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  1. Scarred Nobody
  2. Scarred Nobody
    Just recently saw The Wind Rises which has some amazing visuals

    Anything directed by Teturou Araki.
    You Lie in April
    Silver Spoon
    Sword Art Online has **** short but beautiful animation, especially with season 2

    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Feb 10, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Scarred Nobody
    I think that there still is a lot to explore with Maleficent as a character, but I don't think it would be possible to incorporate the live-action film portrayal into the Kingdom Hearts Universe. Now, full disclosure: I don't like the film. I think it's very pretty, Jolie does well with the material that she is given, but the story it is telling is very bland and, honestly, not that good.

    All that being said, I don't think that the film version of Maleficent would work with the one that is in the Kingdom Hearts Universe. Maleficent in the games is a very unforgiving character at times. She claims herself to be the "Mistress of all Evil". She is not all that sympathetic, especially when it comes with her brief appearance in Birth By Sleep.

    The film portrays Maleficent as someone who isn't evil but "scorned by love". She does bad things, but puts things right at the end. It's trying to do Wicked, but in a very bland way.

    Below is my biggest reason why it doesn't work, but it goes into spoiling the movie.
    Now, it can be argued that Sleeping Beauty is one person’s side of the story while Maleficent is her side of it. In Maleficent, she bonds with Auroa over the years and learns to love her. She wants to reverse the curse, meaning that she feels remorse for the actions she has done. Now, we see in Terra’s point-of-view in Birth By Sleep that Maleficent wants Auroa’s heart and forces Terra to take it. We see it all play out right there; she does not care for Aurora’s safety one bit and just wants to use her heart. Terra knows nothing about the goings on in this world, so he is a completely objective point of view in all of this; meaning, no his-side/her-side.
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Feb 10, 2015 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. Scarred Nobody
    From a lot of podcasts I follow, I hear that Spider-man plays some importance in the Civil War storyline. I think Marvel either had already started planning this deal a while back or knew that it was a matter of time.

    I'm kinda disappointed that Andrew Garfield (most likely) isn't going to play him again. I actually enjoyed "The Amazing Spider-Man" series of films and wish that I could see the results of the long game that they were obviously setting up for.
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Feb 10, 2015 in forum: Movies & Media
  5. Scarred Nobody


    by Scarred Nobody

    Jesus crucified Me: on the cross
    But it sure is pretty at points.
    But know how to pander like a boss.

    It is. Seriously, screw Atlantica!
    Looks like a flamboyant Wolverine.
    Decide to watch Madoka Magica? ;_;

    Cox, and off to see Mistuh White.

    Of nominations in the is disturbing
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Feb 5, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Scarred Nobody
    I don't go to the club much anymore, and I didn't seem myself as much as a stand-out member, mostly because I'm not a big fan of a lot of the anime they like. But me and this guy who is a leader of the club, whose nickname is Token, sometimes see each other in the cafeteria area (my campus has an all-you-can-eat style place) and we have lunch together. We usually just shoot the ****, talk about anything that comes to our mind.

    I can't remember how we got on the subject, but we brought up my heart condition. Then, out of nowhere, he said "I would be sad if you died".

    I was kinda taken back. I didn't really see myself that good of a friend, we hardly hang out outside of having lunch, so saying something like that sort of caught me by surprise. When I asked why, he told me "I'd miss all the existential conversation". Again, it's odd, because I didn't think our conversations got too deep. Sure, we talked about storytelling, anime, and some other stuff, but it never hit me that our conversations mattered so much.

    I dunno. I feel a bit like an ass. I always just saw us as "acquaintances". I didn't think we were "friends" because I never made too much of an effort to be a friend, and that's how I am with a lot of people. But it was nice to know that someone took our small interactions as a sign of friendship.
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Feb 3, 2015, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Scarred Nobody
    Thanks again guys for having me on. It was a really fun discussion.

    And I find that whenever I'm on here I'm pimping out other people's projects.
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Feb 3, 2015 in forum: Community News & Projects
  8. Scarred Nobody
    Have you fought Braig?!

    The feeling you get from finally betting his smug ass is equivalent to sex! Well, on critical mode at least.
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Jan 28, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Scarred Nobody

    Mama Mia

    So, it could be said that you mother....was the dancing queen?
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Jan 26, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Scarred Nobody

    Mama Mia

    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Jan 26, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Scarred Nobody
    I didn't expect to love this series as much as I do.
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Jan 22, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Scarred Nobody
    I wouldn't say I'm desensitized, it's just that I don't notice race casting too much. Granted, it would be nice to see Hollywood show more representation of different races, but it doesn't affect me when I watch a movie. And I did make a list of top movies this year, but it's less Award winning stuff and more stuff that I loved from this past year. If I had to pick for stuff though, Jake Gyllanhal would've been my best actor for "Nightcrawler", Amy Adams for best actress for Big Eyes, Carrie Coon for best supporting actress for Gone Girl, and (believe it or not) Tyler Perry for best supporting actor for Gone Girl.

    Very rarely does animation make it into the best picture category. The only time I'm aware of it is with Beauty and the Beast, which was the first animated film to be nominated for best picture. The most recent time I think an animated film was nominated for best picture was Up. It kinda sucks that animation isn't taken so seriously, especially with some of the films that actually won the Oscar that have mature storytelling.

    And since you brought it up, in a way, I don't understand why economists are so interested in this year's awards. All I've been hearing is that "there are no blockbusters in this year's best picture category" (except for American Sniper, which hadn't be widely released at that point). I thought it was a given that films can be good, regardless of their box office draw.

    Yeah, that's been going on for a while. I mean, I saw Brave a while back, and I legitimately thought that wasn't a good movie and was surprised that won the Oscar. And I know that it was a film with very mixed reviews among critics at the time, so that may have been because of the Disney/Pixar name. Same can be said with the Cars 2 nomination.

    Yeah; I think the only people talking about her at that time were hard core film people, which I really wasn't one back at that time. Plus, Winter's Bone was a film that didn't get that big of a theatrical release, so it was a film that most people hadn't seen.[/quote][/quote]
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Jan 22, 2015 in forum: Community News & Projects
  13. Scarred Nobody
    - Preface: all of this is coming from the point of view of a person who loves film and happens to be considered Mexican, straight and disabled.

    - I more watch The Oscars because of the specticle and all the technical awards. And even though Niel Patrick Harris is hosting this year, I still find myself debating of whether I'm going to watch it. The only year I can say I was interested was in 2012, where I had seen most of the big Oscar movies. I was rooting for Les Mis to win, but Argo won, which was actually a really good choice considering the snub for Best Director.

    - I was someone who needed the whole "White Oscars" thing pointed out for me. I looked at the nominees, got upset that The Lego Movie wasn't nomminated for Best Animated Film, and that was it. I hadn't seen every movie that could've potentially been on the list, but from what's there, it's a very tight race. A black critic I admire, Korey Coleman, even commented on the subject saying "I've seen all the nominations, and it's all really close. It's a fair list".

    - A lot of the people who run Hollywood don't see animation as a medium that is worth-while, which is a really harsh reality. They don't see all that are nominated, and sometimes vote on something they haven't even seen. Take last year for example: Frozen won the Best Picture, which was something I was excited for (Frozen was my best film of 2013), but when I looked at the ballots, I knew it didn't earn the win. So many people didn't see the other films in the category, or just voted for Frozen because of the prestigue. And don't get me started on their views on motion capture as a performance.

    - From everything I've heard, Big Hero 6 is good, but does not deserve the nomination. And I really, really love the adaptation of Into the Woods, but it does not deserve any nominations outisde of technical stuff. In my opinion, Streep was a great witch, but the only reason she's nominated is because she was in a movie this year. Hell, the Golden Globes surprised me at how many nominations it got! I think the only reason it got so much was because of the director, whose previous work in musicals was Chicago (which is one of the best musical films ever created).

    - With "The Interview" and comedy, I follow the South Park mentality and believe that "there are no sacred cows". When I first saw the trailer for it, I thought, "oh, it's just a dumb stoner movie", and after seeing it, I was right. It's not really all that good (the only thing that had me laughing out loud was the beginning with Eminem), but it's not the worst thing that came out last year. And, they actually do bring up issues about North Korea in a (semi) serious manor. They did a lot of research and used this dumb comedy to bring that to light.

    - Rogan was actually asked by Colbert about doing a fictionalized dictator and he said something along the lines of "yeah, we were going to fictionalize the leader, but then we thought, he's feelings are we trying to protect here? Kim Jong-Un's?"

    - I don't think Lawrence was actually that big prior to The Hunger Games. I think she was up for an Oscar a few months before The Hunger Games release, but she really wasn't on anyone's radar until that came out.

    -I grew up with no real representation of disabled characters being someone with a terminal heart disease for the majority of my life. Does that suck, yes, but I wasn't too aware of it when I was a kid. I didn't watch stuff because of how healthy characters were, I watched it because it was entertaining. And this year, I've noticed a lot of stories about characters with disabilities (Fault in Our Stars, Red Band Society), all to which I have various opinions on. The one thing I do stand for is appropriate repsesentation of disabled people in the media. I'm not calling that every television show needs a disabled character; what I want is good characters who happened to be disabled, not characters whose only feature is that they are disabled (The Fault In Our Stars being this latter example). In all honesty, I think the best disabled character I've seen in the media is Elsa from Frozen.

    - The Jared Leto thing was that he played a trans-female, to which they did choose a straight male to play the role. Honestly, I think Leto was the best person for the job. If you actually watch the performance, he becomes that character, and I feel no one could have done it better. I mean, Eddie Redmayne is up up for an Oscar for his role as Stephen Hawking, but he doesn't really have ALS. Should I be getting upset about that, being a disabled person?

    - With the Roman Palanski thing, I will say that I will defend the art, but not the creator. For example, Orsan Scott Card has a very terrible, negative view on homosexuality that I do not agree with. That being said, Ender's Game was one of my favorite films of 2013. I loved that movie so much, I decided to pick up the book, and it contains none of those negative views. Now, if the story did have any focus on those terrible views, it would be a completely different story.

    - I'm of the mindset that you cannot have an opinion on a movie until you've actually seen it; of course, this coming from the mindset of someone who is passionately in love with movies. There have been a number of times where I go into a movie, think it'll be crap, and come out loving it (21 Jump Street). Now, there are exceptions to this rule (while I hear Birth of a Nation was innovative for its time in the way movies were made, I will never watch that film), but I honestly don't think "The Interview" gains that exception.

    - You're really making it sound like I'm a bad person for liking Frozen.

    - I think one of the draws to Donald Duck for me is because I would watch the Three Caballeros a lot when I was a kid. It can be said that I probably watched it a lot because of how it reminded me of my own culture, but part of me doubts that a bit. Again, it was something with lots of bright colors, was constantly moving, and had the stamp of Disney on it. Even though it was older than me, all those things would have any kid's attention, regardless of nationality.
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Jan 21, 2015 in forum: Community News & Projects
  14. Scarred Nobody
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Jan 20, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Scarred Nobody
    Honestly, I hope all the politicians kill each other.
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Jan 20, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Scarred Nobody


    I see someone frequents Mrs. Mooney's pie shop.
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Jan 19, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Scarred Nobody


    What did you think of Attack on Titan?
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Jan 19, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Scarred Nobody
  19. Scarred Nobody
    Isn't the Frbruary one Jason's birthday? I heard that mentioned somewhere...
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Jan 13, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Scarred Nobody
    Yell as loud as you can.

    Right now.
    Post by: Scarred Nobody, Jan 13, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone