checks the pic on top of site*yep,definitely close.and then,the b.h.s looks like sora,definitely.the other dudue the e.s looks like the posessed riku.maybe he's trying to tell us that kairi,when soras on the brink of death,will catch him when he falls.she then will save him,as riku gets mad because his best friend is almost dead.
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. kingdomheartsbabe101
    ha!thats easy to're new here.
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  15. kingdomheartsbabe101
    i dont doubt it!!!!!they will!!or i will da** square forever!!i will make a sig with kairi crying saying "our love will never be known......"and then out of no where,*da** you square!!*gosh!lolwell,time to hit the hay!
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 27, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. kingdomheartsbabe101
    i want to see them kiss,obviously.i dont think the younger audience would give a crap about love anyways.its all stationary to them,anyways.they'll just look away and say"gross!"thats what all little people do when that happens.come on here!!!!lets see it!
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 27, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. kingdomheartsbabe101
    i sunno,but namine couldnt find kairi anywhere,so she decided to go home.
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. kingdomheartsbabe101
    i had this really weird dream last night!!!*only a dream.*

    so,it was after supper,just finished the dishes,it was my turn on the,i decide to check for updates on yours truly, see,tetsuya had left a preview for us!!so i decide to watch it.i wanna go to the very end,so i fast forward it.and there in this really big cave,there was a really big xemnas,he was throwing gusts of wind or something around,with riku and sora in it.and the funny thing was,sora had this really girlish scream(lol)and riku,he has this deep manly scream!!lol anyways,then xemnas shrinks down and throws these red rocks at sora that make him dissapear.that was the end of the preview,so i decide to go to the beggining,which is the best part!!!okay,so it starts out,axel is saying something to sora like,"dahling,dahling,something something something,got it memorized??"so then,i pause it for a washroom break.i come back and see that sora and his friends riku,kairi donald and goofy are running with him on this moonlit they then come to this town that is lit with silver and has silver stone.and standing there are axel xaldin and xigbar.axel says something to sora.sora,to taunt axel,says dahling,dahling,something something something with these really weird looking they looked like two twigs that here put into a v-shape!!!!lol like this \/ lol it was funny anyways then axles standing there like huh??just real out to lunch,sora BANGS him against a wall takes out this silver steel boomerang and STABS HIM IN THE SIDE OF THE NECK!!hes standing there groaning,sora figures its not enough,so he takes another,SLICES HIM IN THE STOMACH,axelgoes falling down.the dream ends with me laughing histerically!

    so,i thought it was weird ,violent and funny @ the same time.let me know what you think!!
    Thread by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 27, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. kingdomheartsbabe101
    AAAWWWWW!!!!!!!!i like this thread!dang you taytay!!grr.anyways.........this thursday ya'll!!!!!!!!KH2FM+!!!!!!!WoOT!!!yeah!!!WOO!!!!roxas rox ***!!lol lol lol lol lol lol!!i'm getting hyper....OVERLOAD!!!REBOOT!!REBOOT!!REBOOT!!(smack)thank you,i needed that.(smack again)thank you,i needed that.(smacks once again.)thank you,i needed that.(once again,SMACK!!)okay,okay i get the point!!!sheesh!
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 25, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  20. kingdomheartsbabe101
    i am literally DIEING to get kh2 fm+!!!!!i have a plan!!!
    1)work shoveling mail boxes for canada post:earn $500.00
    2)convert $400.00 to american money(probably around 450.00)
    3)on april 22nd,go to a game store,use money to get it!!!!
    GLORY HALLEUGIA will be the day!
    Post by: kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 23, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures