We could say that UW is for warrio and mage Sora. Warrior by strengh and Mage by the MP Hastega ability.
Thanks for the warm wlecome and the treats! *munch* YUMMY for my tummy!
I admire you to point out tht UW is better than Fenrir. Anyways, forgot to say, Indeed! Anyways, as I said before, they have their goods and bads. But I've seen many videos with Sora using UW.
I think Xehanort and DS are connected due to the phrases "Lost Two" implifying they were separated from eachother, or it could refer to MX and DS because they separated from their body.
Unless a plot hole opens like making some dark clones or revivng old keybladers happened (knowing Nomura, Mr. Plothole) the keyblade war will be restarted.
Sephiroth: His a cool guy in battles and in comboes. Auron: His a cool guy in comboes and in storylines.
Or maybe, "The lost two" as in Dark Soldier and Xehanort (Not MX). Maybe they HAVE a connection.
See people? Many persons talk alone and they AREN'T crazy? Talking to yourself is a way to organize your mind.
You have a point there. They both have their goods and bads.
I have a feeling people haven't noticed taht Fenrir it's a newer version of Metal Chocobo. Anyways, the UW designs look a little.. cool for me.
I also liked Axel and Roxas, but Demyx is a little too... COWARD!!1
Xemnas. Just because im addictive to say "Indeed".
Nomura stated that those keyblades seen in Sunset Horizon were used in the keyblade war. Anyways, when I said I have eneought proof I ment as in a possibility
CORRECTION!!1 FFVI is the best game ever!
Some KH1 scenes and KH CoM scenes.
Seing taht you named Seph Sephy im implyfying that you consider Seph a cutie. *coughhisnotcutecough*
Oh, another Fenrir supporter! Welcome to the thread! Fenrir is still unuseful for me.
As in what I said, meaning I have lots of reasons why it's about to restart.
Strange, relying in the fabrics of time and space I thought you were gonna vote for Seph
Unless we see a battle between Darkside and Twilight Thorn, we CAN'T jump into conclusions. Also, Xemnas battles the same as Xehanort's Heartless since he has a dragon attached to him.