ACCEPTED The bio is incomplete and is filled with nonsense, edit the bio. Post it like this, The day she was born she saw a male cat looking fellow, wich was her father and a women holding her, her mother until her current years of 13.
Short words to this theory: DS's Heartless is the Guardian and helps XH thinking his MX. DS's Nobody is THE DRAGON and helps Xemnas thinking his MX.
Fascinating. But Xehanort and Ansem only spent their time studying hearts, I can't seriously think Ansem The Wise knowing who to wield weapons, but who knows, we know about his Golden Years but not of his Young Years. Also, Xemnas wasted his spare time sleeping.
Thanks for commenting Repliku! Anyways, I thought that the connection referred anything but, you cleared my ind! Thanks!
Have they commented? An did you posted the facts why we think DS has a heartless and nobody?
Or wrong! Who knows, Nomura can backfore us at any time. Anyways, make a thread for the thoery that DS has a Heartless and Nobody and post facts that encourage it. I already maked the Reason why Roxas has a heart.
As in the meories of Sora. What? Your theory is like this? Sorry! Me and KHManiac were thinking A LOT of KH, like DS having a heartless and a Nobody. Read the theory, is the the BBS Section in General BBS.
*laughts at Archs* The longer the comboes, the more damage is taken and the later the finish, the more damage is taken.
I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MX is protected by the original DS. XH is protected by the Heartless of DS. Xemnas is protected by the Nobody of DS. But seriosuly, DS Nobody is a MAD ONE! Since XH/Xemnas have a connection to MX, that's the reason!!!!1
I second that my dear friend!
Reson why Roxas has a heart!!!!!!1 Since Roxas has memories about Sora and memories of his days in the org, those two sides merged and formed a heart! The light that merged those sides was the friendship between Axel and Roxas!
AXELRIFIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 WHY DIDN'T I THINKED OF THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 THAT'S A WELL FOUNDED THEORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 The Guardian and DS look alike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Also, this gives me an idea, another reason why Repliku looks like DS is that when XH controlled his body, XH unleashed an energy that Riku never knew of and his body changed into the one DS had and when XH separated from his body, DS was incarnaited in another form thinking that XH is actually MX!!!!!
Wait, this is KH1? I thought this was KHII! I wish you luck! Since the KH1 Seph is HARDER than the KHII Seph!
I HAVE A GREAT THEORY! Since Roxas has memories of Sora and memories of his days in the org, those two sides of him formed a single heart! Genius! Why didn't thinked of that!
You are original, thoughtful and terrific. Also, notice when I say terrific instead of Axelrific I mean it.
Or is DS just a copy of MX to make the fighting easier? Because when we see the FM+ secret ending we see that DS separates fro MX's body and when he separated he was a bizarre version of MX and then he returned to his normal self DS also has the same eye in MX's keyblade.
Also, I love how you maked him pop out of the pink hole!
Interesting, but if he was a puppet to Xehanort, how in the world could DS act to his own when MX is right with him, unless MX has some psyco powers, why not use them to wield two keyblades, one with the mind, the other with the hand.
Ok, good reason but there might be a plothole implifying that Xehanort inherits those skills from someone who can dual wield, that could sharpen a theory, but no one knows if the other five apprentices practiced with weapons in their spare time. Besides, it's easy to use lances since you powered them with wind, you use three the othe three are randomly used by the. The shooting with a sniper is just something anyone can do, just aim and shoot. Shield, wow, it's so big anyone can be hitted. Tomahawk, just swing to the ground, the ground shakes and the enemy is still damaged. A book, he reads the book and he telesports the enemy into another dimension and attacks.
Nomura has given you the chance to create a KH game! This is a spinoff taht has nothing to do with the storyline! Your target is give each org member a mini game! The problem is, the minigame has to fit with them! Xemnas: He gaves the lightsaber to Sora and relieve the Star Wars moment! Except for Xemnas not saying I am your father! Xigbar: Shooting game! Shadows give one point, Neoshadow one point and Sora 5 points! If you hit a Nobody, you lose 2 points and if you hit a man in a hood, you lose 4 points DX Xaldin: I've got nothing. Vexen: I got nothing. Lexeaus: I got nothing. Zexion: QUIZ TIME! It's asks about KH. Saix: Nothing. Axel: Nothing Demyx: You gotta press the corresponding buttons so taht he can craete a tune with his sitar!. Luxord: You choose between Solitare and Poker. Marluxia: Notthing. Larxene: Nothing Roxas: Nothing Create a mini game for each org member!