Right, like I said, it's just random.
To me, there just anagrams. There are no set rules to creating anagrams. It's all random. It's just jumbled together to get something that's a name.
@Zelda Thank you so much! Took me a while to get the comic, but that was pretty funny! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas @Iskander Spoiler View attachment 41011 View attachment 41012 View attachment 41013
Gots a good number of stuff! Son of Batman 12 Years a Slave Adult Children of Divorce Beautiful Creatures (don't know why...) Bat Santa Justice League War $10 to Starbucks $30 to Hot Topic $25 to Barnes and Noble $20 to Taco Bell $25 to Walmart $25 to iTunes And an IPAD! I am so damn happy!!
Santa got me Kingdom Hearts 2.mother-fuckin-5!! Also got to open a present early, which was a copy of Hot Fuzz. Will post more results in about...ten hours...
Just a little something I wanted to try out. I’ve been wanting to try out doing audio reviews on anime, since it seems like fans of anime are more likely to go on YouTube for reviews than reading them. It also allows me to give it more of a personal touch, and making it clear that this is my own review when it comes from my voice. It’s something I’ve wanted to experiment with, and it would definitely be good to have some feedback. Anime Audio Reviews - Sword Art Online II Spoiler Again, I would love any kind of feedback, criticism, comments, etc.
That...was actually a good conclusion. Much better than how they ended the last season at least. Although, I really could have done without the last 30 seconds before the credits. Like, really? Do we really need to end on a note like that? It kinda took me out of everything and go, "oh, right, this is SAO". Still, good episode. Good arc. Mediocre season.
Well, to be fair, all the voices had to sound younger in the first few episodes, but I get what you're saying. And Eren's voice actor get's much better as the show goes on. Ahh! I really wish I could meet her. She is really talented.
I like the soundtrack more than the actual movie
I take it you're hooked on a feeling?
Wow. You definitely thought a lot about this more than I did. For me, it just felt like they were making it all up as they were going along. They may have had an idea of an outline for the series, but I don't think there was much detail put in that outline. That's why a lot of the reveals didn't feel very strong, and I just couldn't get attached to anything that much. But, I think you actually have a lot of good points, and definitely found some stuff I wouldn't have thought of. The most I went into it was that it was a parody of the typical shonen anime out there (stuff like Yu-Gi-Oh, Dragon Ball, etc). I remember I was at an anime convention recently and there was a panel on "Feminism in Anime", and I decided to bring up Kill La Kill. Everyone kinda started to laugh, not because it was dumb, but because they knew how bizarre the show was. We didn't end up talking about it because everyone felt "It's all over the place when it comes to feminism that I don't think the show even knows what its stance is".
- I don’t care too much for Kill La Kill to be honest. I think it’s okay, but I didn’t find anything deep in anything it was saying while I was watching it, and I even dropped watching it a couple of times. Although, I really do like Mako. - Yes, Attack on Titan! And it sort of counts since the dub premiered this year, which is one of the best dubs I’ve heard in a while. Shout out to Trina Nishimura - I’ve actually heard people say that 2014 has been a really good year for anime, and I can agree with that a lot. Golden Time, One Week Friends, Adlnoah.Zero, Log Horizon, and Parasyte: The Maxim are some really good shows off the top of my head. Although, I have to say my Anime of the Year has to be HaNaYaMaTa. A premise I wasn’t crazy for, but it had great writing and a really good ending. - For The Giver, I will say it was a good adaptation of the meaning of the book to film. It didn’t stick to the source material too much, but I thought it was really, really great and probably the best film version of the film that we’ll get. - The Immitation Game just released recently I think. It’s on the short list for all the awards. - Movies not mentioned I lost it over: Edge of Tomorrow (Live. Die. Repeat.), Nightcrawler, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and Interstellar - Man, I really hated the Penguins of Madagascar. I wanted to like it, I really did try to like it, but it was just annoying from beginning to end. -My favorite scene is towards the end of Dream Drop Distance where Sora is getting ready to battle Xemnas, then you see all these characters standing behind him and he goes “my friends are my power” or something like that.
I actually understand that sort of mentality. For one thing, I really got shit on by fans of the novels last week because I didn’t care the episode. They were upset because I didn’t feel obligated to read the book. I’m like that with some books myself, but I learned that they are two different canons and they can go on to do their own thing. And because one strays away from the source material, that doesn’t make it bad, it just makes it different. What makes something bad shouldn’t be how well it’s adapted, but how well it’s presented in that particular format. Who knows; maybe if I decided to read the book, there’s a possibility that I might buy into all this “sadness porn” during these last few episodes. But even if that doesn’t happen, it won’t change my feelings towards the episode that much because of that added knowledge. I still take the show for what it is.
Finished mine last week. Now I'm just wasting my life with my anime.
Y'know...for all the crap that I give this series...this last episode was actually kinda good. Sure, some things were stretched, but I actually feel that this is one of the season's best episodes. I'm now at least a tiny bit interested on what happens next...
I feel it’s better I just cut to the chase: I got a D in one of my classes. I’ve been struggling with school for well over a year now, and I feel it’s pretty much caught up with me. My parents have been really riding me, pointing out that the only thing I do is school, so I shouldn’t be having a hard time. To be honest, I hate my major. I changed to accounting for one reason: it’s a much easier way to work for a place that has health insurance. I’ve found other silver linings in going for this, but I just don’t feel any sense of motivation to keep going with it. I know that it sounds completely selfish and illogical, seeing that I need a really good and stable job if I want to stay alive. And then I was told by my parents that if I didn’t pass this semester, my health insurance would just be gone. I’m their dependent, and since I’m disabled, my insurance shouldn’t be taken away until I’m a little bit older (I think), college or not. And I don’t know how my grades effect the idea that I should not get health insurance at all. I’m mostly sure my parents were just bluffing about me losing my insurance, but it scares me that they would use that to try to “motivate” me. I can either get good grades, or not afford the medications that I absolutely NEED to stay alive. I’m just really afraid of their reaction to telling the news as well. I know that there will be screaming, and I won’t be allowed to say anything. Anything that I want to say will just be an excuse to them, nothing more. They don't believe that I have any kind of depression because, according to them, I have no reason to be depressed (and they don't believe in it being biological). I can’t just hide the news, and I also can’t just run away, even though I’ve been tempted to. I really don’t know what to do. Everyone says to not sweat the small stuff; everyone fails a class every now and again. My situation is different though, and I’m scared of what the outcome might be. If you have any advice, or know any way of helping me, that would be really great.a
I had an uncle that passed away. I didn't really know him very well, but it still kinda stung. I saw my first (travelling) Broadway play, which was really fun. Watched more anime this year than I had any other year. Published a novella, which also is the one piece of work I'm super proud of (thus far). I wrote a feature-length film script I made it to two-years post transplant without any signs of rejection (fingers crossed). Did a panel at an anime convention twiced. Got the notebook I used to craft my Madoka Magica panel signed by the English voice actress of Madooka. Saw a lot of really great movies!
-Man, I wish I still lived in LA! I get to visit in January, but all the stuff I want to see/do won't be there! ;_; -I feel a bit bad for not getting 2.5. I actually played through the games of 1.5, but I couldn't get the money to get the new game. And I highly doubt it'll be a Christmas present as well... -I would be the person who would play on the special edition PS4, simply because it was made to be played. Yes, it's a nice collector's piece to show off, but it was made to be enjoyed. It would feel like a waste of that money. -My own personal hero is C. Robert Cargill. He started out as a movie critic, and I got to really enjoy what he said on the Spill podcasts. He is also an author and a screenwriter as well. His first official film release was Sinister, which is a really great horror film, and he has a number of projects in the works. -2 cheats to talk about Kill La Kill : either have an anime episode (since Kingdom Hearts is influenced by anime because Japan and reasons) or have a year in review episodes, and talk about significant things of the last year (Kill La Kill ended earlier this year)