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  1. Axelrific
    Their friendship stays the same... Well, except for Sora and Kairi, they will reach a new level... That is, if Sora doesn't messes up. Anyways, they change their physical appereanceses but not their love for eacother.
    Post by: Axelrific, Jun 22, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. Axelrific
    Yes it does, and it' more cool to see a longer MP bar.
    Post by: Axelrific, Jun 22, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Axelrific
    Indeed. Or we could theorize when he was sleeping in the Room of Sleep, he began to remember part of his past but only how to wield and use a sword.
    Post by: Axelrific, Jun 22, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Axelrific
    All I can say is that MX was a training rival of Terra's, Aqua's and Ven's master. DS could be just some shield MX separated from his body to help him fight like The Guardian with XH.
    Post by: Axelrific, Jun 22, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. Axelrific
    Fenrir reminds me of Metal Chocobo in some way. But, you rather have less magic for Curaga? OK! Anyways, as I said before, they have their goods and bads.
    Post by: Axelrific, Jun 22, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Axelrific
    It was a great world to explore and you could find many items and stuff. I also think that world was replaced by the Glide ability aplicated in Sora's clothes, as in a drive form.
    Post by: Axelrific, Jun 22, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. Axelrific
    I'd have to admit, the only way to balance things is by equipping Ultima and Fenrir in Final Form. You could have an AXELRIFIC finish, since both weapons are da burning bomb.
    Post by: Axelrific, Jun 22, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Axelrific
    I can support you there Repliku. FFVI is a great game. The stat growth is based on the espers you equipped, but let me stop there, I don't want to spoil the whole game! Anyways, back one topic, Kairi's character isn't bad, she's just a damzel in distress that's learning who to defend herself, if we compare her to Zelda, im sure things would end up like Kairi even getting kidnapped even with her keyblade.
    Post by: Axelrific, Jun 22, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Axelrific
    It was probably to have an entire side-quest world dedicated to the Oriachulm +, since you need 7 for UW. Or maybe since the game couldn't have more things added, they decided to slow Atlantica as a side-quest for people to get better views of other worlds.
    Post by: Axelrific, Jun 22, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. Axelrific
    They both have their goods and bads Repliku. UW has MP Hastega, but you can already get that but, the more MP Hastega, the merrier! ^.^ Fenrir in the other hand decreases magic and combo for strengh and that ain't cool baby! Aso, I've seen YouTube videos of KH, and the most key used is Ultima Weapon. Either people are too lazy to battle Seph or like UW better.
    Post by: Axelrific, Jun 22, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. Axelrific
    Yes, yes there is, the only problem is that there's four or three more. This is like the other threads that either got deleted or locked.
    Post by: Axelrific, Jun 22, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  12. Axelrific
    Avatar: 5/10, could use some work
    Sign: 10/10 GRRRRRRRREAT!!!!!!
    Post by: Axelrific, Jun 21, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Axelrific
    CORRECTION! The Guardian only did the work.
    Also, does magic involve swordsmanship?
    Post by: Axelrific, Jun 21, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Axelrific
    I know! I just wanted for you to actually get to the point, since that long post was broing.
    Post by: Axelrific, Jun 21, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Axelrific
    JACK SPARROW RULEZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111
    He IS funnier!
    Post by: Axelrific, Jun 21, 2008 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  16. Axelrific
    One day decided to wondered how Valor Form would look on Halloween Town, guess what! Sora's pumpking turns into a Bomb fro the FF series! It was funny to see.
    Post by: Axelrific, Jun 21, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. Axelrific
    I LIEK THE BLACK YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111
    GIVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111
    Post by: Axelrific, Jun 21, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Axelrific
    Org. XIII isn't onna be in the RPG.
    Post by: Axelrific, Jun 21, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Axelrific
    Yes, it's that scene but a newer version.
    Also, that is Riku in his Xehanort's Heartless form, since his voice is deep.
    Post by: Axelrific, Jun 21, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. Axelrific
    The three I use in SSBB:

    Fox because of his speed and power.
    Wolf of his power.
    Falco of his speed.
    Post by: Axelrific, Jun 21, 2008 in forum: Gaming